For Library Purposes
This couuty reeeives $7S5.50 'froin the state as the share it is entitled to of the fine moneys collected for the present yeau. This sum is divided among the school districts of the county for school library purposes and County Treasurer Brehm has made the following apportioument: Number Children. Amount. Ann Arbor Town 246 $18 45 AnnArborCity 2,729 204 30 Dextcr 213 16 87 Freedom 494 36 99 Lima 293 2191 Lodi 278 20 81 Manchester, Dist. No. 2 673 r)H ;!'.' Northfleld 342 L5 60 Pittsfleld 318 23 82 Saiem 282 21 11 Saline, Dist. No.l frac 562 42 07 Scio -- 6W 46 35 Superior 349 26 11 Sylvan, Dist. No. 3 frac 463 34 66 Webster 205 15 34 York, Dist. No. 1. frac 331 28 52 Ypsilanti Town 273 20 43 Ypsilanti City 1,774 132 81 Total 10,493 Ï785 50
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News