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Bv Aid. Martin: liesolved, That the appo...

Bv Aid. Martin: liesolved, That the appo... image
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Bv Aid. Martin: liesolved, That the appointment of Mr Geo. F. Key as City Engiueer be and the same is hereby in all things The said City Engineer is hereby required to make monthly reports of the doings of his office, to the Board of Public works, and to file with the City Clerk, memoranda of all grades run or established by him, and to f ully comply in all things with section No. 139 and 144 of the city charter. Which resolution prevailed as follows: yeas_AId, Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Fergiison, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Cooley- 13. 'ays- None. SIDKAVALK RESOLUTIONS. By Aftl. Kitson: Resolved, That thegradingand construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioued is Ueemed aud declared to bea necessary public improveiuent, Tlierefore, it is hereby ordered that a stone siclewalk be graded, built and constructed on nd along tlie east side of Detroit street, in front of the property of Mrs. H. Nebel, in the sakl city of Ann Arbor; tliat such sldewulks be graded, built and constructed in tlie mannér, within the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordiiiance ''Entitled an Ordinance" relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be establlshed. Which resolution prcvailed by a yea and nay vote as íollows: Yeas- Aids. Wines, gchairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, gfiovT, FerRuson, O'Mara, Eehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Oooley- 13. Nay s- None. Dit Alri Tv"it.srtn Resolved, That the gradlngand construction of the sldewalk hereinafter mentioned is deerued and declared a necessary public improvement, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the stone sidewalksbe graded, built aud constructed on and along the north-easterly side of Washtenaw Avenue from East University Avenue to Mr. A. Scott place, In the said city of Ann Arbor; that such sidewalk be graded, built and constructed In the manner, withln the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance " Entitled an Ordlnance" relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Which resolution prevailed by a_yea íiml nay vote as lollows: Teas- Alds. Wines, Schairer, Martin. Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Renberg, Taylor, Kltson, Prettyman and l'res. Cooley- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and coustruction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public iniprovement. Therefore, it is hereby ordered that stonesidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the south side of Hurón street from Main street to Asbley street, in said city of Ann Arbor ; that such sidewalks be graded built and constructed in the manner, within the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance, " Entitled an Ordinance," relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. TVíiich resolution prevailed by a yea, and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and construotlon oí the sidewalks herelnafter mentioned is deemed and declared a neoessary public improvement, Therefore. it is hereby ordered that stone sidewalks begraded, built and constructedon and along the west side of State street. in said city of Ann Arbor, in front of the propertyof John H. Nlckles, aud in front of the property of the M. E. Church (south of Washington street); thatsuch sidewalks begraded, built and constructed in the manner, within tbe time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión oí au ordinance, "Entitled an Ordinance," relatl ve to sidewalks, and on the tobe grade established. Which resohitiou preválled by ayea and nay vote as follows: Teas- Alda. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'ÏIara, Renberg, Taylor, Kitson, mttyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Setolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared to be a necessary public Improvement, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that stone sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the north side of North Unlversity Avenue frora State street to East Unlverslty Avenue, in said city of Ann Arbor, thatsuch sidewalks begraded, built and constructed in the manner within the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance, "Entitled an Ordinance " relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Whieh resolution prevailed by a yea aart nay vote as iollows: leas- Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin. Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, OMara, Iiehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and construct ion m the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is ueemed and doclared to be a neeessarv public Improvement, Jhereiore, it is hereby ordered that stone sidewalks be graded, built and coustructed on and along the west side of Main street from Ann street to Catherine street, in said city of w?. j; tllat fiuch sidewalks be graded, puilt and construeted in the manner, wlthin toe time, and of the material prescribed by Provisión of an ordinance, " Entitled an Winance." relative to sidewalks, and on he grade to be established. Whleh resolutlon prevailed bv a yea and nay vote as follows: Yea-s- Aids. Wimes, Sch'airer, Marnn Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, WMara, Rehberg-, Taylor, Kitson, rrettyman and Pres. Coolev- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: ■ Resolved. That the grading and construction SLmejSldewalks hereinafter mentioned is improven" declared to be a necessary public „,Ther(;fo'-e, it is hereby ordered that stone r „a i s be ëraded, built and construeted on fr nti?'.1," the west side r Mail street in npr t e PrPerty o' the property of GruAnn a weli cheever. in said city of hifi t !or; that such sidewalks be graded, uit and constructed in the manner. withiu e time, and of the material prescribed by ne provisión of an ordinance. "Eniitled an m, T,n1a' relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Wliici, resolution prevailed bv a vea and nay vote as follows: tin h AllK wines, Schairer, Mnri in. il,. rz, PHimore, Snow, Fergueon, g'Mara, Renberg, Taylor, Kiton rrtyman and Pres. Cooley-13 Ry Aid. Kitson: Seeme,i lo,w,a"is bjrelnafter memi-,,1 is "apSfementf0 tO be a "ecessary l1ul)!ic 8idu?