11 ls m y. re 3eat. A boautlful and very artlstic statuette (fan ïeneth ) of Blaine, Cleveland, Harrison.McKInlev wiiitnnv Flower. Ilusk, Jerry &imp8on,Scnato7WffCT "ni1 Grant, Sheridan or Sherman, Abraham LimoK Georgo WashtaRton. Any one of the abovp rui hvered to you f or one dollar. The figure and b makes a piece ten inches inhelght. Sead monev o? Postal Note The best thlnir f oi aKenti Thousands being sold daily. Canvassinu outfit f ree Acldri.5 Room No. M. SO Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. H. K1TREDUE, No. 6 West A.nn Street UWJUCIiniLIJtiGElIll In the reur of Kdward Duffy's grocery store Hack to all train, day and nigln. Orders for trains, partios, wecMing-s and funerals promptly atteudcd to. Telephone, 108 Aun Arbor Mlch. j
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News