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W 1 ieat Makes an every-day convenlence of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package malíes tvvo large pies. Avoid imitations- ar.J nsist on having the NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y. ""lilFTsuiioin BÁKERY5 &R0GEBY AND FtOüfi AND FEED STORE, We Ktep consvtntjy on h md 8KEA0, CRACKERS, CAKES, Su. For Wholesale or Traae. ftTe shali Jli-o kecp h sappig ol GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co.' Bost White Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat ílour. Cora Meal, TeJ, &c, &o., &c, Ar Wholesale and Ketail. A genera] stock ot etRODSBXSb aITD PROVISIONfi constantly on hand, v.-hich will le sold on as reas onable terina ;s at any other house in the city. JCash oaul tor Butter, Egs, and Courtry Produce (fttierallv. JT'Oootis Delivered to anv part oi the city with ent extra charge. Rinsey & Soubolt. "fl % I '" " ■ I i i the Larftest Geld Mino. JlñBÍSHÍI MS H theLarpestSilverMiiK"!. Has Extensive Grazing Ranges, FineTimber Balts. Wide Aricultural ValleysiS larger than New Englandj New Vork, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware combined. The Grent Northern Kailwayis thedirect line frotn St. Paul and Minnoapolis ti) Great Fallí, Monarch, Heihart, Barker, Helena, Butto and otlier Montana polntSi Apply to your bome railway agent for tiokets over the Groat Northern. r „,T_ I do not wlëh to blow inlo kfjn thein, but merely whieper thitt the Eed Blvej Valley offers line inducements for home seekers, MF as also the entlre región nloae the Great Northern Ballway tnrough Minnesota, North l)aYOUR kota an1 Montana. For Maps, Guido [iooks, etc., apply to K. I. Thitney. G. F. & T. A., St 'ARS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In pome statest ho I THF YDUNfi ratio is two and otmt 1UU11U ten three to one in ynilNr favor of the men. TUUlNij VVOMEN, The best route trom mpm St. Paul. Minneapftn rn olis, Huluth and ARpnilT GO West Superior to AKtuul the Northwestern iucdc urCT and PacifiV Stntes is mtt1t "LJ1 via the (reat Normdw thernKailway. Nuff' Farmscan be had in Minnesoia and North Dakota on erop Nand other plans to suit purebasers. No failuro of crops in twelve years of settlement. Large yields of wheat and other 3PÍ1 staples. Fine stock región. nfcl# Good schools and churches. Healthful elimate. Great Markets within easyreaoh. Farms f? IV FR puid tor f rom the pioceeds of 111 " one erop. Highest priees paid for products. ïhe Great Nor■- thern Haihvay has three linee ïALLEY throusrh the Valley. Address %y w Braden rn(1 commissioner, St. Paul, Minn., for parÜculars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publioations sent free, and letters asking information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to all pointe in the West. Lowest rates to the Paciflc Coast. fg f & (g i & M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresb, Sait and Smoked Yleatí And game in season. 22 E. STTIE-ET TCEÍ All persons wishing to order pur and clear ice sliould order it of J. ANDRÉS Box 1110, Ann Arbor. Orders by postal card promptl, attended to. PRIVATE DISEASES -DISEASESOFTHESKIN Specially and Skillfully Treated Ko Ptnt Medicino Frand, ( ?1i!.C.UH?1ía No Compnjor Instituí Fke, 1 A."l1ía" Han1 o Electrie.1 Hun,bug, { H " purp0e Over twenty years active HoRpital and Sanita lum experience. Thousands of happy, gratefu cures, extendiog into every State in the Union. E If you are interested, investígate. You w urely be pleased and maybe urprised. Wri fully. Inquire freely. A valuable treatise o Diseases of a Private Nature, confidential an free. SEND FOR IT. Addresa or cali on DR. O. J. R. HANNA, JACKSON. MICH.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News