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Council Proceedings

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I OFFICIAL.! COUNCIL CHAMBEM. { Ann ARBOR, July 5th, 1892. j Adjourned regular meeting. Called to order by Pies. Cooley. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Herz, Fillmore, FerguSOn and Eebberg. Minutes of previous meeting ap" pro ved. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable the Common Council: Gentlemen.- I herewith return to you without my approval an ordinance uassed by your honorable body in council June 20, 1892, entitled "An ordinance relative to the closing of saloons, bars in restaurants and elsewhere." I assign my reasons therefor, as follows, to-wit: First. Because it is inconsistent with a wise and safe public policy to permit the transaction of business which is especially within pólice supervisión, by statute of the state, at an hour when that supervisión is most difficult to exercise. Second. Because very many of the citizens who are engaged in the liquor traffic have privately remonstrated with me against the passage of the ordinance in question, alleging that the tendency thereof is to compel them to keep their places open to the maximum limit of time permitted, thereby lengthening their liours of labor far beyond the bounds which a wise regard for the laws of nature and health imposes upon sane and reasonable men. The stress of competition rules the liquor trade as well as all the other occupations of men. Let us not f orce these unwilling toilers to prolong their labors for a livelihood far into the silent watches of the night, while the merchant, the mechanic and the laborer can or should quietly sleep, conscience clear in the thought that they have so divided the day that there are eight hours for labor, eight hours for sleep and eight for the service of God and their fellow men. , ,, Third. Because the interest 01 me city of Arm Arbor is coextensive and coexistent with that of the üniversity, and any action whicu your honorable body takes, which would tend in any degree to check or paralyze the growth and popularity of that great institution of learning, would be visited upon our city to its tenfold detriment of loss. lam conviuced that the scandal and disgrace which would attach to your liceusing midnight saloons in our city would spread and ramify to every sectionof the land, and loving and anxious parents in many a home both far and near would hesitate and refuse to commit their dearest and their best to the fosteriug care of a municipality which regarded so lightly the moral responsibility, which heavily rests upon the constituted authority of a college town. And lastly. My sense of duty, to the families of our own citizens who otherwise might be depriyed of the companionship and protection of fathers and husbands and brothers and sons during those hours of the night when the home should be their resting place and their delight, impels me to withhold my approval from the ordinance in question. In returning it to your honorable body with my absolute ' and unqualifled veto pemiit me to exm-ess mv sorrovv that your undue haste in pusliing the same to its passage, three readings at one session of an ordinance of so much irnportance, has led the uncharitable to suppose that y ou were over anxious and zealous tor its enactment. As for nryself I sliall indulge the thonght (and this rather from the tact that í know your honorable body to be more than usually highminded and sincere) that had you given the ordinance and all its bearings the delibérate attention its importance demands, had you passed it along the ordinary course of its readings and touched the popular pulse from time to time, as the ordinance pursued the orderly tenor of its way, you would never at the end have given it your sanction and approval. WlLLiAM G. Doty, Mayor. City of Ann Arbor. I Mayok's Office, June 24th, JS92. f To the Honorable tlie Common Council: I herewith return to you without my approval so much of the proceediifgs of your honorable body as relates to the following resolution passed at your last session. "By Alderman Wines: Resolved, That the Mayor is hereby instructed to order all side screens of whatever kind or nature in saloons in this city removed within ten days from this date." My reasons therefor are as follows: lst. Because it is incompetent for the Common Council to "instruct" the Mayor to act outside the sphere of nis official duty as prescribed by law. Neither the ordinances of this city nnr tlio luw nf this State 1'eDOSe in the mayor pólice functions with reference to "side screens, etc," in places where liquor is sold or kept for sale. The statiite regulating the liquor traffic expressly designates sheriffs, marshals, constables and pólice officers as the proper agents for lts enforcement. 