"would That There Were More."
About 8 o'clock on Saturday evening a youngrnan received a practical les sou which it is to be hoped he will remember. Some 3'oung ladies were walking on S. Fourth avenue, Ann Arbor, when a young man totally un acquainted with them followed anc addressed them and proposed accom panying them. As luck would have it the big brother of one of the young ladies was close at hand. He had ob served what was going on and stepping up to the young man he gave him a terrible drubbing, so severe that the recipiƫnt of it fled to a friend's roon tor fear of receiving a second editioi of the well merited punishment. This should act as a warning to those who insult young ladies on the sreet.- Times. If it so happened that every young lady's "big brother'' was around when needed, these professional mashers would soon learn that they could not speak to young ladies on the street with impunity.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News