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KI RK'S SOAP A LAUNDRY SOAPPURE AND SANITARY DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP, HEALTHFUL, AGREEABLE, CLEANSING. Cures Chappcd Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc HcmoTCB umi lrcventii Dundrnff. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. F"K PM.E.- One open buggS, nne 18-bbl uien tank, oue tiood twn story Bhed tlx: cheap; alBoa lotot'second hand liiinlier: ti a aud sheds. F. M. Hallock, Saw Mili, Paukurd street. -f--'- FfOR SALE OK KENT.- The Hotel at E6 1 Detroit Street. Terms made to snit any desirabie For partlculars address or cali at :l-; 19 PaCkard Stheet. CJTRAYED- A red heiier, with white iots 3 on body and white star on the forehead. (ohn G. Fischer, Ann Arbor. 82-84 FOK SALE- Furniture and household jroods, nearly new, includinK organ, eewinií machine plush uphol8tered parlor set. Sold on account of leavlnj? the city. Apply at 35 Enst Ann street. 31- ai FOK SALE- A safe, bugvy, bilüard table, show cases, and household furniture includinsf wardrobo. Enqulre at 80 E. Huron Street. , :ll-;ci FOK KENT-Ground Hoor or the whole house at No. tí'.) North Main street. Six rooms on ground Hoor; l'ourteen rooms iri ïouse. Apply on the premises. 29-8J T O KENT- At No. 20 S. Stüte st. A flat of Blx rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 2Stf ANN ARBOR NUKSEKY- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and peur a specialty. Grape vines, berry plante, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Gan.horn, head of Sprinir street. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron streot. Goood house, barn. orchard. Beautiful location. W1U Bell on efisy tenns. Apply o or addreea E. I). Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 'i tl TO KENT.- Aíter June HO, '!r_', a new house pleaeantly located on Washtenaw ave., with all modern improvements. Enqulre ut 18 Snuth State St. NO 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. BOÜSE, SlGH,Ot(NAMENAL AND FRESCO PaIHTER, irildiiiK, calcimining. irlnztaa md paper hadg ínif. AUworkls done In th.; best style and warranted to (rive satlsfaetinn.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News