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Michigan fTBNTRAi; " The magara Fallt Route." TIMB TABLE (REVISED) MAY 15, 1892. CKNTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWARD. N'th INgF I stations Day Shre N Y liuff AU. Kal Exp. Lim Eip Sp. Exp Ace. A.M. P.H. P.M. P.M. A.H, notrago.LY 8 ÍS 12 20 J 10 5 02 9 20 lackBon 4 25 5 85 8 47 10 22 4 10 8 20 Chetaea 6 14 5 f4 908 Dexter 4 30 5 20 9 16 Delhi 5 4; ..... 5 29 .. AHN AEBOS. Sil 627 9 45 1115 6 40 933 Yroilautl 6 03 9 56 1126 5 57 9 48 WayneJnnc 622 6 2S 10 11 Detroit.Ar. 7 00 720 1045 12 15 710 1068 P.M. F.M. P.M. A.M. A. M. A.H. Buffalo, Ar 4 00 7 25 8 30 3 56 6 80 AM. A.M. A.M.P. M. l'. M. WESTWARD. N'th G.R. stations. Day Chi. Kal. Pac. Chi. Exp Lim Eip Exp. Ex. Sp. A.M. li. M A.M. A.M. P.M. 1'. M. Buffalo, LV 12 001 3 20 6 30 9 45 12 80 9 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Detroit, Lv 7 20 9 05 120 4 45 9 00 2 25 WayneJunc 8 02 jij 9 43 YpnilanÜ S25 2 05 337 1010 305 ANHAEB02 8 40 9 69 2 10 5 6110 27 Delhi 4 10R9 Dexter s ." 6 07 1056 Chelsea q ld 8 18 1105 Jackson ft 50 lu 55 3.4 6 56 1155 405 Chicago, Ar 516 430 9 00 J55KI0S ____ P.M. 1. M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. ü. V atTGGLBS, 11. w. HAYES, G. P. &T. A. Chicatfo. Ar't Ann Arbor EBERBACH & SON. DRÜGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stulïs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Avticles, Trusse3, Etc. PUKB WJNBS & UQV0R8 Special utrntion paid i int fnrnishiiu; of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, i-io, wüh philosophical iidChei itua, Bohemias Chemical Glassware, Porcclain Witrc-, Pure ReagentSa etc Physicians' Hretcripüona Carerullv Prepared at All hours. WALTEE'S METALLIC ;y;;; madem dHliMiiLto r;Lrüê izcil, ,in cutí Imv tlii'in pnintedor npt. Onr Galranlzed Shlnirles aro raiu and ruat proof, without the uecessity of paintinf?. Ompaioted TIn shlngleB are more durable and oranamciital tluin it is possible to mako a tin roof, pui on in tln-old fashioued style. Wrlte lor nrict' Nul K IMM The Nationai kurkt Mf.tai, Koofino Co., BCliff St., New York. PRIVATE DISEASES ■SISEASES OF THE SKIN Specially and Skillfully Treated No Patmt Medicine Fraud. ( ?■! t:leR,r IIeïit Sorompanyi.rlnHtituteKalie, ■! A a'au Hboi No [ileetríoal Uuinbun, „"nil.„ ( llonest Pprpose. Over twentF years antivo Hospital and RanitarMini exporience. Thouaiida of happv, rateful, cures, extf nding info verv State iu the Uniou. f you are in'erestorl. investígate. Yon will snre!y bc pleaml and majhe surprlscd. Wrlte fllli.y. Inquire frecly. valuahle treatise on Diseases oí a l'rívatp Xaturt-, confldential anrt tree. SEND FOR IT. Artdress or cali on Off. O J. R MANNA. JACXSON. MICH.


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