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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.l COUNCIIi CHAMBER I Ann Arbor, Aug. let, 1892. j Regular session. President Cooley being absent, the Council was called to order by City Clerk Miller. Eoll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wines Schairer, Martin, Herz and Pres. Cooley. - 5. On motion of Aid. Kitson, Aid. Taylor was elected chairman protem. Minutes of previous meeting approved. I'ETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Ann Artior, Mich., Aug. 1, 1892. City Clerk W . J. Miller. Dear Sir: It is my intention to be absent from the city for a few weeks, beginning with the 13th instant. I understand that it is the intention of Ilis Honor, the Mayor, to be absent for a few days aud that he will not return until af ter the 13th. I would therefore respectfully suggest to the honorable Common Council that they elect tonight a President protem who may act as Mayor in the absence of the Mayor and myself. Respectfullv, M. E. Cooley, President. Received and flled. To the Common Couneil: The Board of Public Works would recomniend and ask for the following appropriation of one hundred and fifty dollars for grading Fourth avenue from Packard to Madison streets, to the grade heretofore established. Respectfully submitted by order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Rev. Fr. Kelly asking for permission to construct a tile drain across North State street to connect with tile drain on the east side of State street, to be used as a sewerage for the St. Thomas' school building. Aid. O'Mara moved that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, and the work to be done under the direction of the Street Commissioner at the expense of St. Thomas' parish. Which motion prevailed. A petition signed by W. J. Colegrove and seven others, residents and property holders on Gott street, Third ward, city of Aun Albor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of Gott street from Miller avenue to Summit street. Ref erred to Siilpwnlk fYimmittfifi. A petition signed by Joe A. Polheinus and nine others, residents and property üolders of the Third ward, asking tor an electric light on the corner oí N. Main and Catherine streets. Retened to Lighting Conimittee. A petition signed by Daniel Hiscock, asking permission to lay a side-track across Summit street along the T. A. A.. &N. M. R. R. Co. tracks to coal yards. Aid. Snow moved that the petition be refei red to Street Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend to give the Street Committee power to act; which amendment and motion as amended Drevailed. BBPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. T-'INANCE. A' 1 . 1 l- - í 1 ■ 7'o fte Honorable the Common Council: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated . CONTINGENT FUSD. W, J. Miller, salary M 66 E B. Norris, Balary - w S. W. Beakes, 3 mos. salary, Treas 2o 00 Dr E. A. Clnrk,3 mos. salary 25 CIO Martin Clark, 3 moe. salary 3ñ 00 Mrs. Jacob Stark, janitor 8 2B P. O'Hearn, salary, assessor 113 00 Moore & Wetmore, Biipplieg... 'i 00 Forman-Bassett-Hatch Co., snpplies .- 5 00 E. 'i 60 Ann Arbor Domocrat, printing notice 2 00 Ann ArtKir T.-H. Electric Co., Street liichtintr 8 w Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office 2 00 W. J. Miller. exprese and f reight ch'j? l S3 W. G.Snow, horse hire 2 00 Total S IB STREET FÜND. Nelson Sutherland, salary, 6B 66 Geo F. Key, ealary W "0 Chauncey Dugdale, labor 3 16 William Nimtz, labor 19 50 Mattbias Luippold, labor Vi 00 William Kuehn, labor 24 io P. W. O'Brian, labor uu Thomas East, labor 1 00 Willis Clark, labor W W Henrj' Teaman, labor 1 01 Christian Jetter, labor 28 50 August Kettich, labor 1 50 Jonathan Drake, labor ö CO VVilliam Lninborn. labor o (K Frank Schuit., labor S ! Edward Karnett, labor 14 25 G usta ve Walters. labor '■' lo Michael Williams, labor 8T 00 Andrew Zeiirler, labor 12 88 Jacob MichL-lfelder, labor 29 26 r.tiwrence Hiiirhs, labor WW Karl Joerodt, labor 19 80 Charles Kadke, labor 1" ST Michael Kenny, lnl)or 1 60 Beybold & A Ilinendtnger, repairs, etc.. 'i' 8B AutoHtto, lbBiir - Sa August Teasiner. labor 11 i Peter Jarfcy, labor ' ' John Berger, labor 1 W Geo. Johnson, labor ;l A' Frank Sutherland, labor 1-' Clarenee Pray. labor M 68 Patrick Mc abe. labor 18 5 Theadore w. Belckenloker, teaminK-.66 00 Andrew Dupsloff, tcaminfr, 86 88 Isra-lClark " 23 10 Hichard Hurns " CT 18 Miehael Kusterer " 1 60 Georgp Week?, " ' Ou John MeHugh 1 00 Hifrh Kitridtre. " '■' S" Nelson Sutherland. norse and cart i1 1 Geo. Schlemmer, cleaninK well 4 uü C. J. Sohneider. stone - 0ü Geo. Wahr, BUpplies 1 60 Michael Hession, labor 405 Hiifh Kitridge. team 9ffl Georite Olp, team 7 0(1 Jacob Hauser, teaminff, "0 1" Total B PIBE DEPARTMKNT FUND. FredSipley, Balary O Oü i'. . Hdwui-ds, salary 50 00 Henry Mocaren. Balary f0 00 l.oui = Hoeizle, salary '" Charles Carroll, salary 5 KI Max Wlttltnger, Balary 40 00 Frank Kapp, galary 4" 00 Albert West, salary -to oo Herman Kirn, sulai-y 00 IxMiis vveinmann, salary 8 PO John Kcnuy , Kalary " 00 Bttro MoLarfin, galary "00 Morman Williams, salary " 00 Mrs. l. Ream. waablng 8 T5 Seybold & Allmendinger, horse shoeIng, etc "- 11 55 James Kc-illy, tiuy ï J .T. Quackeiibu-ih. oats 0 w Helhzmunn Sc I.aubengayer, bran 1 40 Martin Naylor. hay ' 40 Louis Kohde, coal Total W 9 Ctentfnucd on teth ;ia;e. