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Bucklen's Árnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblalns,Corns,and all Skin Eruptlons and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 ecnts per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Ana Arbor, an-i Geo. Haussler. Manchester Estáte of Wllliam W. Brown. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of At a session of th( Probatt Courtfor the County of Washtenaw.hold ;d atth Probíite Office. íd tbe City of Aon Arbor, on Monday, the tventy-rit.h day of July, in tbe jear une thousand eight hundred and niuetytwo. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judsre of Probate. In tbe matter o! the estáte of Wüliam W. Biown, deceased. On reading and fliiny the petition, duly verified, of Charles Dwyer, praying that ariministration of said estáte nía be grauted to hunself or some otnersuitaüle person. Thereupon t is ordered that Monday, the 22nd day of August next at ten o'clock in the forenoón, be assig-ned for tile hearing of said petltion, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and dtl other Dersons ínterested io said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Aun Arbor, and 9how cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pelitioner should not be gianted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner gire notíce to the interefeted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by oausing o copy ofttais order tobe pub'.ishedin the Ann Arbor Ar}ü3, a newspaper prtnted and oirculattd in aaid county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, ludfíe of Proliate. [A true copy.] VViu.iam G. Doty. Probate Register. Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of WashteDaw, ss. I n the matter of the estáte ofMaySmith, i-tephen üiuith and Frank Smith, minors. Notice is hereby given, that iv pursnance of an order grantod to the imdersisned Gnardiin ot the estáte of said tumors bv the Hon. .ludge ot Probate for the County of Washteoaw, on the 2th d:iy of July, A. U. 1892 there will be sold at nublic venduu, o tlie hifrh'est bidder, at the dwellitm house ua the prtimses below describeü m Nortbneld, iu the County oïWVlihtenaw, in 3Md !ítae, on 'l'uesilay, the 13h day o! September A. D. Isy2, at ten o'clock in tue torenoou of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwiïe existiug at the time of the Salei. the fullowiug described Real Estáte, to-wit: Tbree nndlTtdeü tjevenllitt of all the north west quarter oí the north east quatur ol Section thirry-four, the west half ol the south east quarter oí section twenty.geren and nfiy-six acres ott' tbe north end of the suutli west quarter of said seciion twi nty-stven all in tbe townibip of Northfield in said county, beiDg twelve chains wide on the west end and siiUeu chains wide on the eatt end. Ua;ed July 6, 1S92. JOHN SMITH, üuaidi'in. LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSIT CO. Ths M Uü En lntended sailings of steainers frooi Detroit for c-ault Ste Marie, Dulutli and otber Luke Superior Ports : -Moudays, 8 P. M.: Thursdays and Saturdays. 10:W p. m.; central time. For Cleveland. Erie and Búllalo, Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 5 p. m.. central time. uiaking railroad eonnections tor all points East and South. Kail oouuections at Duluth for St. Paul, Minueapolis. Nortborn Pacific and Great Northern Kailway Points, Paoiflc Oast, etc. Bagífage checked through to destination. ior For tickets and íníorinutiou, apply to J.T. WHITING, Getl'l AKCllt, Doek and Office, ;ü West Atwater St., near Griswold, Detroit, Míen.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News