„re.: '' ls hel"eby ordered tliat stoiTp iue5raW' built and construoted front of S Ule east si3eof Main street in Joiu ï we ProPerties of George Apfel and ti'" lL. W.iner. in suid city oF Anï Arbor'' ..;;',' s'iewaiksbo gi-aded, built and co: of th' ', ' ' ' "" ,lnilllne'-. within the time, and f i ( irAi '" feribed by the provisión relativa ? i}Soe' Kntied an ürdlnanoe," MteblTlhed. alld ou the grade to be anílvill r?lution provailea by a yea n" ndy vota as iollows: tin Wtoes, Schjkirer, Mar0 't. ." moi'' Peuson, írerA'; 1:-'llberí?, Taylor, Kitson Xuyxone1'11 C00"1-1. By Aid. Kitson: oiW.ïhat thegradingand construction Whieh resolution prevailed by a vea and nay vote as folio ws: y y a tJenÍTÍkr-,,Wines' Scllair, MarO Mará, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson Prettyman and l'res. CooU-v-13 ' Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Aetolved. That the grading and construction rimLiSldT?lk? "ereinafter mentioned is provèmem, eC'ared a uecessaT Public lm! Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plank andlfönl th grfad,ed' bullt and constructed SS nf u?fLÏÏ tnf,fo"owlng streets and in front Arbo?, g in the clty f Anu Ou ud along the south side of William Dowdian f the ProPerty oí M On and along the east side of Thompson aya&Ssr" of G?r,„? E-tLler'y sfeet along the uorth side, in front of the property of Miss Martha M On Packard street and Fourth Avenue aloug the east and south side, in trout of the property of J. Wahl .S?ri-Ann street along the north side, in front of the property of Mrs. Ellen Hoban t ♦ ,?" street aIon8 the nortl1 side. 'in Brn) Property of Mr. James (Monitor That all of sucu sidewalks be graded built and construoted in the manner, withlu the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance, ' Entitled au Ordinance ' relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be establlshed. Which resolution prevailed bv a vea and nay vote as follóos: Yeas- Aids. .Wtoea, Schalrer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Renberg, Taylor, Kltson Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Brsnlve.d. Tbat the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter meutioned is deemed and declared a necessary public 'mpro vemen t, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, Built and constructed on and along the following streets and in frontof the following property, in the cltv oi Ann Arbor, viz:- On Hill street along the north and south sides, from Wasntenaw Avenue to Packard street. On Hill street along the south side, from Fourth Avenue to Packard street. On Fuller street along the south side, in front of theproperty of Harvey Cornwell. On Ashley street along the east side, from Catherine to Feleh streets. On North street along the north side, from Main to Ashley streets. That all of such sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the marnier, withiu the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance, " Entitled an Ordinance," relatlve to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Wtnes, Schairer, Martin; Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, CPMara, Renberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. jSiays- None. Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvemeut, Therefore, It is herebv ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and construoted on and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Ar bor, viz : On Huron street along the south side. in front of the property of Mrs. Susan A. Granger. On Packard street alonpr the north side, in front of the property of George Haller, John M. Reiuhardt, Dr. James Wood, Mrs. Fred Sorg and Robert Campbell. On Ashley street along the cast side, in front of the property of Mrs. Susan A. Granger. On Seventh street along the west side, from Madison to Liberty streets. On Broadway street along the west side. in front of the property of Isaac Dunu, (corner of Jones street.) On W. Huron street aloug the south side, in front of the property of Dr. W. J. Herdman. On Third street along the east side, from Liberty street to Huron street. On Chapín street along the west side, from Hurou street to Miller avenue. That all of such sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the marnier, withiu the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of au ordinauce "Entitled an Ördinance" relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as f allo we: Yeas- Aids. Wines, Sehairer, Martin. Herz, l'illmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'JIara,_ Rehberg-, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 13. Xaj-s - None. T?v Alfl Resolved. That the suni oí three hundred dollars be appropriated f rom the Street Fund to be expended in grading, widening aud laying tile on State street south of Grove or Packard street. Aid. Prettyman moved that the resolution be referred to the Street Committee. Which motion prevailed. By Aid. Martin: Iiesolved, ïhat the Board of Public Works be directed to make a contract with the lowest bidder on Hill street culvert and that the bids on Fifth street culvert be laid on the table for the present. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Cooley.- 13. Nays- Hone. By Alderman Wines: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is hereby directed to lay out a district embraclng as many of our principal streets as may be deemed necessary to constitute a street sprinkling district, and to report the cost of sprinkling the .same six months of the year to this council at its next meeting. I Which resol ution prevailed. By Aid. Snow: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works, through its street comm'issioner, present to this Council a rnonthly report of all the moneys expended in ' eiich ware] in this city. j Aid. O'Mav.j moved that the resolui tion be l.iid npon the table. Which motion wivsJost by yeas and nays as i í'ollows: Yeas - Aid. Fergusoi), O'Mara, Pr.ettymau and Pres. Cooley.- 4. Nays- Aid. Wuies, Scliairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Kehberg, Taylor, Kitson. - 9. The original resohition then prevailed. Aid. Taylor moved that the word "Bond" beinserted in thelist of Standing Committees. Which motion prevailed. On motion the Council then adiourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News