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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.") COUNCIL ChaMBEH, I Ans arbor. Juno 13th, 1893. f Special meeting. Oalled to order by City Clerk Miller. ltoll called. A quorum present. Absent, Aid. Wines, O'Mara, Taylor, and Pres. Cooley.- 4. On motion of Aid. Herz Aid. Prettyman was elected president, pro tem. The cali of special meeting having )een read by the Clerk, the following usiness was transacted. Aid. Herz moved that the Board of ublic Works and Street Coininisoner are hereby ordered to at once emove cars and all tracks iaid in First reet between Liberty street and Jefferson street on the 12th of June instant, by the T. A. A. & N. M. E. R. Ald.Kitson moved that Mr. A. J. Sawyer be allowed the floor, which motion prevailed. Aid. Rehberg moved that the motion of Aid. Herz be laid on the table, which motion prevailed. By Ald.Kehberg: Whereas, It has been made to appear to this Common Couneil that the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan Railway Company, wholly without lawful authority therefor, oñ the 12th day of June instant, with torce and arras did encuinber and obstruct a certain street of the City of Ann Arbor, to-wit: A certain street callee! First Street, between Liberty and Jefferson streets, in said City, by causing to be built and constructed therein and along the same a certain spur or side track, to their . railway system, consisting of railway ties of wood, T rails, and other bulky pareéis, to the great injury to said street as well as to the idjacent private property; therefore Resolved, And it, is hereby ordered that the said Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Michigan Railway Company do forthwith remove such and all such obstructions from the said streets within three days trom the service of this order, and that in default of such removal by the said Railway Company it is ordered that such obstruction be removed f rom said streets by the Street Commissioner of the City of Ann Ar3or and that each and all of said streets be again made safe and suitable for public travel. It is ordered that a copy of this order be served by the City Marshal, by delivéry of the same to any 011e of the General Oflicers of said Raihvay Company, if they shall o: may this day be found in the City of Ann Arbor, and if not so found in the city theu on Mr. Greenwood, agent of said Railvvay Company at Ann Albor,' Michigan. It is further ordered that tlie Mayor do cause this order in all things to bo f ully executed. Which resolution prevailed by a vea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer. Martin, Fillniore. Snow, Ferguson, Rehberg, Kitsoii, Prettyman- 8. Nays- Aid. Herz- 1. By Aid. Martin. Resolved, That tlie Toledo, Ann Arbor uu! Northern Michigan Railway Co. do forthwith remove the care, tracks and other obstructions ïrom First street between Liberty and Jefferson streets, under the supervisión í the Street Conirnissioner, at the s;iil iompany's expense, and make said treet again safe and suitable for )ul)lic travel. "Which resolution prevailed. Uy Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the City Marshal and rire Department are hereby ordered o protect all the City's interest on and ,long First street, trom Liberty to Jeferson streets, that ia to say to allow io further trespass on said street by heT. A. A. &N. M. R. R. Co. Which resolution prevailed. On motion tlie Council adjourned. W. .T. MrLtBB, City Clerk. One dollar per week is the easiest and chetvpest way to buy a sewing machine. Yon can get one for less than pot cash. Vou save tïom$öto$30. If 'ou need a machine cali at once on J. F. Schuh and save money. 81 S. Main st.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News