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Ihilíws HATSÜ Avery Fine and Attractive Line of Children's Silk and Lace Hats has just been received at 10 E.Washington Street. anco EBERBACH & SON. DlíÜGGUSTS AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS Di Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stxiffs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PUREWllULIÖW Special attcntion paid to tne furnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophical and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical lilassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reaeents, etc. Physicians' Prescriphons Carefully Prepared at All hours. WALTEE'S METALLIC are made from SHINGLES ÍÍLM ized. Tou can buy them painted or not. Our Galvanizetl Shingles aro rain and rust proof, without the neoessity of painting. Our painted Tin shingrles are more durable and oranamental than itis possible to make a tin roof, put on in the old fashioned style. V'rite for prioe list E. The National Sheet Metal Roofino Co, 9 Cliff St., New York. Reduced Prices ON Baby Cabs To Close Out. New Pictures and Frames, Mirrors, &c. Also Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Lamps, Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Notions, &c. ADAMS' BAZAAR 13 S. MAIN KT., ANN ARBOK. TONY SCHIAPPACASSt, NO. 6. N. MAIN 8TEET. FKUITS, liUTS and OONFEOTIONEET TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit A1WAYS OZCsT HLIsTD. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAlf 07 SOUG, THE DECOR ATOlt, 70 s. nvriisr st. MRS. C. H. JONES, FASHIOMBIE UHHUOI! Fourth St. Opposite Court House 3raping and Cutting a Speoialty! Mme. Kellogg's Frenoh Tailor System used . Perfect work guaranteed. Instructions in uttingby the Fr3noh Taylor Systom riven.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News