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ContinwA f rom third page . BRIDGE, CULVERT AND CBOSSWALK TOKD . P. L. Bodmer, lumber 96 71 John Baumgardner, etone 112 50 Frank Schultz, labor 7 50 Karl Joerndt, labor 3 00 Wm. Kuetan. labor 6 00 William Nimtz, labor 10 50 Lawrence Hugbe, labor 3 00 Joseph Hutzei, labor 9 00 Total $ 24S 21 PÓLICE FTTND. James K. Murray, Balary 66 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 Frank Campion, special pólice 2 00 Total Í 167 00 POOB ÏTJND. Fred Slpley, salary 10 00 K. S. Greeawood, 36 cords of wood 48 60 Seybold A Allmendinger, repairs 85 Edward Dufly, groceries 3 00 C. Eberbach & Son, medicine 5 10 Mrs Ann Evans, aid 5 00 JohnGoetz, jr., groceries 2 88 J. Henne. groceries 2 00 W. F. Lodholz.groeeries 6 06 William H.Mcintyre, groceries 7 17 O'Hara & Boyle, groceries 2 TH Caspar Kinsey, groceries 4 00 Rlnsey & Seabolt, groceries 7 68 Wahr& Miller, shoes 'i 00 J. Walsh, horse hire to County House. 76 Total 8 10H 78 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund % mi 15 Street Fund 875 26 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund.. 24X 21 Flre Fund 470 49 Pólice Fund 107 00 Poor Fund 106 73 Total 82,759 84 Respectfully submitted. Walteb L. Taylob, . A. II. FlLLMOKE, Finalice Com. Aid. Frettyman moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman.- 8, Nays - None. STKEET COMMITTEE REPORT. 2b tlit Common Council: Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. A. Saur and others praying for the appro priation of the sum of one hundred dollars for an order for the grading of Wilmot street, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said petition under consideration and would report that the prayer of said petitioner ought to be granted, and herewith subniit a proper resol ution for such appropriation. Dated, August lst., 1892. Respectfully submitted. A. P. Ferguson, II, G. Prettyman, W. G. Snoav, Street Conimittee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be received and placed on Ole, wliich motion prevailed. SIDEWALK COM3IITTEE REI'OKT. To tht Common Couneil: Your committee 011 sidewalks to wliom was referred the petition of E. 15. Norris and others, praying for the grading and construetion oL a sidewalk on and along the westerly and northerly side of Wilmot street f rom Washtenaw avenue to Elm street, respectfully report that they have had the subject under consideration and would recommend that the prayer of snch petition be granted, and herewith submit a resolution ordering the same. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated August lst, 1892. Arthuk J. Kitson, J. O'Mara, Ernest Rehbekg, A. H. FlLLMORE, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. O"Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted and placed on file, which motion prevailed. To the Coinmon Council: Your committee on sidewalks, to whom was referred the petition of C. S. Millen and others for the construction of the sidewalk on the east side of East University avenue from Hill street to Fackard street, respectfully report that they have had the matter under consideration and would recommend that the prayer.of said petition be granted. Dated August Ist, 1882. Respectfully submitted. Arthur J. Kitson, Ernest Rehberg, A. H, Fillmore, J. O'Mara, Sidewalk Committee Aid. Frettyman moved that the report be accepted and adopted and placed on file, which motion prevailed. WATER COMMITTEE REPORT. To tlie Common Council: Your committee on water, to whom was referred the resolution of Alderman Ferguson relative to tbe rental of fire hydrants from the Ann Arbor Water company, have given their careful attention to the subject matter of the resolution and would respectfully report: The contract made May 6th, 188-5, by the Mayor, Recorder and Alderman of the city of Ann Arbor witta the Ann Arbor Water company calis for an annual rental of $4,500 for 100 flre hydrants for thirty years, which under the rule of construction laid down by the Supreme Court is equivalent to an obligation lor $135,000. As this sum is largely in excess of the atnount of tax which the city raised in the year 1885, or could levy in that year, the Council for tliat year had no authority under the charter to make the contract in ciuestiqn. Henee the contract is clearly void. Under Section 180 of our city charter which is copied verbatim from the charter whicli was in force at the time the contract was made, the Council of 1885 could not burden the reveuues of the Councils of 1892 or of 1914. In recent years the Council has ietermined that it was impossible to make an electric light contract for more than