2nd. Jiecause the principie ínvolvecl in the said resolution if acquieaced in would render gross interference with the executive prerogative possible it not probable at the hands of the legislative body. , , 3rd. Because if there were no legal o'bjection to the resolution the mayor of a city such as ours, perforniing nis proper functions, already almost burclensome, for a salary of one dollar per annum, owes it to his own self-respect, if not to that of the city and the othcc to object to and refuse the imposition of labors for the performance of which a pólice forcé isappointedandliberally paid. 4th. Because the resolution is uncalled for and gratuitous. For the Council, and certainly the mover of the resolution, ought to kuow if they do not. that the pólice of the city to the best of their limited numérica! ability are rigorously enforcing tbat section of the statute above reïerred to whicli requives the removal of curtains, screens, partitions or otlier things weich obstruct the view, during the hours prohibited by law, or bars or places in rooms where liquors are kept and sold; and thia witli the icquiescence and approval ot' all gooa citizens who are engaged in the trame which the statute legalizes and regulates. William G. Doty, Mayor. Aid. O'Mara moved that the communications froni the Mayor be laid on the table, to be taken up at our next regular meeting. On motion a recess was taken for five minutes. The motion of Aid. O'Mara was then lost by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Snow, O'Mara and Taylor.- 4. Nays- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley.- .5. Aid. Martin moved that the report of the Finance Committee be read and disposed of, which motion prevailed. Aid. Taylor moved that rule 18 be suspended in order to hear the report of the Finance Committee, which motion prevailed. KEPOKT OF STANDING C0MMTTTEB8. FINANCE. To tke Common Council: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at snms stütpri CONTINGENT FUND. V, J. Miller, salary.. 66 66 E. B. Norris, salary 25 (X Mrs. J. H. Stark, janitor li 26 John K. Miner, examiningTreasurer's and Clerk's books 25 00 Overbecki Staebler, supplies 5 40 P. O'Hearn, Board of Heviewl) days.. 22 60 John lt. Miner, " " .. IS U0 Eugene Oesterlin, " " 1 OU James Kearns, " " .- 18 00 John Baumgardner " " 18 00 Thomas Speechly, " " 18 00 John W. Bennett, " " ..18 00 John Andrés, ice íor Board of Review 1 30 J. C. Knowlton, services 25 oti W. J. Miller. post stamps, etc 2 50 Ann Arbor Gas Company, gas bill eix months (elaimed, Ï107.40) 96 60 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., street liffhting 613 35 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office 2 00 Telephone and Telegraph Construction Co 37 25 S.W. Beakes, printing ai 50 Estáte of Kiee A. Beal, council proceedings 34 41 Ann Arbor Argus, council proceedings 34 41 Eetate of Hice A. Beal, council pamphlets 14 85 Total B,l26 STHEET FUND. Nelson Sutherland, salary,.. 66 66 Geo. F. Key, salary tKl 00 Geo, Tuck 1 50 Amos Brake, labor i 5 Edward Barnett, labor 16 50 GeorgeElle. labor 15 00 Josepb Hutzel, labor 14 35 Lawrence Hughs, labor 21 75 John Berger, labor 27 00 Jacob Michell'elder, labor 29 25 Charles Hadke, labor - 20 2fi Clarence Pray, labor 31 50 Jacob Hertchiu, labor : 75 Gordon Wallace r 1 50 Frank Schultz, labor W 2 Michael Schauer, labor 300 Charles Storms, labor 19 80 Andrew Zeigler 1 50 Charles Kollemer, labor 9 75 Charles Stierle, labor 18 00 JohD Steinke, labor :' 00 GeorgeTuck, labor '.-- 4 50 August Rettich, labor 90 Gotlob Finkbeiner, labor 75 Sam Dett, labor 6 75 Frank Sutherland, labor 25 49 Wüliam Lamborn, labor 21 43 Wesley Riehmond, labor 150 Miehael Kenny " 13 50 Jacob Kias, labor 3 75 Chris Jetter, labor 18 90 Thomas East, labor 2 00 Henry Teaman, labor 2 OP Theadore lieickenicker, teaming 22 75 MatSchnearly, teaminif 38 50 George OlPi teaming _ 7 00 P. W. Rogers, teaming 26 25 W.B. Allen, teaming 2100 Hiram Kitridge, teaming 7 00 Andrew Dup6lott " 2100 Jacob Heek " 17 50 Miehael Kueterer " ' 42 00 Nelson Sutherland " X 88 Charles Tessmer " 7 00 J. Clark " 58 10 Richard Burns " 65 10 Martin Nag-le " 14 OS John McHugh " 56 00 Jacob Hauser " 68 25 LouisKohde, cement 5 90 Bmil Baur, cleanmgstreets 16 00 Grossman & Scblenker, supplies 196 K. J. Rogers, supplies 6 50 N. E. C. Granite and Marble Co 20 68 G. W. Winslow, gravel 121 75 Jonathan Drake, labor 26 40 William Nimtz " 14 70 Miehael Williams, labor 32 10 Karl Joerndt, labor 14 85 William Kuhen. labor. 12 00 Willis Ulam, laoor io August Te6smer, labor 28 8S Gustave Walter. labor 12 60 W. G Snow, bus for Street committee 2 50 James Tolbert, lumber and sewer pipe 68 86 Total $1,394 49 KIRE DEPARTMENT FUKD. Fred Sipley, salary 00 OU C. A. Edwards, salary oO 00 Henry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 4o 00 Charles Carroll, salary 42 tK Max Wittlinger, salary 40 00 Alexander D. Imus, salary 20 Frank Kapp, salary -1 Albert West, salary ' JJ Herman Kirn, salary o 01 Louis Weinmann, salary 8 w John Kenny , salary - 8 0l Sam McLaren, salary J Morgan Williams, salary o w Mrs. B. Keam, washing o Jf Robison & Howlett, supplies - 5 Keinzmann & Laubengayer, bran 1 bl Charles Cubitt, straw } John.McElroy, hay 1} 3. F. Granger Dr J. A. Dell, services w o' C. Clark, supplies B ' Total.., $ ' 9 PÓLICE flTND. 