W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe
It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calí Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equal to other makes costing from $4 to $5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet. The Best Shoe in the World for the Price. FOR GENTLEMEN. j FOR LADIES. ttZ 00 GENUINE HANDL?■ % Hl O ÍM HAND-SEWED SHOE, ü)a SËWED. Itequalsimyaö '"'Hik. . A, UU is made ' the best ported French shoes M, UJlJl Don&la; stylish, durable costms from $8 to $12, and fj P % Y! and easy Üttin?. Enuals cannot be duplicated at this Ja lp - ?m imported French shoes costinir from price. $4.00 to $.00. fc OO HAND-SEWED M É&" Hl A Ril BEST D0IÍG0LA, perU)4a WELT. Thefinestcalf, PT ' ■ V ƒ Jü fect in erery way. stylish, comfortable and SP UlZ.1 Succes has attended ur durable, and the best dress shoe 'M W - -f, -m - Wr rBi efforts to produce a íirstin the country for the price; & K " '"'- SKI classslioeat this popular price. sanie grade as custom made fi(Éi#S!wP : lí H Sk' ■ shoes costing from $6 to $9. WS 'i?Wm' if' faf% fifi L0W IN PRICE, but - 1 V ƒ UU not in quality. N tO 50 POL.ICE SHOE, for WS UlZ.B shoe at this price has lTe POa farmiTs, railroad men, ÜP rm better satisfaction. &c. Best calí", seamless, S 3fe .i _ __ „nT MTCC1?C „muso smooth inside, three heavy soles NiÉjpií Rr ' fll 4 71 ' with extensión edge. . One pair jp?. 'IL ' ü style with the hygienic Avill do for a year. W# iaS mKKÉ KlS I ■ principies so necessary in . .y ,jA WÈ&. tlle footwear of inisses aud tO 50FINK CALF. No WB younff ladies. %Pfca better or more serviceJfp1 POR BOYS fered at this price. One trial s -■ éí%t% fifi onrf C1 7R SCHOOL will convince. a" U "I UU uElU ui ■ Ju SHOFS a KlS # ■ ar ma" ï the best mateÚÍ 25 and $2.00 WORKeséÊÊfr jÊÊËh' rfcl rial throughout; will not 2iI}fGMAN'S Shoes. áSÜ L 5 c -"""" v rip, and will stand more hard usage Equal those of other ,1 ' than any other shoes sold at these makes costing from $2.5O to fÊmËiÊËÊÊËËÊ?fflÜiL ém WM prices. $3.OO, and are the best in the ; WÈËrn 0 Wfo. SPECIAL, world for the price. L.nouoLcAiFSHOE w L RRn mm HfIr:HiftrLE W LDhOU LAS . $ ' l75 ■ BR" V ÉH WW . wlh I-'aroo calf top8. and SpeCAN. The best Brogan for the price ever , mÊlmMÊmmmmËW c-ially suitable for outdoor wear aud placed on the market. Solld lestherthroughZ,- wr CllDOTiTii-pro school shoes. Keep the feet dry. wittooul, verj stronirly marte, and will not rip. ' ST TAKC IVvl OuDoTITUTCOi out the use of rubbers. J i i TP1 B k 1 These Shoes are made and guaranteed by the manufacturar to be price-worthy goods, and all have pfl J 1 I P mm ■ e Price ani name of W. L. DOUGLAS stamped on bottom. Be sure you are not deceived by inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom of each shoe for stamp before purchasing. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. fob süle by Win. Reinhardt & Co., annarbor,
Ann Arbor Argus
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