one year and we are satis3ed that the only kind of a contract that the council can make with the svater company calling for an animal rental, without an enabling act of the legislature and vote of the people is an annual one. Similar provisions in other charters of cities in this State have been construed by the courts to prevent the making of these 30 years contracts without complying witlï the provisión calling tor an enabling act of the legislature and a vote of the people. We may instauce the cities of Niles and Monroe, where the courts have declared similar water contracts void. The Water Works Company made the contract with the city with f uil knowledge of this provisión of the charter. Their franchise to furnish water to private consuniers is not questioned and your committee feels that the Council is willing to make a fair and just contract with the Water Works Company to furnish water to the city for tire purposes for the ensuing year. The contract calis for a hydrant to be placed at every 700 f eet of extensión of the water mains at an annual rental of $40, and under this provisión the city is now payiug for 23 fire hydrants in addition to the 100 for which they now pay $4,500. The water rental now reaches $5,420. Within the past year about a dozen petitions for rire ïiydT rauts made by citizens and tax payers have been denied because the revenue of the city could not stand the heavy additional burden which would be entailed. Your committee believes that if hydrants were placed at intervals of 700 feet so that water could be thrown on all the buildings of the city the water rental would be increased to $10,000 or more, a burden which the city could not bear without increasing the tax allowed to be levied by the charter. Xor is it at all necessary that hydrants should be placed at intervals of 700 feet to furnish fire protectionEach of our hose wagons carries 1,000 feet of hose, so that if the hydrants were placed as far apart as 2,000 feet, the iiremen could reach all buildings betwêen them. In the belief of your committee the rental for extra hydrants is out of all proportion to the expense entailed upon the Water Works Company, they are put in for use only in case "of fire and very little water is used from most of them, the expense consists mainly in putting down the main and the ÍÜ'St cost of the hydrants and this is of advantage. to the company in increasing the number of their private water consumera. If the present water contract is continued in force for the balance of the thirty years, every new hydrant now put in would cost the city S920. Your committee is advised as has been stated above that the contract made in 1885 with the Water Company is void. It henee becomes the duty of this Council to contract with the company for water for fire purposes for the ensuing year. We would therefore recommend: First, That an ordiuance amending an ordinance relative to water works passed June lst, 1885, which is submitted with this report, be passed so that that part of the ordinance creating a liability for fire hydrant rental for the sums stated be repealed. The ordinance submitted also provides that until the Water Works Company makes a new contract with the city, the city shall pay for use of the hydrants only such sums as the use is reasonably worth, Second, That a resolution be passed asking the Water Works Company to make a new contract with the city for the ensuing year. Third, That your committee or a special eommittee as the Council sees fit, be empowered and instructed toinvestigate what other cities under recent contracts are paying for fire hydrants rental and be instructed to report to the Council such facts as they deern will be of service to the Council in making a fair contract with the Water Works Company. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. P. Ferguson, A. H . Fillmokk, Ernest Rehherg, Water Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be laid on the table until the next regular meeting. Which niotion was lost by a yea and nay vote as followsi - Yeas- Aid. Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman - 3. Nays - Aid. Fillmore, Snow, Fergusicm, O'.Xfara, Rehberg- 5. Aid. O'Mara moved that the vote to lay the water coniinittee report on tJie table be. reoonsidered. Which motion prevailed. The motion of Aid. Prettyman to lay on the table then prevailed. The ordinance aecompanying the reprot of the water eommittee was lntrodueed and referred to the ordinance committee. CITY TREASURER'S REPOKT FOR THE MONTH ENDING JULY 31, 1892. lo the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report 13,664.95 MONBT RF.CKIVED. Contingent Fund- Millcr, licenses -$ 6.50 Fire Fund- Sipfley, building permit . 1.00 Ceraetery Fund- Manly, lots 40.00 Total 47.50 $13.712.45 MONEY D1SBURSED. Contingent Fund $1,071.94 Street Fund 1,318.04 Firemen's Fund 425.71 Pólice Fund 175.00 Poor Fund 104.42 Water Fund 2,9.r.of) CemeteryFund 56.88 Bridge, CiilvPrt and Crosswalk Fund f59.67 Soldiere' Relief Fund 43.ixi Total 6,649.66 7,062 79 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 2,13]. 