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I ARE Y.OU Is your Urine thick, P J low spirited K m and suffering colored? Don'twait! fif J from thc Your KIDNEYS are E cesses o f being ruined. Use S m youtli? If so, Sulphur Bitters. M Sulphur One bottle of ■ 3 ters will cure phur Bitters will do F J you you more good than m }■■■■■■ all the Latín E 1 cription3 of drugs and mineral C ■ sons which will remain in your P m tem, destroy your bones, and make K " you a poor, weak, and broken down E J invalid. No person can remain long W sick who uses Sulphur Bitters. If I YOUR DAUCHTER'S FACE J is covered with ugly sores, and W ering Pimples, gire her Sulphur p J Bitters. Ladies in delicate health, I 1 who are all run down, should use K 3 Sulphur Bitters. None better. & Try Sulphur ■■'■■■■■■■■C 3 ters TO-NICHT, ARE YOU & and you will sleep nervous and ty J well and feel better fretty, or in F a forit. DELICATE 3 Sulphur Bitters health? fe j will make your blood phur Bitters p pure, rich and strong will make a fc j and your flesh hard. new person P 3 Get a bottle now. of you. jL Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Haas. , íor best medical work published - GRANDMA says it is 20 since she made such good bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGSC YEAST is ükethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again ; and we all hope so, too, Cali for t at your Grocer's. It is always good and al ways readv jCARTERSi W Val fl 1 E 1 Zm VjI - .jt ■ ■ ■ ran wi 11 ■■■.■ BIck Headache and relieve all tbo tronMes íncf fient to a bilious Btata of tho syetem, suoh &a DizzinesH, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa afteff eating. Pain in the Side, kc. Whila tbeirmoaö xejüBrkabJe eucccss liau been sbowu ía caríxig S1CIC ÍEeache, yet Carter'3 IAttlo Zitrcv VíBa 8M tiqually valu&bleinConstipation.curingandpre Tentingthiaannoyingcomplaint.whilethcyalso correct aUdisordejsof thestoraach,stimulatotha Jivorwid regúlate Üiebowels. Eveaiíttieyoaly .cl.6th.ywoldbelmoatpriceles3totliosawli(I tuJwr fromtiiisdistrcssillBCOmplaint; butfortu2;iiïelytheirgoodnea8 does notendhcre, and thosa viio once try them will ñnd thesolittlo pilla valanbjo 5u bo rnany ways tbat tbey will not be wiliiBL todo without thom. sick ieaól 'Is Uie baña of bo many Htcs tliat hera le whora vre loaïio our g.-eat boact. O v pi!2 cure i'. wMla c. ibero do not. Cartor"s Iiitt'.o LlTer Pilla are verv emaU and Tery eauy to take. Oue or t'ro pille inakö a tioee. Thc'y arestrlotly venctabloaud Jo no gripa or pazñe, 1-uíby Uieirgentleacticc pïcasoall who Eaettom. InvialaataScents; flveíorjl. Soltl liy clrcggista overywbaro, or sent by maii. CARTER MEDICINE CO,, New York. SMÁLL PUL. SMALL POSE, SMALLPB1CE EEPOKT OP THE COÏTDITION O THE WEES' & mm m - AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 17, 1SU2. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $273,101 49 Stocks, Bonda and Mortgages, etc 96,096 07 Overdrafte 7,n:709 Dae from banks in reserve citieB 53,687 72 Due frorn Washtenaw Co 4,115 2!) BülBin traDSit 4,9t2 CO Furniture and flxtures ;i,000 00 Current expenses and laxes paid 2,290 48 Interest paid 3,343 17 Check and cash items : 265 29 Niekels and pennies 1822 Goldcoin... 5,14500 Pilver coin 1,882 35 U.S. anü National Bank Not 8 19,452 00 Total $474,560 24 LIAEJILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ P0.000 00 Surplus fuml 10,000 60 Undivided profits 16,557 IndiTidualJdeposits $170,635 58 Citiflcateaol;depo8it 166,101 36 Savings deposita 61,265 65 S!)8,0O2BH Total $474,560 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN, j County of Vushtenaw. Son' I, Krederick Iï. Belser, Cashier of the above namul bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beBt of my knowledge nd belief. F. H. Belsek, Cashier, j Subscribed and sworu to beforc me this 23rd day of May, 1892. Wiixiam W. Whedon. Not-ary Public Correct- Attest . Chas. E. Greene, ) Jc.mus E. Beal, VDirectors. D. F. Schairek, j


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News