A. L. Noble
IN OIIR MANY SALES WE HAVE NEGLECTED THE BOYS. , The fathers and older brotliers have held oür attention. WE NOW MAKE AMENDS. Let every father and mother takc notice. Come to the STAK CLOTHING HOUSE on Friday and Saturday. We will give you choice of 75 Suits Knee Pants at 12.79, worth $3.50 to $5.00. 100 Suits Knee Pants at $3.89, worth $4.50 to $6.50. The time is short, but we must move at least 100 Suits at these prices. Choice plums must be picked when ripe. THESE PLUMS AKE READY. 35 Sonth Main Street. The Bargain Clothier. Pantaloons for Working Men, 98cts.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News