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f '1 AYeat Makes an every-day convenlence of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations- and insist on having tho NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y. Tj % i i $ l I I the Largest Gold Mine. 1 mfl T fi flfl HSï the Largest Silver Mines . ilèbilkili liiS the Largest Copper Mines, the Largest Lead Mines. Has Extensivo Grazing: Ranges, Fine Timber BeltR. Wide Agricultural Valleys. .8 larfrer than New England, New York, Pennsylyania, New Jersey and Delaware eombined. The Great Northern Railway is thedireotline from St. Paul and Minneapolis to (ireat Falla, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana points. Apply to your home railway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. I do not wish to blow into LtND them, but merely whisper that Üie Ked River Valloy otters flne _ inducements for home seekers, jylt, asalsothe entire región nlont: the Great Northern Railway through Minnesota, North DaY ü U K kota and Montana . For Maps, Guide Books, etc, apply to F. t-i i-fv Whitney, G. P. & T. A., st. LARb Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In soine states the TH F YOUNG ratio is two and ofInt ten three to one in vniimr ,„„r,r favor of the men. Tursij WOMEN, Thebestroutelrom MFN St. Paul, iMiuueap"ten „n olis. Duluth and ncniiT ÜO west Superior to AMtuul the Northwestern thfpf mpcfl and Pacific States is intnc "c")1 via the Great NorMnA thern Railway. nuvv' Farmscan be had in Minne. sota and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to suit purchasers. No failure of crops in twelve yeara of settlecuent. Ijarge yields of wheat and other RFn staples. Fine stock resion. ntU Good schools and churches. Healthfulcliinate. Great Markets with in easy reach. Farms RIVER P'i(1 or rom tbe pioceeds of ui i uu one crOp_ Higbcst prices paid for products. The Great Nor.. thern Railway has three lines VALLEY through the Valley. Address "-' w. v. Braden. Land Commissioner. St. Paul, Miuu., 1or particulars.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News