71 Street Fund, overdrawn.... 8380.15 Firemen's Fund 3,000 86 Pólice Fund ]9.78 Poor Fund 1,820.26 Water Fund 1.094.71 Cemetery Fund 167. 55 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 826.64 üniveröity Hospital Aid Bond Fund S40.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,061.87 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 1.70&8] Total $11,004.81 $3,942.02 Total Balance on hand $7,062.79 llespectfully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. nn Arbor City, August 1, 1892. Ann arbob Savings Bakk, ) Ann Arbor, Mich., August 1,1892. Í T the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: This will -certify that S. W. Beakes has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer the sum of Six Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty-two and 29-100 dollars, ($6,922.29). Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Th.e reports of the city clerk, marshal aDtl superintendent of the poor were read and placed on öle. Aid. Ferguson moved that the vote whdch adoptied the report of the street co.niruittee at the last meeting, referi-ins to the spur track of the. T., A. A. & N. M. R. R., be reconsidered. AVhicli resolutiion prevailed by a yea and na y vote as follows: Y cas - Aids. Fillnvore. Snow, lerguOon, O'Mara, Retiberg, Taylor and Kit son - 7. Nayts - None. Aid. Ferguson mowd that the report be laid upon the table. Aid. Fillmore moved as au amendment thiat it le laid upan tho table lor one montli. Which ajneádment jrevailed. Aid. Ferjruson'ti mot ion as amended then prevailed. JIOTIOXS AND BES0LUTI0N8. By AldtM-man Kitsou: ]; i,-(l, That the gradingand coustruction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentiooed is deemed and declared to be a public neeessity and a necessary improvenient, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalk be graded, built and constructed on and aloug the east side of East üniversity avenue, from Hill street to Packard street, that such sidewalk be graded, built and constructed In the manner, vvitnln the time, and o', the material prescribed by ordinance, and on the grade hcreafter to be established. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved. That the grading and constructiou of the sidewalk bereiuafter mentioned is deemed a necessary public improvement, and that there is a public necessity therefor, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that a plank sidewalk, f ou r f eet in width be graded, built and coustructed on and along the westerly and northerly side of Wilmot street, in the city of Ann Arbor, from Washtenaw avenue to Elm street, that sucli sidewalk be graded, built aud construeted in the manner, within the time, and of the material prescribed by ordinance, aud ou the grade heretofore established. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade ou Cherry St, ought to be chariged aud iixed and established. to the end that such street muy be made suituble for public travel and trailië. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Cherry St.,from Spring St. to Fonutain St., be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade ou and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At center of Spring St., 806.13 ft. At center of Fouutam St , 819.66 ft. the elevatiou given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof toconsist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. F i II inore, Snow, Fergusoo, O'Mara, Relhberg, Taylor and Kitáon - 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in tne opmion of tne Council the grade on W. Madison St. ought to be chauged aud fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and tratlic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade ou W. Madison St.. from the center of S. Main St. to the center of W. Seventh St., be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At center oí Main St., 818.82 ft. " Ashley St 816.CS ft. " ■■ West First St., 821.45 ft. " Second St., 832.26 ft. " " " Third St 841.13 ft. ■ Fourth St., 852.36 ft. " Fifth St 802.39 ft. ' Sixth St., 867.36 ft. ' " " Seventh St - 870.82ft. the elevation given beiug above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to cousist of lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated, as shown byprofile made by the city engineer. WliH'h (re.S'Olution picvaik'd by a yea aud nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aids. Fillmore, Snow, Ferg'uSQn, O'Mara, Keliberg, Taylor and Kiteson - 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson; , Whereas. in the opinión of the Council the grade on Felch St. ought to be chauged e.nd fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and trafïic. Therefore Re.mlved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade ou Felch St., from Spring St. to N. Main St.,be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At center of Maiu St., 795.81 ft. " " Ashley St., 775.06 ft. " T. & A. A. K.R.,_ 788.32 ft. " 300 ft. from east line Spring St., 789.02 ft. " 225 ft. " " " ... 