1 James K. Murray, salary B5 00 ] David Coüins, salary 9" " Noble C. Tice, salary - Frank Campion, special pólice i 00 George H. Mathews, special pólice - W. G.Snow, horsehire w Total - 175 W POOB KÜND. Fred Sipley, salary ? Louis Kobde. wood J Edward Uuffy, groceries ; W Mrs Ann Evans, aid í Jolin Goetz, jr., groceries i - J. Henne, groceries - Ï" W. F. Lodholz.groceries ' O'Hara & Boyle, groceries ' i C. Rinsey, grooerles J zi Itlnsey & Seabolt, grocenes J ;■_ Louis Kohde, wood o M. F. Vogel, meat í V,! William H . Mclntyre, grocenes a Total 1S WATER FUND. AnnArbor Water Co.,'s üre hydrant rental, etc., (claluied ..OÜ.UO) Ï2,b!to 0Ü BKIDQE, OULVKKT ANO CROSSWALK FÜND. GottlobSchneider.HHl st. culvert-ffl 00 Karl Journdt, labor ii '.1 Wni. Kuheu, labor ' ] losepli Hut.el, labor ' "V GottlobSchnelder labor Gustave Waltere, labor ;. r; Willlam Nimtz, labor ----- "'"! James Tolbert, crosswalk plank. ..... iw -Mi John BauniKardner, crossms stone... . 14.) W James Tolbert, lumber-. Pairick O'lirian, labor '_J2; Total m 17 OBMBTBBT FUND. Jolm Hobinson. labor J 'r.' Jacob Kalmbach, labor. .- J .';. Matt Lauppold, labor " Eli S. Manly, labor ' " Samuel Owen, labor " '" Total Í688 UECAPiTULATION. Contiiig-ontFund ]■]?] Street Fund - i'f,l Fire Fund " ' Continued on ííah pace. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. [Continucd.] Pólice Fund 175 00 Poor Fund 90 1 Bridge, Culvert and Croeswalk Fund-. TtiT 1 Ceinetery Fund ñ6 S Water Fund 2,95 o Total Ï6.TO 8 Respectfully submitted. Waltek L. Taylok. Finance Com Aid. O'Mara moved that the repor be accepted and adopted and warrant ordered drawn tor the sums statec therein, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines. Schairer, Snow O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyuiai and Pres. Cooley.- 8. Nays- Aid. Martin.- 1. l'ETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by residents anc property holders on East University protesting against the draining of the greater part of East University avenue into a sink as insufficient and non sanltary drainage. Aid. Prettyman moved that the peti tion be referred to the Street Commit tee and Board of Public Works with power to act, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Feas - AM. Wines, Schairer, Martin Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley.- 9. Nays- None. To tht Common Council: The Board of Public Works woulc recommend a further condition to be added to report made by this board to the Common Council, June loth, 1S92 in regard to the spur track of the T. A A. & N. M. R. R. Co., to wit: That the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co do forthwith replank all their streel crossings in this city the f uil width oi each street; that is to say, from street line to street line. We further recommend, and ask for the following appropriations: For tiling Washington street, south side, from the eastside of Allen's creek extending easterly to the east side of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co. tracks $150. 18 inch tile. For tiling Miller avenue, south side, from Main street to the west side o Ashley street. $125. 12 inch tile. For building stone crosswalk along the east side of Main street crossing Liberty street, $00. For building stone crosswalk along the west side of Main street crossiiiL, Ann street. S50. We further renort that the Hill stree: culvert is in all tliings iccepted am approved and recommend that bilí oí $33ff, contract price, be paid. liy order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Milleh, Clerk. Beferred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Charles S. Millen and nine others, residents and pro perty holders on East University avenue of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on and along the east side of East University avenue from Hill street to Packard street. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by P. Lchr and twenty-two other residents and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor, asking that S. División street be opened and laid out into a street from Madison street to Hill street. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Fred C. Wemberg and flve others, residents and property holders on State street, First Ward, asking for the extensión of 6 inch water main from Packard street along State street, and place a fire hydrant at the end of said extensión. Referred to Water Committee. A petition signed by EL M. Taber, Delta Upsilon Fraternity, J. T. Jacobs and Mis. Iladley, asking for to lower the grade on Monroe street on crown of hill east of Packard street. Referred to Street Committee. REPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE8 . STKEET. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Street to whom was referred the petition of John P. Lawrence and others, praying that the name of North street be changed and that said street be called Kingsley street or avenue, respectfully report that they have had the matter uuder consideration and would recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted and that the said North street be hereafter called Kingsley street. Your Committee would further recommend that the letter of Governor Felch, which accompanied said petition, be printed in full in the Council proceedings as a proper tribute to the chaiacter of the late Judge Kingsley. All of which is respectfully submitted, Chkistian Martin, W. L. Tatlob, L. D. Winks, W. G. SNOW, II. G. Pketttman, Street Committee. Ann Arbor, June 18, 1892. Hon. W. G. Doty, Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor: M y Deak Sik: I hand you herewith a petition addressed to yourself and the common council for a change of the name of North street to that of Kingsley avenue or street. It is signed by the residents and owners on that street, and I am informed that i the change is not only ardently desired by them, but that it would be highly gratifying to all whose attention has been called to the subject. This street, when the village was laid out in 1824, was the most northerly street on the plat and was therefore appropriately named North street, j But since that time the village has become a city and its boundaries extended far to the north of it, with additional streets and buildings, thusl rendering the original name of the street no longer in any sense appropriate, I am glad to see that the petitioners have chosen for the new name of the avenue or street, that of my honored ftiend now no longer with us, Hon. James Kingsley. He was one of the earliest and most active of the worthy pioneers of our city and no man had the respect of his fellow citizens more than he, and no man more richly deserved it. He held almost every office within the gift of his neighbors and fellow citizens. He was a member of the oíd territorial council from 1830 to 1833, and more than once a member of the state legislature, and was in the convention that diafted the present constitution of the state. In his own county he was supervisor and judge of probate. He was mayor of the city and a regent of the University. He was always active in advancing the interests of the city and the public. His inihience was feit in establishing the railroad system and obtaining the location of the Central road through our city, and from my associatiou witli him in the legislature of 1837, I can bear witness that no man in this locality did more to secure the location of the University in Ann Arbor than did Judge Kingsley. I think there is nothing of a permanent charaeter in our city which bears his name. He deserves a monument more enduring than we can give. Let us at least show that he is not forgotten in the city wliere his long and yiseful business life was spent, by giving to one of its avenues, in honor of his memory, the name of Kingsley. I hope the city authorities will look with favor oñ the application of the petitioners and will grant their request. Very respectfully yours, ALI'HEUS FeLCH. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and adopted, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. AVines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley - 9. Nays - Jione. SIDEWALK COAIMITTEE. Aid. Kitson moved that Kule J8 be suspended in order that the Siclewalk Committee can make report. Wliicli motion prevailed. To the Common Council: Your Sidewalk Committee, to whom was rei'erred the recommendation of the Board of rublic Woiks would recommend that tlie sum of $16Ü be appropriated from the Contingent Fund for the construction of a cement sidewalk in front of Firemen's Hall and that said walk in front of the doors be constructed with cedar blocks on cement or gravel foundation. Respectfully submitted, Arthuh J. Kitson, John O'Mabá, D.F. Schaikbb, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Wines moved that the report be laid on the table until our next regular meeting, which motion prevailed. Aid. Snow moved that the Council now adjourn, which motion was lost by the following yea and nay vote: Yeas- Aid. Snow, O'Mara- 2. Nays- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley - 7. The Park Committee not being ready to report asked for furthertime, which was granted. Committee on purchasing safe for Clerk's office asked for further time, whicli was granted. HEPORTS OF CITY OFFICEKS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING JUNE 30, 1892. lo the Common Council of the City of Arm Arbor: Balance on hand as per last report $36,051.73 MONEY BECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Miller, licenses $ 15 00 County Treas. LiquorTax 643.50 Fire Fund- Sipfley, permit . 2.00 Pólice Fund- Murray, fees 8.10 Pond, fines 1.00 Cemetery Fund- Speechley, 5. OU Manly, 10.