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Another Saline Pioneer Gone

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Marcia Sumner Mills died at the f aniily residence at üve o'clock on the morning of the 24th iust., af ter au illness of four weeks. Mrs. Mills was born at Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y., on the 22nd day of November, 1817, and henee was closely approaching 75 years of age. At an early date she came to this village with her parents and was married to Russell Mills October 14, 1834. She was next to the youngest of a large family, all of whoru are gathered on the other side, except heryounger sister, Mrs. E. W. Parsons, of Wayne. Her husband, now over 84 years of age, and four children, Dr. H. K. Mills, of Port Huron; Mrs. II. II. Humphrey, oí Detroit; R. W. Mills and Miss M. Lillian Mills, of Saline, survive her and deeply feel her loss. The oldest daughter, Harriett Newell Mills, died in 1868 after several years of impaired mental and physical health. The sickness and death of this daughter was a very great trial upon the health and spirits of the fond mother, who lived only for her family aud could illy bear to witness pain or suffering on the part of any of her household. She was ever a devoted wife and a mother who idolized her children. Their joys were her greatest satisfaction and their sorrows caused her untold anguish. She knew no such thing as a limit to her exertions hen the comioH and happiness of her children were concerned. She was a devout meinber of the Methodist Episcopal church into which she had been born and brought up. Her father, Jacob Sumner, was a man of unusual education and intelligence for the time in which he lived and he with his'noble wife reared a family of which he might well be proud. Michigan was a wilderness when he and his children first settled here and log cabins stood where now we find prodnetive farms and beautif ui homes, the result of the sturdy effort andcivilizing inlluancesof his and other pioneer families throughout this great and beautif ui state