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Gottlieb Kilcus has raised a new barn in Augusta. James Geddes, jr., of Chelsea, is having a barn built. A farmers' picnic will be held at Wolf Lake, August 24. Lightning rod agents are running loose about the county. Thirty Manchesterites attended the circus in Jackson, last week. The Grass Lake farmer's picnic will be held at Wolf Lake, August 10. Charles Loucks of Southern Manchester, has built himself a new house. A half ton bell has been put in position at the Rogers Corner's church. N. Schmid has purchased a water power in Manchester and will rebuild the dam. William Fletcher, of Sharon, had a yield of twenty-six bushels of wheat to the acre. Newcomb Brown, for many years a resident of Bridgewater, died in Jackson last week. Mrs. Thomas Clark died in Manchester of heart disease, July 29, aged fifty-seven years. The loss on Mrs. Emma Lapham's barns in Manchester has been adjusted at $i, 166.66. Rev. William Buxton, one of the pioneers of York, died August 3, aged nearly seventy-one years. A horse belonging to Gerald Dealey, of Manchester, feil in such a way as to be choked by its halter. Herbert Cope, of Manchester, will now recite the Cruise of the Nancy Bell for the benefit of the patrons of the Jackson telephone exchange. William Whaley, of Milan, put a setting of quails eggs under an old hen who wanted to set very badly. Last week the eggs hatched and the old hen is very proud of nine diminutive quails. Five Manchester citizens got together the other day. There is nothing particular in five Manchesturites getting together for they do that every day, but these five Manchesterites got weighed just for the fun of the thing and the beam tipped at 1,200 pounds. James Mount broke a tine of his pitchfork when he was drawing wheat but did not find the piece. They were threshing there a few days ago when the cylinder thrcw the piece out and it struck Dick Curtis in the eye, inflicting a painful if not a serious wound. - Sharon Correspondence Enterprise. Joseph Scott, Ypsilanti'pchimney Sweep, got drunk again last week aud made things so lively that he was run in and paid $14.75 nne and costs. He thought that would let him off, but it failed, for hewas immediately rearrested for resisting an officer. All he could say was, "Great Scott! collud man got no chance." One of Sharon's wide-awake citizens was in town last Monday morning before seven o'clock enquiring what hour the special circus train would leave for Jackson Wednesday a. m. He said he wasn't going hiniself but some of the boys were, in his neighborhood, and was instructed to get all the particulars. Pretty thin. - Grass Lake News. Little Emma Osborn had a very narrow escape last Monday morning from being bitten by a mad dog. A friend gave her a little dog a few days ago and as she went out to get him out of the grainery she saw that he acted strangely, so she caught him up in her apron and carried him to the house, and told her mother that he was so ugly she could not do anything with him. Her mother looked and saw that the dog was mad. Mr. Osborn was quickly called, and he killed the dog. - Augusta Correspondence Ypsilanti Commercial. Mrs. Charles Smith, of Milan township, was struck by lightning about half past ten o'clock Wednesday night and instantly killed. She had received quite a severe shock a week ago, since which time she had not been feeling welf, and on Wednesday night she and her husband were staying all night at her father's, Wm. Van Dyke's. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were in bed up stairs, and during the terrific electrical storm Mrs. Smith becarue very much frightened, till at last her father called to her from the stairway below to come down; she arose at once and had just slipped on her dress when the lightning came down the chimney near which she stood, striking her on the head, tearing and burning its way down her right side, and making ghastly holes in her head and right breast. Mr. Smith, from the bed, witnessed this terrible tragedy; he leaped out of bed and caught his wife in his arms and carried her down stairs, but life had ried with the electric spark, and the wife of a moment before was but lifeless clay. - Milan Leader. Joseph Lowery, of Bridgewater died of nervous prostration, Jul 29, aged eighty years. He was bor in Ireland, carne to Clinton in 184 and moved to Bridgewater abou 1851. He was a highly respectec citizen. He leaves a wife, two son and a daughter. A NEW BUSINESS CORPORATION. Huron Manufacturing Company is the name of a new organizatio just incorporated here and organizec with $50,000 capital stock, and th following ofïicers: President - J. M. Chidister. Vice-President - S. W. Parsons. Sec'y and Treas. - Wilfred Eames The other stockholders are Mrs Clara Miller, Mrs. Laura D. Par sons and E. F. Johnson of Ann Arbor. The new company has purchasec the patents of S. YV. Parsons com pany, and will engage extensively i the manufacture of the Parsons co) fee roasters. Indeed, they are al ready so engaged, having rentec facilities of the Michigan Pum Manufacturing Co. , of which Mr Eames is president, and have sever al hands at work. They expec soon to have ten or twelve hand engaged upon their work. It is believed that this will prov a very important enterprise, anc that the superior merit of this roast er only wants the stronger capita and business management now se cured to it, to achieve for it a grea 5ULCCS5. The old factory that stood idle so many years is a busy place now in every department, and will soon be far busier than it is now. The pump work and the roaster work keep the machinery and the workmen humming a merry song together, and the up-town shop is just as busy with its crowding orders for water and sewer connections and general plumbing. - Ypsilantian. i THE SEA SERPENT CAUGHT AT LAST. This time at Whitmore Lake. During the torrid weather of last week the guests at the Lake House were nearly frozen by stories of "great snakes" seen and reported by various parties of campers, fishers and bathers. The wise one said, "Hotel bait.' Nevertheless the report reachec Arm Arbor and two editors and on M. D. arrived on Friday mornin with the cold wave, and plans wer at once set in motion to capture th monster. The sail boat was filled with th terrified guest, the M. D. was mad captain and started on a voyage o discovery. Friday was evidentl not the íucky day, and the An Arbor party returned with thre small fishes, the largest weighin ■only five pounds. ■.On the afternoon of the day f o] lówing, the monster again made hi appearance near the Lake Hous doek, frightening the feminin bathers toward shore with the great est possible speed and promiscuou movement. A snap shot of the scène was caught by a Toledo artist who said the "Great Snake" was a large fish. " His movements were followed byMr. Wallace, of Toledo and Hall, of Plymouth, who were fortúnate enough to secure the prize by the assistance of Landlord Stevens, after nearly two hours' sport. Fish stories are ahvays allowed the widest possible margin. We propose to verify this by photographs taken on the spot, which will be on exhibition at this office as soon as veloped.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News