793.26 ft. " Í50 ft. ' " ' ... 801.H3 ft, " 75 ft. " " " 811.99 ft. ft. " " ' 820.27 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consistof straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, per profile made by city engineer. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aids. Fillmore, Snow, Ferg-usoii, O'Mara, Reliberg, Taylor and Kitson- 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas. in the opiniou of the Council the grade on east side of N. Fourth Ave. ought to be 'changed and fixed and established. to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and along the east side of N. Fourth Ave., from north line of Catheriue St. to south line of Beakes Ht., be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and nlong such street aforesaid sbftll be as follows, that is to say : At ïiortheast corner of Fourth Ave. aud Catheriue St., 8Ü6.67 ft. At 2S0 ft. north of last mentioued point 819.30 ft. At southeast corner of Fourth Ave. and North St 816.30 ft. At northeast corner of Fourth Ave. and North St S14.2Í ft. At southeast corner of Fourth Ave. and BeakesSt 808,48ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk. and the grade lines to conalst of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Whk'h resolution ppevafled by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmore. Show. Ferguson, O'Mara, Relhberg, Tuylor aud Kit som - 7. Nays- Notie. By Aid. KitMjn: Whekicas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Chapin St. ought to be fixed and established, to the eud that such street muy bu made suitable for public travel aud trafiic. Therefore Rrsoleed, and it Is hereby ordered that the irade.,011 Chapiu 'M., from W. Ifurou St. to uilier Ave., be, and the same is hereby changed Erom the present grade and fixed and estttbMshed. so that the grade ou and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say: At center of W. Hurou St., '790.-.M ft. At 160 ft. north of W. Huron St N.llue 796.51 ft. At center of .Mil Ier Ave., 792.23 ft. .tion ven being above the official tte eleva ion s h center line oí said IJl,"ncl toconform thereto and the iréeí-ílíSf to consist of straight hnes bel geveral points or stations above "'alien resolution prevailed by a yea , nay vote as íollows: "W-Al. Fillmore, Snow Fergu}, O'Mara, Röliberg, Taylor and ,,.. 1(1. Kitson: -' „fas inthc opinión of the Councilthe gïi the sidewalk on the south side of ?rsd%4 might to be channed and fixed and Cherrr '"' tuc end that such street may be fesStable and safe for public travel, therelore i!) and it is hereby ordered that the f nf the sideValk on and along the south Sr!def rherrv St..from west line of Spring St. side , ViiiVoï Fouutain St., be. and the same w Sfrrb" changed, fixed and established, so S , the grade of said sidewalk on and along Sfstrlet aforesald shall be as follows, that Öivo corner of _Sp.ringand_m6gft_ Atseast comer of Foüntainand i„v,itión Kiveii beins above the official city L5,audal?ngthe center liueof such walk. Sesrade liües to cousist of straight linea Stiveen e several points or stations above '-,WU resolutlon prevailed by a yca a ad nay vote as f"11'1 Y,,.w__ Vlds. FiUmorc, Snow. Ferguö'Müra, Rdhberg, Taylor and Kiti'ii- 7. Kays-None. By Aid. Kit son: -HFREAS, in the opinión of the Council the „rade of the sidewalk on the west side of Í hi)i!i St ought to be chauged and flxed and VSished, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, there%Klved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the west fide of Chapin St.. f rom north lme of .West Hurou St. to South Miller Ave., be, and the irae is hereby changed, fixed and established, fo" bat the grade of iaid sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is At nOTtbwest coruer of W. Huron and Chapiu Sts -- -- - --- (.uxi, At 160 ft. north of W. Hurou St. N. liue 797.51 ft. At southwest corner of Miller Ave. and Chapiu Sts .791.89 ft. theelevationgiveu being above the official city datum and along the center line of such wals, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes ietween the several points or stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yea- Aids. Fjllnvore, Snow, Fergusiin, O'Mara, foetobérg, Tayhir and u-7. Xays- rvone. By Aid. Kit sou: Whereas. in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Chaipn St. ought to be changed and flxed and the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, thereRemlved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aloug the east side of Chapiu St., f rom north liue of West Huvon to South Miller Ave., be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the 'grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is At uortheast corner of W. Huron and Chapin Sts 796 17 ft. At 160 ft. north of W. Huron St. N. line 797.01 tt. At southeast corner of Miller Ave. and Chapiu St - 791.35 ft. the elevatiou given being above the official citv datum and aloug the center line of such walk. and the grade lines to conaist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Wliich resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Veas- AL-. