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I LOOK Ml lm for the 'ƒ Il Owl and ff ! H Moon ' M brand. f i H GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST It will rnake BETTER BREAD thn yau have ever made before. POOR BREAD generally meansPOOR YEAST POOR YEAST al ways meansPOOR BREAD Look for the Owl and Moon. At vour Qrocvc's. THE BEST AND J Purest Medicine EVER MADE. Don't be without a bottle. Tou m will not regret it. Try it to-day. J What makes you tremble so ? 3 Toi;n Nerves are all unstrung, and SNEED a gentle, soothing TON IC jj to assist nature to repair the damage O which your excesses have caused. , 2 Sulphur Bitters 2 ÍS NOT A 2 CHEAP : 2 RUM OR WHSSKY f 4 DRINK J to be taken by the glass like other , 9 preparations which stimulate onlyto i g DESTROY. If you have FAILED , to receive any benefit from other jj medicines or doctors, do not despair. t Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. , In all cases of stubborn, deep seated A discases, Sulphur Bitters is the best 3 medicine to use. Don't wait until ' j to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. h Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway . Boston, Mass. , f or best medical work. pu blisüe d ' ICARTER'Sl CURE Bick Headache and relieve all tbo troubles Incident to a büions state of the systom, suoh as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowstness, Distres3 after etting. Pain in the Side, &c. While their mos6 remarcable success has beea shawn a c;ui3 SICK ÉeaSache, yet Carter"s Little TAver Pffls ar equally valuable in Conatipation, curing and pravtniiug this annoyine complaint, while they alscs correct all disorders of thestoiuach,Btimulate tha Jiver and regúlate the bowela. Even ii they onlj HEAO Acisllipy wonldbealmoitprioclcuatotüosawlia taller fróin this distreesing complaint; but f ortuEately théirgoodneas does notend here.andthosa who raice try them will find these little pilla valuLble in bo many rays that they will not bo v:VÜcg to do without them. Bot af ter alleick li „ , ACHË ÍÍH tbs bane of eo many lires that here ís oliera remake our great boaat. Our pilla curo it whi ia ethers do not. Carfer"B Little Llver Pllls are very small and vcry easy to take. One or two pills makea doso. TLey are striotly vegetable nd do not gripo or purpe, but by tlieir gentle action picase aU wuo UBe tiem. In vials at 25 cents ; flve for $1. SoU fcy druggiats eYerywliero, or Bont by raaiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SKALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE EEPOET O! THE GONDITION Oï THE FARMERS' Si WM M - AT- ANKÍ ARBOR, MICHIGAN. At the close of business, May 17, 1892. HESOUHCES. Loans and discounts $273,10149 Stocks, BondB aii'l Mortgages,ctc !)6,0ii6 07 Overdrafts 7,n7irH Dne from tmiiks in reserve cities 53,687 72 Due from Washtenaw Co 4.1152D Bülsin transit ,---- 4,902 CO ïurniture and flxiures 3,000 00 Cnrrent expenees and laxespaid 29) 4)i Interest paid 3,343 17 Cbecksand cash items 265 29 Nickels and pennies 182 2! 3oldcoin 5,14500 Silver coin 1,882 85 TJ.S.anü National Bonk Notis 19,452 00 Total -- -$474,56024 LIAU1I.ITIKS. Capital etock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 60 Undivided proflts 16,567 66 Individualjdeposits $ 170.B35 58 Certificatesol-deposit l;,101 3fi 6avings deposits 61,265 65 898,01 69 Total $174,560 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN. I County of Vashtenaw. ( I, Freaerick H. Belser, Cashier of the above nam6d bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge nd belief. F. H. Belsek, Oashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28rd day of May, 169Ü. William W. Whedok, Notary Public Correct- Attest . Chab. E. Greene, f Jdniüs E. Tïeai., - Directors. D. F. Schaikkk, (.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News