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A new flag stafif has been placed on the top of the Cook house. See Goodspeed's new advertisement of their tailoring department. Miss Sperry has been engaged as a teacher in the Adrián schools. A small steamer has been placed on the river above the Sinclair dam. J. P. Judson is building a new residence on East University avenue. J. M. Reinhart has laid the foundation for a new house on Packard street. The Ann Arbor Extract Co. is moving into the Wilsey store on S. Fourth avenue. The Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar club played at Brighton, AVednesday evening. Fred S. Gakle returned, yesterday morning, to his old position in the Two Sams. Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M. meets next Monday evening to confer the M. M. degree. Patrick Toban, of Scio, died at the county house, Sunday night, of paralysis, aged eighty-one years. Ann Arbor is getting its share of conventions. The dentists of the state meet here next year. Charles S. Ackerman was given a decree of divorce from Elizabeth Ack erman, on the ground of desertion. The sermonsof Rev. Dr. R. A. Holland in St. Andrew's church last Sundry, were flnished gems of eloquence The Verein Lyra will give a lawn social at the residence of Herman Ilutzei, on W. Huron street, next week. Ex-Governor Alphens Felch was elected president of the Michigan pioneer and historical society last week. The state militia are expected to live on plainer f are than usual at the state encampment at Island Lake, August 18 to 22. The sink hole on the T. A. & N. M. railroad, near Whitmore Lake, gave the road considerable tronble the first of the week. Jacob Marcus, of Kalamazoo, is spending the week in jail by requestof Justice Pond, Monday. Hewasdrunk when arrested. The setisoi' oí dilwing will close at Granger's Academy of Dancing with a hop, tomorrow evening. Former pupils and friends invited. E. E. Hallett has been appointed sergeant major on the staiï of the división commander of the Sons of Veterans of this state. Complaint bas been made against Martin Ryan for using indecent language. His trial will take place before Justice Pond, June 17th. Daniel E. Crawford bas filecl a bilí in the circuit court asking for a divorce from his wife, Nellie Crawford, on the ground of extreme cruelty. The Ann Arbor Keystone's were to have played a game of base ball with the Ypsilanti Juniors at Ypsilanti, Friday, but rain intervened. Dr. A. B. Prescott read a paper Tuesday, before the American Medical Association in Detroit on Caiïeine and the question of its isomerism. The races at Milan which were to have occurred tomorrow have been postponed on account of the heavy rains until Saturday, June 25. The Ann Arbor Guitar and Banjo Club, with J. E. Harkins and Ross Granger, gave an entertainment at Brighton, Wednesday evening. "How to Study the Bible" will be the subject of the discourse to be delivered at the M. E. ehurch, Sunday evening, by Rev. C. M. Cobern. The Ladies' Aid Society of the EngIish Lutheran churcli will hold a social next Monday evening at the residence of F. H. Belser, on S. Thayer street. The Savings Bank have purchased of Lyman D. James a half interest in Masonic block for $18,500. The bank quarters will be entirely remodelled. Fred Weinman was fined $1 and $2.70 costs by Justice Pond, Monday, for shooting inside the city lirnits. The complaint was made by a neighbor. ' Herman F. Miller, whograduates in pharmacy tliis month, has accepted a position in the drug store of Eberbach & Son, and commenced working Monday. The large share of lots in the Miller addition have beendisposedof and the allotment of lots to purchasers will be made June 25th. A syndicate of four business men bas invested in 26 lots 1 and think it a pretty good investment. Dr. J. Taft read a paper on The Pro gress and Needs of Defatistry before the dental section of the Americai Medical Association in Detroit, Tues day. John M. Wheeler has been made a member of the standing committe of this diocese of the Episcopal church, on Chiistian Education and Literature. The saloon-keepers havepaidCounty Treasurer Brehm $14,483.90 for liquor taxsofar, and on Saturday he paid one-half of this amount to the city treasurer. The artists employed on the Argus and the U. of M. Daily desire to thank Messrs. Travis and Erdlitz, of the Daily, for a liberal supply of cigars last Saturday. In the June Forum, Dr. Ilenry C. Adams, of the university, has a very lucid explanation of the startling record of deaths and accidents to raihvay employees. Eev. Hila Francés Tupper, of Grand