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Local Brevities

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Talk of a new bank at Ann Arbor has revived. There has been considerable politics for a hot week. The Woman's Relief Cops held a social last evening. Prince Michael's trial here cost Wayne county $557.90. liev. R. T. Savin, of Detroit, preaches in the M. E. church, next Sunday. The county treasury was overdrawn $8,764.79 on the first day of the month. The ladies of the Episcopal church held a social in Harris hall, last evening- The Agricultural company shipped a number of hay presses to Oregon, this week. Giles Lee is building a large house n the resar of his residence 011 State street. The Aim Arbor Brick & Tile Co., at Emery, give employment to sixteen lands. George H. Pond has been re-elected president of the board of lire commissioners. Rev. Wm. Galpin, of Ishpeming, preached in St. Andrew's church last Sunday. Rev. J. Meumann was ordained a minister just twenty-five years ago yesterday. One of Fred Besimer's new houses on Fourth avenue north is nearly ready for occupancy. St. Patrick's church, of Northfield, nade about $700 by their picnic on the Fourth of July. A. L. Noble will move his house on the corner of Monroe and Thayer to the rear of the lot. William Thayer, of Ann Arbor town, sold 3,588 pounds of wool to Mack & Schmid, Monday. Mrs. E. E. Sunderland has been appointed teacher of history in the high school at a salary of $700. Attend the great men's suit sale this week at The Two Sams. Be sure and read their advertisement. "William F. Lodholz has purchased the Pulcipher block on the corner of Broadway and Wall streets. The care of the county insane in Pontiac during the past three months cost "Washtenaw county $793.45. The "Ann Arbor" road took in more passenger fares at this station last month than in any previous June. The colored Sunday schools held a picnic at Campbell's grove, Wednesday. They went by the motor line. Justice Butts on Tuesday presented Patrick llooney, an utubrella mender, with two days in jaili or getting drunk. Asa Allen, the motorneer, has been suffering trom a bad felón, but has kept his eyes open for passengers just the same. The Ann Arbor Biiles' excursión to Put-in-Bay, July 0, promises to be the largest going out of Ann Arbor for a long time. Rev. Mr. Woodruiï, of St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, has resigned to take charge of the Episcopal church in Benton Harbor. A lawn social for the benefit of the north side M. E. chapel will be held this Friday evening in the school yard on Wall street. The broad cement walk on the west front of the Arlington hotel is nearly ready for the use of pedestrians and "lilis a long-feit want." üntil further notice the Ladies' Library will be open from 3 to 5 instead of from i to 4 on Saturday afternoon commencing with July ltEliza Oourts has furnished $3,300 bail to appear at the October term of court and has retinned to her long haired brethren in Detroit. Rev. W. H. Walker, a graduate of the University, class of '87, was married Wednesday, in Breckenridge, to Miss Ella W. King, class of '92. Thomas East was was arrested for drunkenness, Tuesday, an accusation which he denied. Justice Butts adjourned the case for two weeks. Mrs. Henry W. Rogers had the misfortune to fall, last Friday, while walking in the tlining room of her residence and sustáined a severe fracture of the hip. The Ladies Society of Bethlehem church have elected the iollowing offlcers for tfee coming year: Président, Miss Charlotte Hutzel; vice-president, Mis:, Emily Mogk; secretary, Miss Beta lirown: treasurer,Miss Nanneth Kemrnler. The house of Samuel Johnson, of Dexter, caught fire Saturday in the dtchen roof. Hard work saved the ïouse. ' ' Grossman & Schlenker are fitting up he store opposite their present location preparatory to removing across Liberty street. Seven tramps were taken from a freight train on the Michigan Central and are now in jail. One of the ramps gives his name as Brown and another as Jones. No services will be held in the Presbyterian church for the next four weeks except on the evening of July 31, when union services will be held by Rev. Chas. Young. Robert Ross, of this city, was married to Miss Mamie Slattery, of Ypsilanti, at St. John'a church, Ypsilanti, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. ltoss will reside in this city. Jacob Stall, a Dexter barber, while fighting with Jay Warren in Dexter, Caesday night, had a piece of his ear bitten off. Ile made complaint in Justice JJutts' court. The Ann Arbor Liglit Infantry had an out-door drill on the campus, Wedïesday night. Next week the company commences drilling three nights a week, getting ready for camp. G. L. Chapman, who graduated in he literary department and was one of the assistant managing editors of he U. of M. Daily, has accepted a position on the Detroit Evening News. At the school board meeting, Tuesday night, Miss Virginia Mogk and Miss Carrie Krause were appointed teachers in the second ward school and Mis. Downs in the fourth ward school. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Merrill, of Webster, are one of the oldest married couples living in the county. They have lived in Webster lifty-eight years and have been married lil'ty-nine yeai's. A imiss meeting will be held in Dexter this evening in Alley's hall to decide whether the village will erect a suitable tower for the 1,000 clock Mis. S. W. Dexter promises to give the village. Rev. Mr. Tatlock, of St. Andrew's church, is in New York to see about the contract for redecorating the church. The parish will spend about $3,000 in decorating and recarpeting the church. The new Victory hotel at l'ut-inBay is the largest of its kind in the world. Attend the Ann Arbor Rifles' excursión, July 20th, and see this mamnputh structure, also the historical Put-in-Bay island. II. Shoemaker is temporarily acting as local editor of the Register. Mr. Shoemaker, who is a pleasing wiïter, graduated in the University last spring and was the first managing editor of the U. of M. Daily. The Ann Arbor Carriage works will add the store building now occupied by Grossman & Schlenker