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If'sjustlikeaman To say that his wife can't make as good bread as his Mother did. CILLETT'S Will give you the great advantage which his motherhad, and besides, bread made with this yeast will help bring back his boyhood's digestión, ensuring his enjoyment of the rest of your cooking also Get Magie Yeast at your Grocer's. It is always GOOD and always READY. ■■■■i ■■■■■■■ J Are Y.OU Is your Urine thicfe, J low spirited ropy, cloudy, or high■ and suffering colored? Don'twait! J from the exYour KIDNEYS are cesses of beinj; ruined. Use -tí youth? If so, Sulphur Bitters. M Sulplmr One bottle of Sul3 ters wili cure phur Bitters will do J y" you more good than itmmm all the Latin pres1 criptions of drugs and mineral poi■ sons which will remain in your sysJ tem, destroy your bones, and make " you a poor, weak, and broken down A invalid. No person can remain long sick who uses Sulphur Bitters. If 1 YOUR DAUCHTER'S FACE " J ís covered with ugly sores, and festl J ering Pimples, give her Sulphur 3 Bitters. Ladies in delicate health, 1 who are all run down, should use 2 Sulphur Bitters. None better. J Try Sulphur mmimmimm Jters TO-NICHT, ARE YOU I 4Ê and you will sleep nervous and E J well and feel better fretty, or in f ïforit. DELICATE p J Sulphur Bitters health ? L J will make your blood phur Bitters W m pure, rich and strong will make a t ' J and your flesh hard. n e w person r 3 Get a bottle now. of yon. EL 8end 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., íor best medical work publisñed LAFÏÏERS CURE Bek Headaehe and relieve all tbe tronliloent to a bilioua Btata of tho sj-s'sra. suoh ejj Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa aftfiï? gkting. Pain in the Si Ja, io. Wliile thcir moaS femrkable success bas been ehown ia curiug SICIC feetóache, yet Carter's Little Uve? Pilla ara qnally valnablo in Constipat ion, curing &nd prevectiug this annoyíng complaint.-whilo ic:i correct all disorders oí thestomach,stimulatotLia Jirer and regúlate the bowela. Eveaifüieyonly HEAD f Arli they wonld be lmoitpricelesa to tliose wha IBniicr f rom this diBtresBing compiaint; but í ortuBatelytheirgoodnessdoeanotendhere.andttiofa ,ho once try tbem vrill find these little pilla vali;Mble Ín to man; ways that they will not be wiltjlog todo without tbem. Butafteralleick!:.;:.: ACHE (Ib tbe base of eo many Ursa that here lo -,-!-. ■ m Iwemaieourgreatboast. ether do not. Carteas Little Lirer Pilla re very emuli miJ Tery easy to take. One ortwo pille makeaiics:'. Ttey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe c r pnrge, butby tlieir gentío action pleaseel)".-jj nsetuem. Invialsat 25 cents ; flvefor 51. SoW t7 droggists evorywüero, or sent by m&il. 1DARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPR1CL EEPOET OF THE OONDITION - ' OF THE farmers & mm mi - AT - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 17, 1892. .RESOURCES. Loan and diseounls $273,101 49 Stocks. Bonds and Mortgagcs, utc. (16,096 07 Overdrafta 7, o: 7 Ui lue f rorn banka in reserve eitiea 53,687 72 Due froiü Washtenaw Co 4,11521) B'llsin transit 4.9H2 CO Furniture and flxtures 3,u00 00 Currcïit expenses and taxespaid 2,29) 48 Interest paid 3,313 17 Check and cash iUmis 265 29 Nifkels and pennies 182 29 Gold ooin S.l'löOO Pilvtrcoin 1,882 35 U.S anfi N;iti(inal Bank Kots 19.452 00 Total $474,5t0 24 LIAKILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Snrplusfund 10,000 (,0 Uudivided proflts _ 16,557 (15 Individualjdeposits $170,685 58 Certifleatesof dwposit .. isii.101 3fi SayinuS deposita 61,265 65 38,0025!) Total $474,560 24 STATK OF MICHIGAN, („ Couniy of Vashtenaw, j bs' I, Frederick H. Belaer, Cashier of tbe abovo niimtil bank, do bolemnly swcur thut above Btfttement is true to the best of ray knowlecïge and belief. F. Et, Belsek, Casbier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd dav of May, 1S9-'. Wim.iam W. Whedon, _ Notarv Public Cokhect- Attest. ''has. E. Greenk, f Jünius E. Beal, ■ Directora. ü. F. SCHAIREK, (.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News