Itapids, will preach at the ünitarian church next Sunday morning in exchange with Mr. Sunderland. No evening service. Jane 3. Heazlit, wife of the late Ilenry Heazlit who died suddenly about ten days ago, died on Wednesday evening of pneumonía, aged 5-5 years and 7 months. The closing hop of the dancing school which has been conducted for the benefit of the merabers of Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T., was given last Saturday evening. Children's Day will be properly observed at the M. E. church, Sunday morning. The service will include recitations, acklresses and musical selections by the children. Ilemember Mr. Pickwick's reception Friday evening, June 10, at the Congregational church. Ice cream and strawberries for nothing. Adtnission, 2-5 cents. Doors open at 7 p. in. airs. Augustina Rattidied Saturday, evening, aged thirty-two years. She had just moved to this city with her husband and young child. Her remains were taken to Pontiac. Dr. W. II . Howell was one of the eminent specialists down for papers before the American Medical Association this week. His paper was on Nerve Regeneration after Suture. Esau Mitchell, of South Lyon, was given the alternative by Justice Pond, Monday, of contributing a finfl of $10 and paying $6.15 costs or spendmg twenty days in jail for being drank. M rs . Martha Jane Himt, of Ypsilanti , has filed a bilí for divorce from Josiah Flunt on the ground of desertion for four years. Both parties are colored and they have two daughters, just of age. Mrs. James B. Angelí addressed a meeting of Detroit ladies, Saturday, telling how she proposed to raise $2,500 from the wonnen of Michigan, towards the Women's World Fair Building at Chicago. Catheriue E. Millspaugh, of Ypsilanti, has begun suit in the circuit court against the city of Ypsilanti for $1,000 damages for grading Cross Street in such a marnier as to throw the water on her premises and into her cellar. The annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan opened in session at Detroit, Wednesday. Those present from St. And-ew's parish are Rev. Ilenry Tatlock, Rev. Robert Holland, John M. Wheeler and II. J. Brown. Death extinguished the family of Lewis Cunningham, colored, of Ypsilanti, last week. First his only child died. A week later, or last Saturday. his wife died. In the afternoon of that day he was taken with an epileptic fit and expired. Dr. Herdman read a paper on the Newer Medical Education in tlie. United States before the American Academy of Medicine, last Saturday, in which he described the great changes which have taken place in the medicah-department. II. Randall has been awarded the $2ö ai'ize offered by VVilson's Photogrnphic Magazine for the best illustration otan enticing offer. The photograph of Mr. Randall was that of an Ano Arbor young lady in a hammock, making room for a young man. The A. O. II. held their annual elec:ion, last Thursday evening, Ertward Dutïy, president; John V. Sheehafi, vice-president; Chris. P. Carey, recordng secretary; Morgan J. O'Brién, ïnancial secretary; D. J. Mallory, xeaaurer; and Morgan Williams, sergeant. Miss Jennie E. Ilascall, of Ypsilanti, lied at the home of her sister, Mrs. ïeo. L. Moore, on S. División stn;et, Satnrday morning at 5:30o'clock, after several months of suffering. Her remains were taken to Ypsilanti where the funeral was lield Monday afternoon. Mayor Doty hasattained a state 1 utation as a speaker and when Damascus ('ommandery, K. T., of Detroit, conceived the idea of presenting Past Commander Hay es witli a magnlficent past couimander's jewel, they immeDr. D. A. MacLachlan leaves June 2-5 for Europe, where will pursue his special line of study, particularly respecting tlie voice. He will study in the hospital in Londpn presided over by Sir Morril McKenzie, knighted by Queen Victoria for attending the Emperor Frederic. of Prussia. He will ! return in the f all in time for opening the new hospita!. diately requested Mr. Doty to make the presentation speech. The atlaii took place last evening, and Mr. Doty went to Detroit and made one of nis charactenstic speeches according to programine. uPTl Vaughan read a paper entitled "Towhat extent slionld Laboratory Instruction be Afforded Students in Medicine in Kegular Course" betore the animal convention of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Miles Standish, Longfellow's beautitul drama, wil] be given in the auditorium of the Baptist church this evening by leading elocutionists in the university. Mis. Prof. A. B. Stevens willgiveillustrations of the drama by the best artists by means of the stereopticon. The