(10 Felch 12.50 Delinquent Tax Fund- Bejected tax collected TO Total 697.80 $1(1,749.53 MONEY DISBDHSED. Contingent Fund $ 895.87 Street Fund 903.80 'iremen'8 Fund S;J1.67 'olice Fund 218.50 'oor Fund y;.7i oldiers' Relief Fund 78.00 Total.... 3,084.58 13,064 95 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fuud 3,197.15 Strefct Fund, drawn 1,502.11 Fireuien's Fund 2,425.57 Pólice Fu nd 94.78 PoorFund 1,424.67 Water Fund o,7M.71 Cemetery Fund 1S4.M Soldiere' Relief Fund. 869.64 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,061.87 Bridge, Culvert and CrosswalkFund, 2,462.98 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Total 116,288.93 ?2,62:;.8 Total Balance on hand $13,604.95 Respectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, July 1, 1892. .n.n Akbor Savinqs Bank ) Axn Akbok, Mioh., July 1, 1892. j T the Comnwn Council of the City of Arm Arbor: This will certify that S. W. Beakes, has to his credit as City Treasurer the sum of Thitteen Thousand, Six Hundred Ninetyeven and 94-100 dollars, ($13,697.94). Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The nionthly reports of the TreasLirer, City Clerk, Marsbal and Superintendent of the Poor were read and jrderedfiled. MOTIONS AND RESOLVTIOXS. gy Aldennan Wines: j, ' in'il That the Fiuance Commlttee is .''pbvdii-ected to determine am. report at h nAt reular meeting of this Couneil the niiiit of money already appropriated for imis public nnprovements. and the probaSfeces6ary expenses fov the present fiscal ar. ' wiiii-h resolution prevalled. By Alderman Wiines: tMitlverl Tbat the records of the last regu'mretinebe eorrected so that the resoluf „ tntroduced by myself with reference to „ViU in saloons, shall read' as written, toit The word printed side be made to read insid"Wliich resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: unolved, That thegradingand construction rthfi sidèwalks hereinafter meutioned is Seeined and declared a necessary public impI?hPT-efoie, it is liereby ordered that a stone ■ iliralk be eraded, bnilt and constructed on 'Lí alone the West side of State street, In Ü,nt of the property of Mrs. Laura J. Hallook SdSiiíieS Kosenthaler, in saidcity ofAnu Arl that such aldewalks be gradea, built f„d constructed in the manuer within the fSie and ol the material prescribed by the ö vis of an ordinanoe ' Entltled au Ordl'm'p Relatlve to sidewalks,'1 and on the gratie to be established. Wliich resolution prevalled. By Aldermaon Etawv: Ttrvilrcd, ïliat the blds to this Council for the construction of the stone culvert over Mili Race of Felch street, be and the same íre hereby rejecte.l and the Board of Public Works are hereby directed to readvertise for tu' construction of the same pursuant to the plans and specifications heretofore adopted. Which rosoluti'oii provaiK'd. By Aid. Kitson: Whfueas, In the opinión of the Council fh "rade of the sidewalk on the south side f Wilinot street ought to be changed and Uri and established, to the end that such streel may be made suitable and safe for pub UÜa&t5SdUrti hereby ordered that the nïde of tiie sidewalk on and along the south side of Wilmot street from north line of Waslitenaw a%'enue to west line of East Elm Street be, and the same Is hereby changed, flred and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street afore'said .shall be as follows, that is to say: At north lineofWashtenawave., - 88.S ft. Atauglein Wilmot St 88I.0J ft. At point 869 feet from Washtenaw WH "jli,ft'; the elevation given being above the ofhciai ci'lv d'tum and aloug the center line of such walk', and the grade Unes to consist ot straight lines between the several pouits or stalions above stated. Whic-h resolutio.11 prevailed. By Aid. Kit son: Wiiekkas. Iu the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the nortli side of Packard Street ought to be changed and flxed and established. to the end tliat sueh sireet raay be made suitable and sale tor public travel, therefore Resolved Vnd it is hereby ordered that the srade of the sidewalk on and along the north side of Packard street from east line of South Main street, to west line of S. Fourth avenue, be and the same is hereby changed, ftxed and est'ablished, so that the grade of said sidewalk ou and alóng the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: , At N. K. corner of Main and Pack ard sis., 8.37.42 ft. At Alïey 150 feet from Fourth 839.97 ft. At N. w, corner of Fourth Ave. and Packard St., 842.o3 ft. ' the elevation given beiug above the official citv datum and along the center line of such wa'lk aud the grade lines to consist of straight Unes between the several pointsor stations above stated. Wiii-h i-o.soUttiiüM prevailed. By Ata. Kitson: Whereas, In tbe opinión of tbe Council fpe -rade of the sidewalk on the south side of Packard street ought to be changed aud fixed -and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Remirea, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south siüe of Packard street from east lineof South un street to west line of South Fourtli avenue be, and the same Is hereby changed, flxed aud established. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At S. W. corner of Packard St. and S. Fourth Ave., 842.53 ft. Atsoutheast corner of Packard and 3. Main Sts., 837.02 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum aud aloug the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Whieli resol ut ton prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the Nortti side of East Washington st. ouglit to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, Andit is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aiong the north slde of East Washington st. from east line of South Main street to west line of South Fifth street be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At N. E. corner of Main and Washiugton Sta 834.78 ft. At Alley betweeu Main St, and Fourth Ave., 830.91 ft. AtN.W. corner of Washington St. and Fourth Ave., 838.42 ft. At X. E. corner Fourth Ave 88'J.39 ft. At Alley betweeu Fourth and Fifth Aves., 842 12ft. AtN.W. corner of Washington St. and Kifth Ave., 845.64 ft. theelevatlon given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. WlhiiCh a-esolutio-n piH'vailotl. By Aid. Kitson: Whekkas, In the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of East Washington St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street inay be made suitable and safe for public travel, thereiore Besolved, And it is liereby ordered that the grade oí the sidewalk on and along thé south side of East Washington street from east line of öouth Main street to west line of South Fifth avenue be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: Ats. E. corner of Main and Washington Sts 835.81 ft. At Alley between Main St. and Fourth Ave., 837.21 ft. At S. W. corner of Washington St. and Fourth Ave., 838.84 ft. At S. E. corner of Washington St. and Fourth Ave - S39 61 ft. At alley between Fourth and Fifth Aves., 842 49 't. At S. W. corner of Washington st. and FilthAve., - 816.04 ft. tlie elevatlon given being above tiie uilk-ml city datum and along the center line of sncli walk, and the grade lines to consist oí straight Unes between the (overal poiuts or Rlations above stated. Whtoh resolutiion prevailed. By Aid. Kiteon: Wheueas, In the opiuion oí tlie Counoil the grade of thesidewalk ou iho uortb sitie ui' . HuronSt. ought to be ebauged uiul iix"l aiul established, to the end that such stieet 'uy be made sultable and safe for pabllc travel, therefore Resolved, And itis hereby ordered that the grade of the eidewalk on and along the iiorlu de of West Huron St. froni west lme of Main street to east line of Ashley street be, aud the sanie is hereby cbanged, flxed aud estabhshed.sothat the grade of said aidewalk on and along the street aloresaid shull be asfollows that is to say: Atwestliue of Main Sc. 888.58 ft. Al Kust Une of Ashley St S27.07ft. tlie elevation glven beiug above the ollicial c'ty datum and along the center line of such walk. and the grade Une to consist oí straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Whirh rosolutkui prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Wherbas, In the opinión of the Couucll le grade of the sidewalk ou the south side 01 West Hurou street ought to be changed ii-'icl tixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, Iherefore ved. And it is liereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou aud uloug the south slde of est Hurou street from Main street to Ashley avenue be, aud the same is hereby changed, fixed and eatablished, go that the grade of said sidewalk ouaminlong the street atoresaid shall beas follows, that is to say: At west Une of Main St., 8S2 62 ft At east line of Ashley Ave., - 828.57 ft, the elevatton giveu beiug alove the official city datum and alongtne ceuterof such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight Unes betweeu theseveral pointsor stations above stated. WliUh iTsitliniun pn-vaileil. By Aklmmm Kin.son: Whereas, in the opinión oí the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the west side of North Mum St. ougüt to be chnuged aud nxed and established, to the end that suoh street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, thèrefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou a"ud aloug the west side of Xorth Main 8t.,from Ann St. to CatherlneSt., be. and the sume is hereby changed. fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk ou and aloug the street afpresaid shall be as follows, that is to sav : At N. W. corner of Main and Auu Sts. 8:50.29 ft. At S. W. coruer of Main and Catherine Sta... K2C.41 ft. the elevatiou given belng above theofflclal oity datum and along the center line of BUCh walk, and the grade linesto cousist of straight Unes betweeu the several poiuts or stations stated. Whirh aresolTitton prevailed. By Altlerman Kitsou: Whbbbas, in the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the