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Heinzmann & Laubengayer

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■ ■ . ) We don't want to fight Chili, But by jingo if we do, We've got the men, we've got the ships, Aud we've got the money too. Yes, you can bet we've got the money, and we want a good portion of it to come into our store, because we've got the goods. A truth that must make itself feit is the valué you can get for your money at our store. No matter whether it is a Bedroom Suit, a Parlor Suit, a Sidepoard, a Set of Chairs, or anything in the Furniture Line, we can fill the bill every time, and we desire the public to look at the wortli they can gef by dealing with us. W. G. DIETERLE. HEADftVARTERS FOR FERTMERU1 SEEDS Use Animal Bone, Nature's own fertilizer, if you wish to insure all Spring and Fall crops. We also handle LAND PLASTEE, BARREL, LUMP AND FERTILIZING SALT. White Clover, Timothy, Red Top, Lawn Grass, Field Peas, Fodder Corn, Seed Barley, Hungarian, Germán Millet HEINZMANN & LAUBENGAYER. Office and. Store, TSTo. 0, W. Washington St„ Overbeck & Stabler j pMoiníe i4i. I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News