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Schairer & Millen

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TWB WEEKS OP HTTEREST. To Economizers. - Save your Dollars. Ladies, Don't Fail to Visit our Store. Everything" as Advertised. Read the LOW PEIOES. 1 One case 5c Challies selling at 3Lc a yd. One case 7c New Dress Prints selling at 5c a yd. 50 pieces Plaid and Check 10c Ginghams selling at 5c a yd. One bale All Linen Crash Toweling selling at 5c a yd. 25 pieces 10c Outing Flannels selling at 5c a yd. One case Soft Finish 8c Bleached Cotton selling at 5cayd. Two bales Yard Wide 6c Unbleached Cotton selling at éc a yd. Pretty Styles Seaside Flannels selling at 5c a yd. One bale Cotton Huck Toweling selling at 3f c a yd. 100 pieces 10c Embroideries selling at 5c a yd. New Silkoline for Curtains selling at 5c a yd. Window Shades with Fixtures worth 50c selling at 25c each. 50 pairs $ 1.00 Lace Curtains selling at 75c a pair. 25 pairs $1.50 Lace Curtains selling at $1.00 a pair. 100 Fancy Down Pillows worth $1.25 selling at 90c each. 10 pieces Stripe Ticking worjh 10c selling at 6c a yd. SPECIAL.- 500 Ibs. White Star Carpet Warp, worth 22c, selling at 15c a Ib. 500 Ibs. Colored White Star Carpet Warp, worth 25c, selling -at 20c a Ib. Hosiery? Boys' and Misses' Black Eibbed Cotton Hose wortli 15c' selling at 10c a pair. 50 dozen Ladies' 10c Fast Black Cotton Hose selling at 5c a pair. 100 dozen La- dies' Smith & Angell's Fast Black Cotton Hose selling at 25c a pair. :;!lp' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. ilYiT'rnnrffflw Ladies' Fruit of the Loom Drawers, !{jjil! c 1 l i worth 35c, selling at 25c a pair. r%JI iilln Ladies' Fruit of the Loom Skirts, I 7 W worth $1.00, selling at 75c. L(M 'mLJ 10 dozen 75c Night Eobes selling at ]Pj$? : pff 49c each. L [ % 40 dozen Ladies' 15c Kibbed Vests '■ selling at 10c eacn. SPECIAL.- One case Men's Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, worth 50c, selling at 37Lc a garment. LEADERS OF LOW PB1OES.


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