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Experiments In Soiling

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At the Ohio station, where a careful soüing experiment has been conducted by Director Wüson, these conclusions have been arrived at: That the average cow will eat about seventy-five pounds of green feed a day, kept in the station with gram ra.tion added. That cows fed on oats and peas, clover and corn, fed green in the stable inmidsummer will give more milV than when feeding on a good blue grass pasture. That a cow fed on green feed in a stable darkened and ventüated will gain ia weigbt more than she will in a well ehaded pasture. That the cow responds as proinptly to aweU balanced ration of grain while eating green feed as she does on dry feed. An acre of peas cut green weighed 1D.5 lons. Aa acre of peas and oats cut green eighed 24 tons. An acre of corn cut green vrsighed 33.6 tons. The second cut of clover in a drought was 3.1 tons. It is not necessary to cut green feed oftener than twice a week if it is spread w avoid heating.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News