to their wareroom. They are rushed with work and have just made a big reduction in prices on buggies. Their advertisement will be found on this page. The Dexter marshal was parading the streets of that burg, Monday, with a gun over his shoulder, looking foi dogs without muzzles. He shot a large grey hound and the owner started for Ann Arbor, with threats of getting even. Miss Louise L. Loving, of this city and Arthur C. Roberts, of Plainwell were married in St. Andrew's church Tuesday nioming, by Rev. William O Waters, of Detroit. After the wed ding breakfast, Mr. and Mre. Roberts lelt for Saratoga and the east. George II. Rhodes was thrown trom his wagon while loading hay, Wednesday, by the horse stavting Siidrtenly a. if stung by a bee. Mr. Rhodes struck on his head and left shoulder. Lnckily no Iones were broken and Mr llhodes was around the next day. George II. Snow, for two years editor of the Register, has accepted a position as reporter on the Detroit Kveniiig News. What the Register loses the News gains. The Argus wishes liini the success, which the honest work Mr. Snow puts in, well desérves. Tickets for the Arin Arbor Rifles' excursión t Put in-Bay are now on sale by Mack & Sclimid, Á. L. Noble, Rchuta & Muehlig, Grossraan & Schlenker, T. F. Hutzel and II. Meuth at $1.50. Half price lor children. Fositívely fonr hours will be given on the island. George Burg was thrown out by his horse niiining away in the fifth wind yesterday at'ternoon. The buggy was overturnèd by a cow which didn't get out of the way of the running horse. Mr. Burg was considerably bruised but no bones were broken. The buggy was wrecked. A little daughter of John Steele, of Scio, had her leg broken last week while climbing on a buggy wheel. The horse started throwing her into the spokes of the wheel. George S. Vanderwarker, of this city, and Miss Dora Bowers, of New Hudson, were married Tuesday in New Hudson by Rev. Henry Tatlock. The happy couple will be wannly congratulated by many Ann Arbor friends. No paper in the county, Republican or Democratie, publishes as accurate and complete an account of the Republican County Convention as the Argus, When they want the news, even of their own conventions, the Republicans should take the Argus. A valuable little dog belonging to Charles Schott, one of Sheriff Dwyer's deputies, showed symptoms of hydrophobia last Tuesday evening, and nnich to the regret of its owner, had tobe killed, Itmight be a wise precaution, at this season, to conipel the nuzzling oi all the dogs in the city. "G-og" or S. Edward Rogers, for wenty-one years editor of the Jackson 'iti.en, who has since then worked ut ,he case in Ann Arbor, has been arested for larceny in Grand Rapids. Strong drink has been the cause of his lownfall. Uefore the liquor affected his brain he was a brilliant writer. The Ann Arbor Turn Verein, Monday evening, elected the following offleers: President, William Herz; vice-president, A. W. Sorg; lirst turnvart, II. Weitbrecht; second, Charles .lettich; recording secretary, Christian i a i iss; corresponding secretary , Charles Metas; treasurer, Wiliiam Arnold: cashier, F. Biermann; steward, Chris. traun; trustee of Relief park, Conrad lebn eider; representativo to GermanAmerican day, A. W. Sorg. Ami Arbor Commandery, Knighta Demplar, leave August ( for the trienïial conclave at Denver. Special sleepers will be run through to Denver. L'he indications are that a party ot' rom flf ty to sixty will go from here. Very complete arrangemente have been made and (jood quarters engaged. Any outsiders desiring to make the rip should apply to Chas. E. Hiscock. The rate will b,e very low. Miss Mary M. Seabolt, daughter of Martin M. Seabolt, died very suddenly last Thursday evening of heart disease. For some time she had been sick with consumption. She was born in Ann Arbor, May 28, 1871, and was a young lady of many accomplishments and rienda. The funeral services were held at St. Thomas' church, Monday morning, and were conducted by Rev. Frs. Freele, Kelly and Goldrick. ïhe all bearers were six voung ladies dressed in white. Lee Wífig, the Chinese laundryman of this city, ín jumping off a car on the street railway, Sunday evening, sustained serious injuries. He was returning from Ypsilanti and jumped off trom the rear of the motor car, keepng hold of the railing. He feil and was drawn ander the car, the trailer passing over him. The right leg and [high were badly crushed and the left leg broken. He refused to allow his right leg to be amputated. A Chinese doctor from Chicago was sent for but would not come and Lee Wing's country men propose taking him to Chicago to see the doctor there. Miss Kate E. Jacobs, daughter of Joseph T. Jacobs, died at about live o'clock yesterday morning after an illness of ten days, of bilious fever and consequent failure of the heart. She was twenty-two years of age, having been born in tuis city February 1", 1870. She was a young lady of peculiarly lovaWe character, with modest, winning manners, wbich won her many friends. She had a very sweet and musical voice, which had been highly cultivated both in this country and Germany and added greatly to the success of many concerts to which she contributed her services. The funeral services will be held at the house Saturday, at 4 o'clock. 'Mimmy Blytheman, the smallesi boy at the reform school, who was returned twice in December to Adrián, being under 12 years of age, and who was the terror of the merchants of Adrián, Jaekson and Ami Arbor some months tgo. Thursday happëned to be sent from the cane shop to cottage (i, and in passing through slipped to the third story, entered watohman Price's room, where he was asleep, and stole 85oO fróm his pants pocket. Price woke ap Btrapped, but Jimmie must show Jiis money to other lads and today the smn was recovered." A blitlie boy is Jimmie.- Lansing Hepublican. Among tlie goods sold at the executor's sale ui' the John Bell estáte, near Dover, on Monday afternoon, tile 18th inst., at 1:SO o'clock, will be a 12 horse-power traction threshing engine in good order and a Nichols .v Snephard séparator, all in good shape. K. (;. Reevk, Kxecutor. A piano to rent. Inqulrê No. ! '. W il I i am street.