Hunting For Riches
The Detroit Evening News, of May 12th, 'gives its readers an interesting interview with one of our prominen citizens, Mr. C. F. Conrad. who recently petitioned in vain the Detroit Comrnon Council, _for the privilege to dig for buried treasure on Belle Isle. In his petition Mr. Conrad recites that he be lieves that much treasi.rj was buriei on the island by the old Frenchsettlers and Indians in the days before natiomi banks carne iuto existence, that he has charta to lócate it, and as an induce msnt he offered to divide the spoi with the council, but they rejected his proposition. In the interview Mr. Conrad, who is one of the best posted mining experts in the country, backed by thirty-five years of successful experience, gave the reporter an inkling into the "why" of his proposition but, mind you, no pointers. He is confident that if permission were granted him he could unearth a treasure that would make the eyes of the oldest inhabitants stick out of theirheads farenough to be knocked off with a stick but is far too shrewd togive up his information for the benefit of the metropolitan sharks. Though disappointed at the fallare to obtain permission to prospect, Mr! Conrad is by no means discouraged and we shall expect at any time to learn that the fertile mind of that obtained the lead will devise a means to get at the
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News