eidewalk ou the east slde of S. Fourth Ave. ought to be changed aud ñxed aud established, to the eud that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and along the east side of S. Fourth Ave., from north liue of JS. Washington St. to south liue of E. Huron St., be.and the same is hereby changed.lixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesald shall be as follows, that is to say : AtX. E. corner of E". Washington St. aud S. Fourth Ave 839.89 ft. AtS. E. corner of E. Hurou St. audS. Fourth Ave 887UÍ7 ft. the elevatiou given beiug above the official city datum aud along the center liue of such walk, and the grade liues to cousist of straight liues betweeu the several poiuts or stations above stated. YVlik-h resolutioa rrv;ulcil. By Aldienman tutean: Wheüeas, in the opiuiou of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on t be south side of JLast Huron St. ought to be changed and Bxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that tlie grade of the sidewalk on aiid along tlie south itdeof E. Hurón su [rom west line of Fourth St. to east line of Fifth St., bo. and the Bame is íereby changed,ilxed and established, so that :he grade oï said sidewalk on and along the itreet aíoresaid shall be as íollovs,that is to jay : !U S. E. corner Hurón and Fourth Sts. 837.87 ft. Vt S. W. comer Hurón aud Fiíth Sts. 841.59 ft. ;he elevatiou given beingabove the oflicial city .latuin and along the center line of such walk, ind tlie grade Jiue to cousist of straight lines }etween the several points or stations above stated. Whieh resolution prevailed. By 'Alttermnn Kitm: the opiuiou of the Council the jrade of the sidewalk ou the west side of S. fourth Ave.oughttobechanged and fixed and .■stablished, to the end that such street nia In' made suitable and safefor public travel, there'ore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the jrade of the sidewalk ou and along the west ■ide of S. Fourth Ave., from E. Washington St. to E. Hurou St., be.aud the same is hereby 3hauged, üxed aud established, so that the jrade of said sidewalk on and along the street iforesaid shall be as follows. that is to say : U N. W. corner Fourth aud Washington S8S.42 ft. At S. W. corner Fourth and Hurón.. SS5.S5 ft. ihe elëvatlongiven beingabove the official city ïatum aud aloug the ceuter lme of such walk, uid the rade lines toconsist of straight linea jetweeu the several poiuts or stations above i tated. Which resolution prevailecl. By AMtTiiiau Kitsim: Wh ere as, in the opinión of the Council the ;rade of the sidewalk ou the north side oí K. North St. ought to be cïanged and fixed and jstablished, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, thereiore jiesolred, aud it is hereby ordered that the 'rade of the sidewalk on and along the north jide of E. North street, f romeast line of North State to west line of N. Ingalls, be, and the same is hereby changed, fiied aud established, 50 that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: AtN. E. corner of State and Kiugsley streets 883-H ftAt a point 135 ft. from east line State St 846.43 ft. At west line N. Thayer St S52.32 ft. At N. E. corner Kingsley and N. Ingalls St 865.05 ft. the elevation given being above the omcial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade liues to consistof straight liues between the several pointsor stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed. By Aldeimnn Kiitecxn: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the south side of E, Xorth St. ought to be changed and fixed aud established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore , , Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the aidewalk on aud along the south side of E. North St., from east line of .. State St. to west line oí N. Ingalls St., be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed aud established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : , . At east line of N. State St 813.21 it. At west line of N. Thayer St 853.22 n. At west line of N. Ingalls St - Siio.ij it. the elevatioa giveu being above the orhcial city datum and along the center line of such walk, aud the grade lines to cousist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Wliich reriolulion orevniled. By Alilerman KW.son: VVhekeas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the uoith side of ilmot St. ought to be ehanged and ñxed aud established, to the end thut such street may be made suitable and saLe for pnblie travel, Resolved, aud it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud aloug the uorth side of Wilmot 8t.,from north line of Washteuuw Ave. to west liue of Eust Elin !t., be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sideualk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as tollows, that is to say : At north liue of Washtenaw Ave S'vïS At augle iu Wilmot St ' ' ■ ". At a point 369 ft. froin north liue ot Washteuavv Ave b3.O4 ft. At west liue of East EhnSt sss.ivl It. the elevatfon given being above the official oity datum and along the center line of Buon walk, and the grade lmes to consist ot straight betweeu the several points or statious above stated. Wliich reeolutkm prevailed. By A'.il'.M'iuan Kit.soii: WiiiatKAS, iu the opiuion of the Council the erade oi the sidewalk on theeast side ot South ïirst Bt. to be cbauged aud hxed and BStabllshl l, i.. the end that sueh street may l,e made suitable imd safe for public travel. 