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The June meeting of the Washtenaw Hortic...

The June meeting of the Washtenaw Hortic... image
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The June meeting of the Washtenaw Horticultural Society willbepostponed until June 25th, when a strawberry festival will be held. An exhibit of the different varieties of this delicious berry will be made. An exhibit of flowers will also be made by Cousins & Hall. Pres. Scott will lead the discussion on "What Fruit Trees to Plant." A full report on the fruit prospects will be eiven. The ladies are especially invited. A matinee is to be given onjthe fine track of the Dundee Agricultural Association on Saturday, June 4th, opening the speed trials in this vicinity. The track is one of the best in Michigan and some good races will be seen as more than thirty horses are now in training there. An attempt is being made to have the T. & A. A. officials run a special train to accommodate Ann Arbor parties who may wish to see these races. A conference was held of the Republican delegates and alternates to the national convention at Detroit, last Friday night. The situation was discusaed and it is said that the Blaine and Alger booms were given a new send-olï. The visitors were entertained at an elegant banquet by the delegation from Wayne county. Chas. E. Hiscock, the altérnate from this district, attended, and was greatly pleased with the entertainment. It is understood in reliable circles that after a recent cabinet meeting the secretary of state called the president aside and looking him severely in the eye, broke out with "Look a here, Ben, if that kid of yours in New York don't quit reporting that I'm completely broken down - mentally and physically, I'm going to let the party nominate me. I've been called invalid and fooi by the Harrison family, about long enough!"- Adrián Press. Monday evening a settlement of the Stafford affairs was arranged between the Goodspeeds and Mr. Stafford's assignee. The Goodspeeïls received $4,995.75 and their note of $677, and in return assigned the chattel mortgages to a number of Mr. Stafford's frieuds, who had raised the money. The stock of gpods was then turned over to J. R. Minier, the assignee, who has advertized to settle the mortgages, pay off the creditors and save a little something for Mr. Stafford. On Thursday night a eollision occurred on the Michigan Central at Delhi, by which two passenger engines weré damaged, but fortunately nobody was hurt. The Taciflc express ran in on the side track to let the new Niagara Falls Special pass. The upper switch wasleft open and the eastbound train ran in on the same track upon which the other was standing. The engineer tried to stop his train but the air brakes did not work properly, and the engines came together.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News