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Estáte ot William H. Hebbard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY YO ol Wnslitenow, s.-. ai;imsui,i tbePmbute I I ourl ihoO.iwny .l Washlen.iw. ut the OÍJitp iu rho city u' -l:n I T" T un Wedniay, ihe nlnth day ol March, in the jfear one thuumud eight hundri u-two. Present, J. WillurJ Itnhbut, Judgs i.l l'io bate. In th matter of the estáte of WiUlam II. . Hebbard . deceascd . Etmly C, Bcbbnr.1 and Lyman E. Hebbard, exccutorsof l.iat will ind tuatamcut ot' sa d dcceased.come iuto court aod repiesent Miai they ate nowpnuiHred to reuder Ihcirfinat Hccount as aach executonj. 'i'liereupou it is ordered,tlmt Tnesday, thc fifth day of April, iiext, nt ton o'ciock ir thc ussigued lor examiuiTig aud allowiní such account, nd that tbc devise -s, Itaateeg, and heirs at law oí said dweaaed. and all other persous intrt'Bted in emd estale are required to appear at a scsston of aij court, tben to be holden at tbe Probate Olüce, in thecityof Aun Arbor.lnsaid con nty and show c.iuse if any ihcre be, why tbe aaid account sliould not be all iwcd. And it is fnrlher ordeied tlut sala BXMutors give notice to tbe perBons mterestod in said estille, m tbe pendeney ol said account and the liemingthfreot, by cuusíhj; a copyofthis order to bo published iu tbe Ann Akbor Aiíiíus, anewspaper printed aiKlcinui.itiní in saul oounty linee successive wecks pruvlou toüuid day o I' hearing. J. WILLAÜD P-ABB1ÏT, (Atrce copy; Judgeof Prui.u-.e. W m. (i Doty. ProliiiteHi'üisi.'r Estáte ot John Andress. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY K-5 ot At a senion of the Frótate Cotirt íor the cqimty o f W H8l.iBw, bolden at u.e Probate othce, in the c-iiv ot A trn Albor. -n lu-iday, the fourth dav of March in the vear onethousund eteht hundred and ninetv-two " Present. J. Willnid Bnbbitt, Judüe'nr Prcbate ín the matter of the estáte of John Audn-st. deeeased. On reading and filing the peütion, dulv verified, of KnthHTine AnuresB, pravinK that adruinistration of satd estáte may be giaEted to William Andress, or soine oiher imitable person. Thereupon it is ordered,' that Tu.'slay, tl Bfth day of April ixt at 10 'cloek in lbo forenooii, oeansisned for the hearing ofsaid petition, and tint the heirs at law ol said öeceased, and dll other peraont intere.ta-i in snid estáte are rtqmred toippHarataaessionof said court, then to be holden m the l'robate Office in the city of Anti Arbur. una show canse, if any there be. why the prayerol he petitionr should notbegranted And lt is ftirther ordered that said petitioner givo notiw tu the persons interested in sald eslate ot the vepdenej of stid petition and thi tteartno tbenof. by ewiiring a copy of Ihia order ti be pnblilu-d m Arbok A e;v8, a newepaper pni.tej and cuculaied in naid county, thiee sucoeMjve eike preious to aio' day of hcarinp. , . J -WI LT.AIl Ü B A BBIIT, (A . troeoopy) JiMeoi I'robat Wilmak ij.n.vrv. Probate Rinrwn, Commissioners' Notice. OTATJi OK MICHIGAN, ÜOUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigned h:ivintr been appointed bvthe Probate Court for said County, Com. missioners to receive, examine and iidjust ui 1 clivimi ''"". demanda of all persons against the estáte ol Kig&b w. Morman, late of said Conntv. deceased, tiereby Live notice thal six months from date uu allowed, by order of said Probate Court. for crliiors to present their claims apunst the estáte of said leceased. and that thev wrill meet at the office oí 'Hhu B. Pond. in th city of nn Arüor, in mid County, on theeighlh day of June and on the eigllth day of Seplemher nixt, at ten o'clock a. m. of cachot suid days, to receive exil mine and adjnst said claims. Dated, March S, )82. EUIIfJ Ji. POND, WILLIAM CAMPIiKlJ,. tïotninissioners. Notice to Credftors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COüNTY of WashteiiHW ss. Notice ie hereby jjicd, tliat by an order oP the Probate Courr for the (oud tv f Wafthtenaw made ■ n the 12th day of Febniary, A. D. 1892, six uioolhs trom that date were alioweil ftir crediioia to present their claims atrainat tbf esmte of Jtbu )i. CUncy, iateof snif] countv, (k-cea-t'd, anrt thatnllcrenitora of sail deceiised rt-quin á to present their ctaisu to saitl Prob.tte í' he Prol.ate OtÖce in ilie city ot Ann Arbor, for examioation and allowHnop, on or bef ore the 12t )i rlay o f .ugnst Dext, and thai auch laimp wil) bo heard bofore ö;itfi court, on the 12th day ol Muy and on the 2th day of August leu oVlock iu tne fort-nuon of each ui eairi day. Dnteri. Ann Arbor, Pefcruary 12, A. D. Ril-1. . WI.LLAKD ÜABBITT, juí'.teof Probate. Commissioners Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OK iVVaabtenaw Tiie undersffined hnviu# been appoiuted by the Prob.tte Court lor ná (Vunty, Coinmisaionera to nceive, examine and aJji'st all claimp and dcmnnds ot aN persons Dfruinst the estáte of Ernet G. Htimer, lato ol sid Oounty, de ceased, horcby jiive nnticc tbat lx montbs from daie :ue ailowe'I, by order of Siid Probóte Court, for Ct editora to preseot tbfir clum.i agaiust the estáte of sid decoased, aöd that they wilt meet at the late residt'iice of iM deotased In the villag oí Mancliestet in sntd couniy, od the I6th day 0Í May and on the ltth da oí August neit, at ten o'clock .. M. of etuh oí said dajs, to receive, exuraine and adjust said clnitn. Datod Fcbruaiy 16th, 1-1W. JOHN G FEI.DKAMP. .ATHANiEL K'HMID, Cnm'inssioreis.


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