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson. O'Mara, Renberg, Taylor and Kitson- 7. Nuys- None. Rv Aid. Kitson: Whereas, ia the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidevvalk on the east side of S. Fourth Ave.ought to be changed and flxed and established. to the end that such street maybe made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Krs'ilin!, and it 3 hereby ordered that the gnide of the sidewiilk on and along the east side of S. Fourth Ave., from south line of Packard St. to north line of Hill St., be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At southeast corner of S. Fourth Ave. and Packard St 842.53 ft. At 200 ft. from S. line of Packard St. 837.53 ft. ' 250 ft. " " " " " 835 53 ft.. " 3, o ft. " " " " " 832.03 ft. " 350 ft. " " " " " 828.53 ft. " 4U0 ft. " ' " " " 823.53 ft. " 450 ft. " " " " " 819.03 ft. " 500 ft. " " ' " 815.53 ft. " 587.5 ft." " " " " 812.53 ft. ' northea3t corner of S. Fourth Ave. and E. Madison St 811.53 ft. che elevation given being aboye the official citv datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Wliicli resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote a follows: Ye-as- Aids. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Jiara, Renberg, Taylor and Kitscm- 7. Xays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereás, in the opinión of the Couucü the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of S. State St. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on a"nd aloug the west side of S. State St., from south line of Mouroe St. to North line of Hill St., be, and the same ís hereby changed. fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : ' At southwest corner of S. State and Monroe St 868.78 ft. At 130 ft. from S. line of Mouroe St... 866.61 ft. ■' -263.,") ft. " 860.19 ft. " 330 ft. " " ' " 856.50 ft. " uorthwest corner of S. State and HillSts 846.95 ft. the elevatioa given being above the officia city datum and along the center line of suc walk, aud the grade lines to consist of straigh linea between the several points or station above stated. Wlbich resolution prevailed by a yea am! nay vote as follows: Yeax- Aids. Fillniore, Snow. Fergu m, O'Mara, Reliberg, Taylor and Kit sou- T. Xays- Xone. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas. in the opinión of the Council th grade of the sidewalk on the west side oí S Stilte St. ought to be changed aud flxed auc Hshed, to the end that such street ma be made suitable aud safe for pnblic trave tuerefore Resolved, and it is bereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aloug the west side of S. State St., from north line of E. WilUamsSt. to S. Liberty St.. be. aud the game ia hereby ehanged, fixed and establisbed. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say; At uorthwest corner of S. State and E. Williams Sts 873 91 ft. AtS. line Sager Bloc k 872.85 - At southwest coruer oí S. State and E. LibertySts -- - 872 53 ft. 'lie elevatiou given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such WfUk.and the grade Unes to consist of straight unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Wliioh reeolutlon prevailed uy a yea and nay vote as iollows: Veas- Aids. Pillmope, Snow, Fern'nkou, O'Mara, Relibei-g, Taylor and Kitson - 7. Nays- None. By Aid. ICitson: Wherbas, In the opinión of the Council the fi , f, oi the' sidewalk on the west side of ": í'í1 8t. ought to be changed, fixed and stablished, to the end that such street may be {ore6 sllitable and safe for PöbUe travel, thereResolved, and it Is heieby ordercd that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the west de of W. Third St.. from north line of Librty to south line of Hurón St., be, and the ame is hereby changed, fixed and establwhod o that the grade of said sidewalk on and along he street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is o say : t northwest corner of West Libertv and West Third Sts . " 821 50 ft t southwest corner of West Washington 801.00 ft. t northwest corner of West Washington 801.00 ft. t southwest corner of Huron St 797.19 ft. he elevation given being above the official tv datum and along the center line of such alk, and the grade hues to consist of straight nes between the several poiuts or stations bove stated. Wtoich resohition prevailed by a yea nd nay vote as follows: Ycas- Aids. l'illmore, SttOW, FergUo,n, (Vitara, Uehberg, ïaylor and vitsoii- 7. Na ys - None. By Aid. Kitson: Wheeeas, in the opinión of the Oouncil the rade on W. Third St. ought to be changed aud xed aud established, to the end that such treet may be made suitable for public travel and trafhc. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on W. Third St.,from W. Liberty to W. íuron St., bc, aud the same is hereby changed rom the present grade aud flxed aud esiabhshed, so that the grade on aud aloug such street shall be as follows. that is to say : At center of W. Liberty St 82L61 ft. At center of W. Washington 800.51 ft. At ceuter of W. Huron St. - 796.24 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the ceuter line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto. and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. WTxich resolution ppevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmove. Saów, Fergueon, O'llara, Rehberg, Taylor and Kitson- 7. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of W. Third St. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, aud it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of W. Third St., from uorth line of W. Liberty St. to south line of W. Huron St.,be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. that is to say-: At northeast corner of W. Liberty aud W. Third Sts S21.36 ft. At southeast coruer of W. Washington and W. Third Sts - - 801.00 ff At uortheast coruer of W. Washington and W. Third Sts 801.00 ft. At southeast corner oí W. Huron and W. Third Sts 7i6.03 ft. he elevatiou given uemg nuove tne omciai cuy atum and along the center line of such walk. nd the grade liues to eonsist of straight lines etween the sevcral points or stations above tated. WMch rewolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aids. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Optara, BeJiberg, Taylor aud Cits'cm - 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Wiiereas, In the opinión oí the Council the rade of the sidewalk ou the east side of S. Tourth Ave. ought to be changed and fixed nd established, to the end that such street ïay be made suitable and safe for public ravel, therefore Kisnlved, and it is herebv ordered that the rade of the sidewalk ou aud along the east ide of S. Fonrth Ave., from south liue of E. Vasningtou St. to uorth line of E. Liberty St., be, aud the same is hereby changed, fixed nd established, so that the grade of said sidevalk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as tollows, that is to say : At southeast coruer of E. Washington St. and S. Fourth Ave 839.61 ft. At northeast corner of E. Liberty St. and S. Fourth Ave 2.20 ft. he elevation eiven being above ihe otiicial ity datum aud along the center line of such valk, and the grade liues to cousist of straight iues between the several points or stations above stated. Whioli reolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmore, Snow, FergnOin, O'Mara, Be.lrg, Taylor and Sitson - 7. 5S"ay - No nc . By Aid. Kitson: Whebeas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west slde of S. Fourth Ave. ought to be cnanged and fixed and establi9hed, to the end that sueh street may be made suitable and safe for pub1c travel, therelore Resolved And it is Hereby ordered that the grade oí the sidewalk on and along the west side of 8. Fourth Ave., from south line of E Washington St. to north line of E. Liberty St., be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At southwest corner ol E. Washington St. and S. Fourth Ave 838.64 ft. At northwest corner of E. Liberty St. and S. Fourth Ave 841.40 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Wliich resolution prevailed -by a yea and nay vote aa foliows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmore, BttOW, Ferguson, O'Maru, Hebbers, Taylor and Kitanf-7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sldewalk on the east side of S. Itfain St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that suoh street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore t.' Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of S. Main St., from sou Ui line of Williams St. to north line of Packard St., be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At southeast corner of E. William and S. Main Sts 839.26 ft. At northeast corner of Packard and S.Main Sts - - S32."; the elevation given being above the ofneial city datum and along the center Une of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight llues between the several points or stations above stated. Which resiolution prevailed by a yea and may vote as lollows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmore, Snow, FerguBOö, O'Mara, Uehberi;, Taylor and Ivitson - 7. Niiys- None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, Iu the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of Clark St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and sale lor public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the ! grade of tuo sidewalk on and along the west i sido of Clark St., from south line of E. Cath ' erine St. to north line of E. Ann St., be, and ! the same U hereby changed, tixed and estab, Ltsheil, so lii;u ihe'erade of said sidewalk on auil ;iIohk the street aforesaid shall be as follow, ih:u N to say : AtsoiiiliwcKi corner of E.Catherine and Clurb Sis - 87 1. 