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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. TO RENT - After June lio, '92, a new house pleasantly located on Washtonaw ave. with all modern lniprovements. Enquiro at 18 South State St. PO RENT, FOR SALE. OH WIIL EXCHANQE lor real estáte in city or country, the well known Diehl House on Detroit street, including all the household furniture contained _ thcroin. Must be dlsposed oi by the lOth of June. Apply to or address Moses Lajoie, 56 Detroit streot. io-üi u F'0.5'AALB -M' house and lot, No. 46 S. Fifth ave. For terms enqulre atl)9 8. Main . Street. Eug-ene G. Mann. 18tf OK SALE.-Building lots. Also house. R: F. Sanford, 62 W. Second St. F011?00.11 between Ann Arbor and Whltmore Lake, a pnckago of dry goode. Owner address box 1813, city. WANTED.- A man familiar with the oloth" ing business to work in Ann Arbor and vicinity. Good wagres. Address, G. H. Turk Pontiac, Mioh. UOH SALE.- Three good sound work horaes sold very cheap. Apply to James Kearns, I Ann Arbor, or see the horses at Snow's liverv barn. FOK SALE- House and Lot on S. üniversity Avenue. Tcrms. H cash ; balance on time. Bnquire of Hudson T. Morton, No. 46 S. üniversity Ave. FOK SALE CHEAP.- A Une collection consisting-oi Rlimit 40 American Mrds handsomely mounted In a eilaas case, Apply at the Baleerooms cil the Ann Arbor Orgran Co„ 51 South Main sliert. FOR SALE- Five aores on West Huron Street. Goood house, barn, orohard. HeauUiul looation, Will sell on easy ie ruis. Apply to or nddress E. D. Dais, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf 4 NN ARBOR NUHSEKY-Fruit and orna-ímental trees, l'each and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry plantó, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzborn, head of Spring street. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Ai(ent tor the followiup; Fint Class Companie represeniiug over twnnty-eteht Million Dollars Aseeta, issues polioies at the lowent ratea .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of l'liila 3,118,713,00 Germaniioí N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 London AssuiHiice.Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Unaerwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 "I ion glvn 'a the insurance of Iwelling, scüoold. churc'tïfs aml public buildingi ia terms ot iSvt. tvn-l dve vPixra TCEÍ All persons wiehing to order pure and clcar ice should order it of J. ANDRÉS Box 1110, Ann Arbor. Orders by postal card promptly attended to. TRËiÊWÜS OUT! We Propose unloading at once our recent heavy purchase of All bey designe ai.d latcst combinations of color. Ceiliiit', 8iU Wall and Prleze to match. We can bíiow uu Immense vurjety. See our prices. Good Papers fcr 4c, 5c, 6c. Gilt Papers for 8c, 10c, 12c. Embcsssd Papers for 15c, 18c, and 2Cc. Bi '. r 1 - . ■,-.'■ the mosi experienoed banger? In ■ ■ . mploy hstimHts given. Wiinln.v SJ i i ... Idths, mude and buiig-!; iheolty. OrfMM II ■ Cotirt House, MAIN ST.. AIÍN ARBOR THE BEAR PACTS ■ ■■':,: rHAT - Goodyear's Drug Store Is the p i . r :■ . f r (iw! Goods and 1.MIV I'. ti) 8. CLEVELAND and HA7BI30N OF SAME I'IOi 'f hut the E I. O' '!'VN()t c oan make the 1 me, wn li shori oieo, (rum 2 to 1(J inehes, look likc otherpooplc; wer gho - nüke. No clumsy cork or iroii. rt f or priou 107-lfiy v. ;i' t v-1 1 Avviuie. CnifAOO, III.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News