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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. IOB KENT.- Excellent, fruit farm, 30 aeree, " mostly oovered with peacb, lum, pear, quince trees and berries. 50U bushels neaehes ■jiKcd lust year. l'rospect excellent for 3Li. Gooil bouse, ham and three city lots ndjoin mg is al-o for rent. Ternis liberal. Enquitw 'f.I O. A Sessions, Office, No. 5 North Mnin Streit. H-13 FOK SALE- A pieket íenec, alBo a bonrd fi-nce, nearly new. Prioe reasonable. Please wrire or cali. J. L Babcock, 12 North División St, City. 11-13 ' ANTED.- To ront, or buy, a cottage home, three or four rooms, uve minutes w;ilk f rom Main St. Please write, or cali. J.L.Babeock. Vi N. División St., City. . (jAKM FOK SALE. -121 acres. l!-imil38fi om Emery. All in good cnndition, well watered. 14 ore orchurd. Address, Calvin Mitcholl, Bmery, Mich. 10-15 FOK SALE. -The Field Force Pumps for spraying; alsogrape vines and otlier Qórseryslock. W. K. lürd. West . Hnrnn St. 10-12 ÍJROPERTT bought and sold on conimission Parties haring; property to sell or r;nt Hacli, 16 Huron Street. 1U-18 FOR SALE.-Two fiarney Wilkos stallions Inqnlreof C L. ïuouiey, Wujiitontiw ave Ann Arbor, Mich. 10-1:2 rwO KENT.- Six Koom House, Ham, three ■ stalis, carriaije noorand hiiy loft. Inquiríof L. Bassett or A . M. Clark. Id-ia I OST-Small blue heartshaped Locket I Watch cbarm. Please return to F. Muehlig, 85 Main street or to M. Haller's Furniture Store. 9-11 TO LOAN-Small sum. rOO, 8:200 or Ï3U0, two or three years, 7 per cent. Address, Securitz, Gen. P O Del. 9-11 FOR SALE. - My entire stock of hardwood lumber. oak plank, tlmber and scantling. Clear v.hite and red oak, white and black asb, hard and soft maple, hickory, elm and basswood. Oak, ash and basswood flooring Baeswood siding, ceiling and doors. A flne stock throughout. Also wood-racks, stone-boats and hay-racks. Will trade som for hay or grain. A quantity of wood. My prices will be found lower than any othor dealer. F.M. Hallock. 8-13 TOST- On Wednesday Feb. 17, a small pold i watch. Finder please return to moneyorderwindowof post-offlee, Ann Arbor. 8-10 FARM TO RENT.- 200 acres. 180 acres of plow lnnd. ten miles west of Manchester. Good buildings, good fences, Heventy-flve acres seeded. Enquire of J. G. Palmer. 36 Thompson St. 8-11 FOR SA IE- House and Lot on S University Avenue. Ternis. ; nasb; balanceon timp. Enquire of Hudson T. Morton, No. 4S.Univer6ity Ave. FOR SAT.E- At. the house some very flne pure hred Black Langshan cockerels Fgsrs for hatching in season, 103 Wesl Liberty St. Ann Arbor fi- 12 FOK KENT. -Two houses. One n CatheTine st., and one on north Ashley st. Enquire atMrs.C. Dietas, 22 North Ashley st, Ann Arbor, Mich .' (LOTHING Sales Agent wanted for Ann vy Arbor and vicinity- unprecedented opportunity to a man of pluck and push. CommissionsyieldSliOOO.IOincotne 'o the rifrht mnn in the right place. Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia. Pa. ANN ARBOK KEAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE. LESS THAN COST. I intend to remove to my farm in the Spring and will sel! my property on N. Main streetat a bargain. Two brick dwellings; vacant lots. Cali and sce John J. Kobison. tf. FOR SALE CHEP.- A flne eollection consisting if about 40 American birds handsoinely mounted in a glass case. Apply ftt the Balesrooms ol the Ann Arbor Org"an Co., 51 South Maiti street. FOK SALE- Five acres on West Huroo srref't. Goood house, bain, oréhard. Betra til'ul locat.hin. Will scll on easy tonus. Applj to or address E. D.' DaYi, West Hurou streel Ann Arbor, Michigan, 7tf AÖBNTS WANTÉD.- Gentleman orlady, U every city, and villaje in Michigan, wher nfït ropresented, to buy and sell our famous Ortrans, Symplionias, Pneumatic Symphonys i.-elf-Playiiig Organs), etc For our Organs catalogues, or an agency, only address our State Agent. NT VanDerwerken. Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO Pleae mention this paper. TO KENT- Houfe, just outside of west city limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street. ANN ARBOR NUKSEKY- Fruit and oma mental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialty Grape vines, berry oíante, eto. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. EBERBACH & SON. BBUa&ISTB AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEHS IM Medicines, Cheniical, Dye Stulls. Ariist's tiuA VVax Flovver Matennls Toilet Articles, ïrusses. Etc. PÜRiiWlll&LI(llll)RS Special attcïition p;iid to tne tnrnishin ot I-'bysi cinns, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosoiihtc i and Chemical Aparatus, Bohcmian Chemical wurt:, Porre lain Ware, Pure eaents, etc. Physicians' Pre&criptions Carefullv J'repireü aU boore. JÜSTPÜBLISHED, Ui El! QP n GBIE7E By Mrs. Humphry Ward, Author of "Eobert Elsmere," now on sale at Bookstoro opposito Com't House, Main Street, and University Bookstore. State Street, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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