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Mrs. Geo. S. Morris is visiting in Grand Rapids. Miss Emily Pitkins is spending a few days at Howell. Dr. V. C. Vaughan left Sunday evening for Washington, D.C. E. A. Calkins has moved into his new house on Thayer street. Rev. W. W. Wetmore preached a sermón at Marshall on Sunday. Ed. Wallace and Will Kishler, of Ypsilanti, were in the city, Monday. J. R. Bach spent Sunday at Howell, the guest of his brother-in-law, O. J. Parker. Mrs. R. S. Greenwood and daughter returned Saturday evening frorn a visit to Union City. J. T. Jacobs has gone to New York on business connected with the Indian commission. Mrs. John W. Maynard returned Saturday from Grand Rapids, where she has been visiting her son. Miss Mabel Stimson was at Howell, Wednesday evening. She sang at an entertainment given there. John J. Robison expects to leave this city and move to his farm in Sharon within a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McDonald left Thursday for McKeesport, Pa., where they visit their daughter, Mrs. David Pierce. Mrs. Alvah Hil of Detroit, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bliss, returned home Monday. Dr. T. A. Felch and wife, of Ispheming, who have been the guests of Gov. Felch, have gone to Old Point Comfort, Va. Edward Welles, of New York, has been in the city tliis week attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Sarah W. Hunt. He is the last member of the family now living. Mrs. E. B. Gibson, of Port Austin, Mich., is spending a few weeks with her parents', Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McDonald, 10 Forest avenue. Mrs. Louise Hall-Walker gave a pleasant afternoon tea, Monday afternoon, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Sidney Eastman, of Chicago. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. O. B. Hall gave a reception to Miss Susan B. Anthony. About 200 ladies enjoyed the privilege of meeting this brilliant woman.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News