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Estáte of Christian Walker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol At a session of the Probate Covirt for Coontyof Waabtenaw, bolden at thi Probate Office in the city of Anii Arbcr, or triday, the oleventh dny ol Marcli. in the yearone thousand eight hundred ;ind niuetv-wo. Present, J. Willard Babbltt, Judre of Probate In the matter of the estáte ot Christian Walker, deceused. Chriatlan Stein and William RaiiHchenberKcr, theadministratorsof said eslte,come into court and reprewint, that they are now prepared to renner their fitial account as sueh lulmininirators. Thereupon it is ordercd that Tuesday, the 12th day ol jvpnl next, at ten o'clocR in the forenoon, be autigned for examinlng and allowioi; snob account, and that the heirs at law ol'sald dec a i , and all other persons interetted in said eslate, are required to sppear at 8eion of said cor.rl, then t0 be holdennt ihe Probate office, in tlm ci'.yof Ann Arbor, in said (ounty, and show oause, ïf any there be, wby the suid account should Dot be nllowed: And it is furthei ordeied. tbat said AclinioistratorK give notice lo tbc pennna loteretted iu said estáte of the i.endency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by oausinga oopy of thia order to be pnbllshed in tb Ann A: iiíiit Aunes, a newspaper printed andclrculiliiii.' in k lid county, three successive treek prevtoug lo eatd üuv of hearing. J WILLAKD BABBITT, ludre of Prohate. 1 rrue ropy.l WiujamG. iiiiü. Probate Résister. Estáte of Benjamin Pryer. ;:TATE OF MICHIGAN, UOUNTY ' of Waahtenaw , es A t a kuíod ol" the Probate ' "oiirt forrhe (Jouuly of Washteuiiw, holden at the I'rolmit! Office in the city of Aiu Arbor, on Tliufs !:iy, the tentb day of Mnrch, in the year One tbouHiind eitiht hundred and ninety-two l'ri'M'ii., J. Wilhird Bsbbltt, Jude of Probate In the matir of tho estáte of Benjamin Pryer, deceased. On roa.liu.' niel filinií the petition, duly vi-rifled, of Charles A. l'ryer. praying that he may be 11cenB d lo Heil tlie ieal estáte whereofsaid deceased died selxcd. Tbereupnn it is oidered, that Tuesday, the 6fth day of April uext, at leu o'olock in tht lorenoon, be awigned lor the hearing of said petltion and thnt the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested In snid s tat e are required to -ipprar at a seBsion of saic coutt.then to he holden al the Probate Office il the city of Aun Arbor, and show cans it any there be, why the prayer of the petitione' should not be grantcd: And it is further oi deredthat said petitionerglve notice lo the persnn interesled in satd eslate of the pendency of said peiitioo and the hearing thereof f y causingacopy r tliia order to be puhlished in the Ann Akbob AKfifi. a newspaper pntitei and circulating1 in said eounty.threy successive weeki previoua lo said áiL, ot lit'iiri ii'_'. .Í. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A rrue-copy.l Judge of Probate. WM. c; IIoty, Probiite Ueaister. Notice to Creditors. „TAT E Of MICHIGAN, COIJXTÏ OF WaclHenaw, ps. Notice is ln-reby liven, that by ■ an ordT ol the Probate Court for the County of i Waohtensw, made the Brjt day of Mñroh, A. I). IS'2. six morillis froiu date were ftllowcd forercditors to presenl their claims againsi the estáte of Charlea Siollítelmer. Inte of said county, deoeased. mdtli.ii all creditors of said deceaAel are required to preaent tbeir chimis I toxaid Probate Oourt, at ihe Probate Ofüoeln the I cityot Ann Arbor, for exxrainntion and ilInwance, on oí befare the flit day of September nest, and Ibiit such claimt will be haid belore said Oourl on therlrst day of June and on the flr-t day of S-pteiuber nexi, at ten o'clock in the forenoonof eaoh ot said rfmya, Dated, Ann Arbor, Mach 1. .. 1). 192 J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Jndee ol Proi.ate Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF k Waahtenaw, ss. In tlio matter of the estute of Thomas OuiUnane, deoeased. Notice is hereby ivcn, tliat in pursuanoe of an order granted to thf indersi(fned admitíistrator de bonis non, wjth thewtll antH-Mf). of tho estáte of said rteceiised by the Umi. .Indfre of Probate foi the(!ounty ot' VVashtenaw. on the ninth day of Ketn nary A. D 1692, there uil' he aold at public vendue to the blifhoBt bidder, at the lat' residenee of said deueasti i in the tiwuBhlpof Seio. in thtïCountv of Washtenaw. in 8ald state, ou Tuetday. the twetity-alnth tUiy of Mnruh, A D. 1893, at ten o'clo.k in the forenoon of that rlay (subject to ml enoumbrauaoa by mortgaire or othcrwise eilstlliK at the time of death of naid fieceased the foUowing d.gcribed al estáte, to-wii: The west half oi the northwest fractfonal quartorof seotidQ thirty-one, in township two sou h, range ílve east, tn Wasbterjaw county, Michirnu. Alsoüil acres off the north end of tho east huif of the southeast quarter of section thirtysix in town two south, rauge fpnr, east, in Michigan. Alto ten aoresof land off the east half of the northwe-t quarter of eeetion 31, beifinning at the Southwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of section 31, town 2 south, rangreSeast; thence east forty rods; thence i north t'orty rods; thence weet forty rods;1 thence 6outh forty rods; to tho place of beginning. G EO KG E C. PAGE. Administratorde bonis non with Dated Fob. 9, 1892. the will annexed


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News