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In Memoriam

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In Memoriam.

Our Heavenly Father having taken from us unto himself our beloved friend, associate and counselor, Mrs. Sarah Welles Hunt, who was one of the two or three noble women to whose generous impulses, far-seeing intelligence, and skill in organization our Ladies' Library Association owes its existence, we desire as her associates to express our high regard for her exalted character, our grateful appreciation of her wise and loving labors, and the deep sense of loss with which her departure fills us.

From the beginning an honored member of the board of directors, she was chosen our first secretary, an office for which she was admirably fitted and which she filled most acceptably for many years. She was also a valued member of our book committee to the last.

Through all our difficulties her courage and enthusiasm never failed, while her recent efforts in behalf of the payment of the debt upon our building, her rejoicing at the consummation of this object, and her earnestly expressed desires and suggestions for the increased power and usefulness of the library in the community must be a perpetual incentive to use to carry out her wishes.

Earnest and unselfish, helpful and well beloved in society and in the church, her friends were inspired and strengthened by the beauty and beneficence of her consecrated life, and cannot but deeply feel the loss of such a personality, in which is embodied the highest and best of our nature.

While the sweet memory of her beautiful spirit, her gentle and gracious presence, will abide with us always, we desire to assure her bereaved family of our heartfelt sympathy, and to remind them and ourselves that our loss is assuredly her inexpressible joy and gain.

KATE E. HALE, C. E. GELSTON, L. M. PALMER, Com. of the Ladies' Library Association.