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tGillett'5 C fik C21PT tQuicKest B?t fTb ONLY YEAST iYM Preveots V ö and Cures ICIeanse i The Vitiated Ib lood i jWhen you see a lts impurities Burstingthroughl The Skin In Pimples, f Blotches I 3 And Sores. Rely on Sulphur 1 jjters and Health witl Sad 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co.. Boston, Maas., for best medical work publíebed jCARTERSi lHv I fi I wamt Kfé jSffefoi ' CURE Bek Headache and relieve all the trontïsa Í2C f" öent to a bilious Btate of the system, siu' Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distreos aitw eating. Pain in the Side, &o. While their me 9 Temarkable succes bas been shown ia cuii; .z S8CSC TBeaSache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver RSi ar qually valuable in Constlpation, curing and pr :- Tenting this annoy inp complaiut.while the y í ' - r correct all disorders of thoetomach.stimuile :.■: lirtr tod regúlate the bowels. Evea if thej at :y iïËAD f Ach they would be almostpriceless to tïicso s r 3 ifcuiier f rom tMs dÏBtressing complaint; but f o r ";:- xately their goodness does notend here,and tïiüe Whocncetry themwill flnd these littlo puls val ;- ttblein somany waysthatthey will not bö Trilüng to do without them. Butaf tor Li ,u ACHE 'isthebaneof somany llves that hero!-rr;;Ti Uremakeourgreatboast. Our puls euro f v ethers do not. Cárter Little Liver Pilla are very sicai'. i ; very easy to take. One or two pills meke a .. They are strictly vegetable and do not sdF-s c pnrge, butby Uieir gentle actioa pleaseoU ■ csethem. In vialsat '25 cents ; ilvaforSi. L i fcy druggiats everywliere, or sent by mail. VCARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALLFHi KEPOET OF THE 00NDITI0N meïï i üw un - AT - AJÍN ARBOR, MH'HI(;VN. At the close of business, May 17, 1S9'2. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $273,101 49 Stock.1-, HondB and Mortgages, etc 1)6,096 07 Overilrafts 7,(1:17 0!) Dne from banka in reserve eities.. 53,tiL7 72 Due from Washtenaw Co 4,11589 Bülsin transit 4,962 00 Furniture and fixtures 3,000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 2.:.".ii is Interest paid 3,34S 17 Checksand cash items Nickelsandpennies 1._::i Gold coin 5,14500 Pilvercoin 1,882 35 U.S. and National Bank MottS 19,452 00 Total $174,560 24 LIA1ULITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,00090 Undivided proüts 16,557 lió I ndi viduai;deposits SI 7(),fi:i') 58 Certiiicates ol.deposit 166,101 36 SavingSileposiU 61,265 65 S!)S,0025i) Total $474,560 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 County of Vashtemiw, ' vs I, Fredcrick II. Belsur, Cashier of the above nam6.1 bank, do solemnly swear that tht above statement is true to ihe best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Oashier, Snbscribed and sworn to before me this liSrd daof May, 1892. William W. Whedon. Notarv Public Correct- Attest . Chas. E. Grbene, ) JüNIüS E. Be AL, SDirectors. 1). F. Sciiairer, J


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News