Weak, Nervous Men
■ ir-] ' YOU.who have been humMifrged hy the' !■ lecfcrlc Belts, " Fellow :-,, Jf ' ' - ■ ferer," "Creyón " "'Vacuüm," "Nervine," "l-n tl Mk UniinüKRI C Cure,"queks,anrt-hohave found yourself grovi' dB iluNUnnULL ing worw and woiw, Vou, wbo have given vy '. HfcrMtji M ! deepair, payinfr. '■ I am 'loomed; therels no bo ÏRHu 1 for me;" to you I gy: üp, iml SAVE ïol KSKI.K! THEBE IS BWK" A iC& JrJ TIIKKE IS A CUBE! No matter wliat you have taken or who has (:i rlfibáStú cure yu, write me a ' full history of your cae i jSki HT and send for Book ((ree) n$fíLCíLHJ d üwitlon tint. fTs :Wl Thouindi Cnni. OUbuLuOlijL Vort] jturt' expfrlinre.. f VWk ' ñ Consult the Old Doctor. All Prirate, Herro; Í Aa V CHBOHIC DISKASEü oí either sei skilirully and successfully treat it jA'-'. iBk a (-nrefTDruted in every curable case. 'Mrried men or tbow aboul l. p. MËa Brjfc' 0 mHrrj, who dread their weakns or incapacity, or whose blood isloadetl Mt K' with impuriti8 transmissible to offspring, hould 1Sj WKconsult the ceiebrated Dr. Clrk at once. TQCiTMCMT Hl W Bultation pergonally or by letter, freo and nCn I illLlY f ! 'J-- dentiaL Medicines Bent everywhere, Becure from l Kstabllihtd 18LI. expogure. A f riendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Addresa. OR. F. 0. CLARKE. Merrill Block, cor.wo4 aeirmoaAT, Detroit, Mich,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News