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WALL PAPEEI WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0. SORG, THE DECOKATOR, MRS. C. H. JONES, FASHIOMBIE HffiHUIEH! FouHh St. Opposite Court House Oraping and Cutting a Spscially! Mme. Kellogg's French Tailor System used Perfect work guarenteed. Instructions In cuttuurby the Kellog French Taylor System Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Threatment, a guaranteed speciflc for Hysteria. Dlzziness. Convulsione, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by thé use ol alcohol or tobáceo. Wakef utness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resultinir in insanity and leadiug to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Inroluntary Losses and Spermatorrhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgenee Kach box contains one nionths treatmeni. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by 11; dl prepaid on receipt of price. WEGCARANTEESIX BOXES Tocure any case. With each order veceived by U3 for six boxes. accompanied with Í5.00 we will send the purenaser our written gnarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not etfect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv Eberbach & Son, Druggïsts, Sole Agents, Aan Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Siok Headache Indigestión, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable LiveHPilJs when the directions are strictly complied 'vith' They are purely Vegetable, and never full to give satisfaction. Sug-ar Coated. Lare 1 ti.ves containing 30 Pilis, 35 cents. Beware ol' i-oiin' terfeits and imitations. The genuine ■ -xnu factured only by THE JOHN C. WEST fOMPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by al! drugIt Is NEW and GREAT. Blame or Cleveland? A bfiautlfnl and veryartlstlcstatuetto (fuiï )nRth) of Blame, Cleveland ,Harrison.McKii!ny,whi Soy Flower. Ilusk, Jerry Simpaon, Senator Petter Gen's Grant.SheridanorSherman, Abraham Lincoln or George WashlnKton. Any one of the above dehvered to yon for one dol lar. The figure and bas BoomNo.30.SlDearbornSt.. Chicaeo. 111. m UI ARBOR FRUIT M. Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers From Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYKUPS, MEDICINAL WINES KASPBERRY SYRUPS, BONESET., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPE WINES Prepared Especially for Invalids. Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs._ E. BAUR. "West Hnron St. E.N.BILBIEJioUnist Pupil of Saviret. Af ter three years' study at the "Stern Conservatory," Berlin. Germany, under emineut , teachers in Solo, Ensemble, and Theory; also under professors of the "Berlin High School s now prepared to take pupils at lus rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Comfany's Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis., ■A-lSHKr ARBOB. Sëf Terms made known on application. Jgl


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