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■ mui f ymn mm. g-rocebï AND FLOUR ANO FEED STORE, We keep consxantly or. hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. For Wholesale or Retaii Trade. We shall also keep a supply ot OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. HL Swift & Oo.'b Best White Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, vted, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Ketail. A g-eneral stock ot &R0OEEI2S AND PEOVISIONS conatantiy on hand, whlch wtll be sold on as reasonable tenns as at any other house in the city. 5C;ish paid for Botter, Egys, and Country Produce generaUy. fïfGoods Delivered to anv part of the city wlth out extra charge. RinHoy & Seabolt. % % % % % f ■ II i the Lartcest Gold Mine. MAM I HÍI RK the LarpestSilver Mines. Has Extensiva Grazing Ranges. FineTimber Belt. Wide Agrricultural Valleys. Is larger than New England, New Vork, Pennsyfvania, New Jersey and Delaware combined. The Great Northern Hailwayis theiüreetline from St. Paul and MlDneapolIs to Great Falls, Honarob, Ñeihart, Barker, Helena, Itutte and other Montana poiuts. Apply to your home raliway atrent for tickets over the Great Northern." rmr UOt "Ish tO blow intO LEND them, liut merely whisper that the Red Kiver Valley otters tlne inducements for home seekers, Jyl] as also the entíre región alone the üreat Northern Raliway throutfh Minnesota, North DaYOUR kota and Montana. For Maps, Guide Books, etc, apply to F. 1. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., st. F ARS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In some States the tuf YOUNG ratio is two and of' nQ ten fnree to one in vnilNf favor of the men. Tuuü WOMEN, The best route from urN St. Paul. MinneapMfclM rn olis. Duluth and arcdut GO west Superior to AKtuul the Northwestern -rum F WpcTI and Paciflo States Is lntnt "LlH via the Oreat Normow thern Railway. riUW. Farmscan be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand ottaer plans to suit purctaasers. No failure of crops in twelve yeare of settlement L&rge yields of wheat and other pen staples. Fine stoet región. ntü Good schools and churohes. Healthfulclimate. Great Markets wittain easyreaeh. Farms RIVER P'1' ior from tne proceeds oC ■ il i uu one crOp_ Highest prices paid for products. The Great Nort-w thern Kaihvay has three Unes VALLEY through the Valley. Address "" W. W. Braden. Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn., tor particular. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publications sent free, and letters asking information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to allpointsin the West. Lowest rates to the Paciflc Coast. (g fe (g {$ (j M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Pre.Hh, Salt and Smoked viit And trame in seaaoa. 22 E. cÏXTlR,Cilsr STHEET TCEÍ All persons wishing to order pure and clear ice should order it of J. ANDRÉS Box 1110, Ann Arbor. Orders by postal card promptly attended to. PRIVATE DISEASES DISEASESOFTHESKIN Specially and Skillf ully Treated No Company or Instituís Fake, i A .Ví" Mna Ko Elwtrical Hambug, ( Honned,t Pnrp0,e# Over twonty years active Hospital and Sanitar lum experience. Thousands of happy, Rrateful, cures, eitending into every State íd tne Union. %& If you are interested, iDTestieate. Tou wil surely be pleased and maybe surprised. Writ fuliy. Inquire freely. A valuable treatlse 01 Diseases of a Private Nature, confldential anc free. SEND FOR IT. Aridress or cali on OR. O. J. 5? HANNA O'S. MJ H


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News