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Surprised By His Comrades

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On Tuesday evening about 150 mem? bers of Welch Post and the W. E. C., vitli their invited guests, assenibled in }. A. R. hall tor the pui-pose of holdng a social, but really to "get even" vith one of their nuuiber"Vho has been nstrutnental in the success of Welch Post and is now honored with the position of Department Commander of Michigan G. A. R., Col. M. S. Dean. Af ter a light lunch had been served, V. K. Childs arose and preseuted Col. Dean with a handsoine past cominander's jewel on behalf of the members and coiurades of Welch Post. The ewel is a beautiful exaraple of the eweler's art. It is of fine gold and consists of the regular G. A. 11. badge with a pendant containing the corps badge of the army of the Tennessee to which Col. Dean belonged. On eacl of the üve poiuts of the star is found a handsome diamond. On the back i the inscription: "Presented by Welch Post, G. A. R., No. 137, to Comrade Ilenry S. Dean." The remarks of Comrade Childs ii making the preseiitation were very ap prpriate and told.full well the esteem in which the present department com mander is held by bis comrades o: Welch Post. In closing he said: "Ij behalf of Welch Post, -I present yo this badge, knowing full well that i will be worn over a true and nobl heartv a heart as true as the steel it owner drew in defence of his belovec country, a heart as tender as that of child and as full of loyalty as on th day he rnarched i'orthunder the fold of the old tlag to light tor humanit and liberty." The presentation was a complete sui prise to Col. Dean and for once he found himself embarrased and short of worda as he arose to respoud to the cordial words to which he had listened. He tbanked his comrades heartily for their token of love. "1 have numerous other badges andarticles which I shall prize highly as this badge, coming f rom those I lovë. I shall wear this badge with uiore real pride thau any badge I ever wore. and iti weariug it, the motto of our order shall be ever uppermost. "Fraternity among ourselves; charity for those who need it; loyalty to the old flag.' " Col. C. V. R. Pond, Dr. W. F. Breakey, Conrad isToll and others made appropriate remarks and the evening was oue of pleasure and enjoyuient.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News