10 ft. At Dorthwest corner of E. Ann and Clark sis 882.00 u. the elevation given being above the ofhcial city datum and along tue center line of such walk. and the grade lïues to cousist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and Tiay vote as follows. Yeas- Aids. FiUmore. Snow, Pergus-on. O'Mara, Retberg, Taylor and Kitsom - 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opiulon of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Clark St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Beiotved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the cast slde of Clark St., from south Hue of E. Catherine St. to North llue of E. Arm St.. be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of sald sidewalk on and along the street atoresald shall be as luilows, that is to say: Ataoutheast corner of E. Catherlne and Clark Sts 877.10 ft. At nortneast corner of E. Aun and Clark Sts 8S2.00 ft. the elevaliou given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines toconslsc of straight lines between the several polnts or stations above stated. WhLch resolution prevailed by a yeá and nay vote as follows; Yens- Aids. Filhnore. Snmv, PergfUsoo, O'Mara, Rdhberg, Taylor and Kltaon- 7. Xays- None. By Aid. Kftson: Whereas. In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of S. Ashley St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that Bnoh street mny be jnade suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east ■1de ofS. Ashley St , from south line of W. Jefferson to norlh line of W. Madison Sis.. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established. so that the grade of said sidewalk on aiul aloug the street aforesaid shail be as tollows, that is to say: At southeast corner of W. Jefferson and S. Ashley Sts 8O8.b7 ft. At northeast corner of W. Madison and s. Ashley Sts 816.90 ft. the elevatlon aiven being above the official city datum and along the ceutev line of sucii walk, aud the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Wliich resolution prevailed by a yea and Tiay vote as follows: Yea - Aids. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguwon, O'Mara, Renberg, Taylor aud Kitsiora- 7. Naye- Non. By Aid. Kitwon: Whereas. In tbe opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of S. Ashley St. ought to be changed aud flxed and establisbed, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Heèolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of tue sidewalk on and along the west side of S. Ashley St., from south line of W. Jefferson St. to north line of W. Madison St., be, aud the same is hereby changed, fixed aud established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At southwest corner of V. Jefferson and S. Ashley Sts 808.37 ft. At northwest corner of W. Madison and s. Ashley Sts 816.90 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several pointe or fitMnn nhflup fit.n.t.prt Which resolution prevailed by a yea and Tiay vote as follows: Yeas - AldB. Fillmore, Snow, FerguMiu. o'.Mara. Refliberg, Taylor and 1 Kitson- 7. Naya- None. , i By Aid. Kitson: Whf.beas, In the opinión of the Couucil . the grade ou 8. Ashley St. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such streel may be made suitable l and safe for public travel and trafile. Tlierefore Resolved. And it is hereby ordered that the ' grade on S. Ashley St., froni W. Jefferson St. . to V. Madison St., be, and the same is hereby chauged from the present grade and flxed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say: At center of W, Jefferson St 807.37 ft. At ceuter of W. Madison St 816 88 ft. the elevation given beingabove the official city d'iturn and aloiig the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto. aud the grade thereof to consistof straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Whieh resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as tollowB: Yea- Aids. FSUmore, Snow, Fergusom, O'Mara, Rahberg, Taylor and Kitson- 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, Thíat the suan of one huntlred dollars be a.ppropriatd trom the street ïund and expended in tlie grading of Wilmot 6treet. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote ae follows: Yeas-Ald. Fülniore, Snow. Fergueon, O'Mara, Réhberg, Taylor and Kitson- 7. Nays - None. By Aid. Snow: Resolved, That Walter L. Taylor be appointed president pro. tem., untü the pree-ident appears. WMeh resolu'tion prevailed. By Aid. R&hberg: Resolved, That the board of public W'orks ia hereby instructed to bring ïn lat the next oouncil meeting, an estimate of the probable cost of raistog bridge No. 1, from three to six feet 'as seems best to the said board. Wlvich resolution prevailed. The city clerk then reported that the city attorney had approvetl of tlie deed of Edivard A. Gott to the city of Ann Arbor. Aid. Kitson moved that the deed be accepted and ordered recorded. Which jnotion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Fillmore, Soow, Fergusion, O'Mara, Renberg, Taylor and Kitson - 7. Nays - None. On motion tlie couvncil adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News