election of officers in Otseinego lodge, No. 295, Tuesday evening, resiilted as follows: James H. Ottley, M. Ct.; Lawrence J. Damm, V. G.; Charles II. Major, R. S.; Chase L. Dow, treasurer. ïheir installation will take place at the nrst meeting in July. Marshal Murray made a trip up the nver, Monday, to catch mide batliers. He iound fifteen or twenty boys in swnmning but all wearing tights. The boys on learning that soine young ladips wished to make some sketches up the river, agreed to make themselves scarce. The Animal Address before the Baptist Young People's Union will be dehvered next Sunday evening at the First Baptist church. It will be delivered this year by one of the ablest and most successf ui young ministers of the denomiriation, Rev. L. D. Temple, of Lansing. Mrs. Bishop, formerly a member of the Ann Arbor board of education, died at her home in Kansas City, June l, of paralysis. She was prominent in the M. E. church while in this city and was the only lady ever elected to the school board in this city. A husband, son and daughter survive her. The Ann Arbor Rifles contémplate juilding an armory and are laying their plans to secure a f und lor this nirpose. With this object in view ;hey are arranging for a bazar to be jiven at the Palace rink, Oct. lCth to 27th, and expect to get a good start for their building f und frorn this. The presbytery of the Presbyteiïan church will meet in this city next Friday. Among the other business to come before the presbytery is the orlination of George J. Rea. Mr. Rea was to have been ordained in Detroit ast Monday, but forgot the day and got to Detroit the day af ter the presbyery had adjourned. A lecture on the U . of M. f rom '59 to 65, the war events connected with the university, an account of the exciting meetings of "Wendell Phillips and others. stories of professors and students, etc , during this period, will be given by N. W. Cheever before one of the literarv societies, next Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in the law leeure room. A peculiar accident occurred at the funeral of Augustina Ratti at Pontiac, vhose remains were taken from this city. The casket was placed on planks over the grave. One of the planks )roke letting the uudertaker and one of the pall-bearers into the grave, the casket falling on them. Neither was njured by the accident. One of the fast horses belongirg to ieorge A. Gilbert, driven by his trainer, became frigutened at a car on 'ackard street, Tuesday afternoon, md jumped over a fence, carrying vith it the cart to which it was atached. The diiver and a l'ttle girl (ding with him were thrown off and he cart broken, but the damage was light. Eugene S. Gilmore, of EastSaginav, and Miss Mae Banghart, of this city. vere married at the residence of the mde's mother, Mrs. M. Banghart, on E. Ann street, Wednesday evening at ighto'clock. Rev. C. M. Cobern per-, 'ormed the ceremony in presence of ;he relatives and a few immediate riends of the parties. The young ouple left yesterday for their future ïome at East Saginaw. Dean & Co. 's delivery teamian away Tuesday morning, down the alley west of Main street, tipping over Baumeartnev's bread wagon and throwing the bread ill over tlie muddy alley, (lestroying a wagon load of chemicals for Eberbach & Sou. worth $150, and sotning out on Iluron street, where the horses feil one on top the other and ■ilid aeross the street like base runners reaching the home plate. Frank Irwin Muir, a post gradúate student of the literary departmenfc, lied Wednesday afternoon of' peritoni:is. after being sick but a few days. Muir was particularly bright student. He took a 15. A. degree in 1888 and was hen principal ot' the Battle Creek chools for three years. II e returned ïere last fall to take a master's degree ind was only waittng for commenceTient. He was a strong, athletic young nan and his death was unexpeeted. [lis parents reside near Erie, Mich., md his remains were taken there ycs:erday. At the meeting of the State Dental ssoiiatiori in Saginaw, last Saturday, Dr. N. S. Iloff. of this city, waselectêd president for the ensuing year. Dr. J. A. Watling was made supervisor of jlinics. Dr. Taft was made chairman f tlie the committee on permanent ocojlion. Dr. J. L. Williams, of Sault ite. "Marie, was made a member of the university visiting committee. Dr. W. II. Dorrance was continued on the I legislative committee. Ann Arbor i ivns selected as the next place of 1 ing. Rev. Mr. Carman will deliver an address to the senior law class, Sunday evening, June 19, in the Baptist church, on tlie subject of Incorporeal Hereditaments.