1 r" '"'mi. and H is hereby ordered that the L'iüde of tiie aidewalk on and along the east side of south First 5t., from uorth liue 01 eet Jefferaon St. to south line West Liberty st.. be, aud the same is hereby enauged, tixed and established, so that the grade oí said sldewaUE on aud aloug the street aforesaid sliull be as follows, that is to say : At uorth line of West Jeffersou St. 81, .94 ft. At south liue of T. & A. property. - MS. it. Atceuterof West Willlami St - At ceuter of mam track of ï. & A. g II S02.18 ft At south'linê of" West Liberty 8t.- sos.iwft the elevation giveu beiug abovii the otticial city datum and along the center liue 01 such waik, aud the grade Unes to cousistoi straight linea bet ween the several points or statious abOY6 stated. Wliich resolution prevailed. By lAUliH-man Martin: Wiieekas, iu the opluiou of the Council the grade on North St. ought to be changed and fixed and establtshed. to the end that such street may be made suitable tor public travel ind trafflc. Therefore !;■,, h-',!. and it is hereby ordered that che [rade on Norlh St., center line trom State 8t. to x. Ingalls st., be, and the same Is hereby ihanged from the present grade aud fixed aud establisbed. so that the grade on and along siich street shall be as follows. that is to say : At Statest. . 841 14 ft. U N. Thuyer st._ 853.82 ft. u H. [ngalli st 864.SS ft. the elcvatiou given beiug above the official ity du tuin aloug the center line of said street, he roadway to conform thereto,aud tbe grade ihereol to conslat of straight Unes bet. the sevoral points or stations above stated. Whieh resolution prevailed. By Aklerman Martih: Whekkas. in the opinión of the Council the gntde on S. Fourth Ave. ought to be changed uut tixed and established, to the end that snch street may be made BUltable for public travel and traffic. Therefore Jifsolrrd. and it is hereby ordered that the 'rade on S. Fourth Ave., center line from louth Une Packard St. to uorth line ui Uadison st., be, and tbe same is hereby ohanged from the present .'inde and üxed and establlshed, so that the g.ade on aud alon? such street shall be as followe, that is to say: At S. line Packard st _ 842.58 ft. - mi) ft. from S. line Packard St 889.53 ft. " 200 it. '■ ■■ v " 300 it. '■ ■ 829.83 it. ■' 400 ft. ■■ ■■ ■■ 8 11 600 ft. ■■ ' " . S " 7011 ft. " " " 810.73 11. the elevation elven belng abore the o city datum and along the center line of said streel, the roadway to conform thercto. and the grade thereoí to oonsist of straight line between the aeveral points or stations above stated. Wiiicii resolution prevalled. By AUltM'inam Martlm: Whjbbbab. in the opiuion of the Council the grade on East Washington St. ought to he changed and ilxcd and establlshed, to the end that such street may be made suitable for pulilic travel and tralfic. Therefore i:.iilml, aud it is hereby ordered that the grade on the ceuter line of Kast Washington st., from center of Main St. to center of Fifth Ave., be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and lixed and establlshed, so that the grade on and along such street shal 1 he as follows, that ia to say : At center oí Main and Washington Sts 885.29 ft. At center of Fourth and Washington Sts. 839.01 ft. At ceuter of Fifth and Washington Sts 846.52 ft. the elevation given heing above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto.and the grade thereof töconsist of straight Unes between the Beveral points and stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed. l'.y Akli-rmnn Martlm: WHEBBAS. in the opinión of the Oonncil the grade ou Wilmot St. ought to be cbanged mul flxed and establishcd, to the end that suoh street muy be made suitable for public tra cl and traffic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Wilmot St.,froni Washten&w Ave. to East Eira St., be. mul the sume i-í hereby ehanged trom the present grade and flxed ana cstablished. 80 that the grade on audaloni; sueli street shall be as l'ollows. that is to sáy: At north line of Washtenaw Ave 'W-.I.2G ft. At angle in street 879.90 ft. At ;jii) ft. from uorth line of Washtenaw Ave SSO.lSft. At interaeetion of East Elm St 887 -21 ft. the elcvationgiveubeing aboye the official city datum and along the center line of said streel, the roadway to conform thereto.and the grade thereof toconsist of straight linea between the several points or stations above stated. On TOütion the oouncil adjournefl. Clerk.


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