rHeÍNgolp BOCK BEER BESIin NO. 5 W. HURÓN STPRIVATE DISEASES -DISEftSESOFTHESKü Specially and SkillfuIIy Treatert No Patent Medicine Frand, ( Yat clear lioa NoConipanyor Instituto Kake, 1 A Elïau ""■"' So Electrical Humbag, „ an" „ s' ( llonent Parposo. Over twenty years active Hospital and Sanitaf ium experience. Tbousands of happy, fcrateful, cures, extending Dto every State in the Union. t-If you are interested, investígate. You wilt surely be pleased and maybe surprised. Write rally. Inquire freely. A valuable treatise oo Diseases of a Private Nature, confldential and free. SKND FOR IT. Address or cali on DR. O. J. R. HANNA, ' JACKSON. MICH. Assignee's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that I, undersigrned. as aasignee of James M, Stafford, will sell at Public Auction, on Tuesday, the 31st d ay ot May, A. D. 1892, at 10 o'elock in the iorenoon, at tae Store lately occupiea by James M. Stafford ou South Maiu street in the city oí Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, all the lands, tenements and real estáte and all the personal prpperty of every name and description, maiuly of the stock or cloths, trltnuiings, etc., of James M. btattora. assignor, and all the property of every kma and description assigned to me by said James M. Stafford by an instrument of assignnient bearing date May 9, 1892, and iiled in the ofnce oftbeClerkof said County. Said ealo will oe made subject to all legal incumbrance on SRia property. Dated, Mav20, 1892. JNO. K. MINER, Assignee of James M.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News