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Dexter Township

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W. H. Arnold was a Chelseacaller on Friday. Chas. Vanriper, of Webster, was here on Thursday. J. Schieferstein, sr., was in Detroit the last of the week. Mrs. Pulver visited with relatives in Webster the past week. Supervisor Jedele made a business trip to Ann Arbor on Friday. Miss Mate Cobb entertained friends from Detroit last week. Miss Ida Stevens, of Stockbridge, spent Sunday with friends here. Fred Stabler visited friends in Ann Arbor the first of the week. H. Spiegelberg, of Whitmore Lake, was the guest of his brother, Saturday. Those on the sick list are Mrs. T. Birkett, Miss Kate Roberts and H. Butler. Mrs. Sweetman and daughterTessie are being entertained by relatives in MariĆ³n. Mrs. P. Lavey was called to Pinckney on Thursday to attend the funeral of her aunt. Mrs. Ella Holland, of Ypsilanti, accompanied by a ladyfriend, visited relatives here several days the past week. John Bell died at his home on Saturday afternoon, May 2ist, of dropsy, aged 60 years. The funeral was held at his home on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. Tiplady, an old and much respected resident of this place, died at the home of her son, Robert Tiplady, on Tuesday morning, May i7th. The funeral services were held from St. Mary's church in Pinckney on Thursday. Campers are already beginning to visit.the many beautiful lakes here. We have some fine places for camping and people from far and near are finding it out.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News