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IVomen are Slow oftentlmes to odopt a good tbing, bnt Men are Quick to try and to use anythlns that wlll help (hem. lrn a leasou iroui Uie men, ladles. The Responsibility tor many a poor batch of Bread la cbarged to the flour.when it really belongs to poor yeast. CILLETT'S ís ALWAYS GOOD end aways ready. Try the Owl and IToon brand, andbelp yourst'lf, os o, man wouM. At your Grocer'a. m jBlood Purifier IN THE WORLD. 2 WHY SUFFER with that chronic T disease? Do you want to die? Sulm pliur Bitters will care yoa as it bas j thousands. Why do yoa Boffer with that J FOUL. OFFENSIVE BREATH? ÏYou need not if you use Sulphur i Bitters. They never fail to cure. m Operativeswhoarecloselyconfined f in the milis and workshops; clerks ■ who do not have sufficient exercise, Jand all who are confined indoors, ■ should use Sulphur Bitters. They M will not then be 3 WEAK AND SICKLY. Is your Breath impure. Tour 9 Stomach is out of order. Sulphur J Bitters is the best medicine to take. Sulphur Bitters will build you up V and make you STRONO AND HEALTHY. 2 At the dawn of womanhood, Sul3 phur Bitters should be used. Senil 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. , f or best medical work publishsd tëARIERS ff [ver lll I PILLS. " Lê CUKfP Eek Headaehe and relieve all :: - i ' flent to abilious etateof tho pystc-n, suc! Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsíneeo, E:.rtiv . etting. Pain in the Side, ka. Whiïs thtiv raegf teffiaikabla euccess haa been sheva cm .1 ,; Beafoche, yet Cartet'a Litüo U-rer Pil! ;tti ftqually valuablo in Constipation, ciirtng aiic vrTenting thi3anno5-inKCOcaplaiut,whilotlicy Ipi Correct all disorders cftheetomacti,atln)ulti.. o tu j Kver nd regúlate the bowela. Evc-r. 1L tlity onfcj -' MFAp 'AcbsthoywouIdbeftlmofltpricelcgstotTnsewIvj SWer fromthiadietreseingcoEïpiaint; btitiortntiitily'iti: o Wboóncetrythemwillfind these littlcrillï'v.l'a. ;ble In so many waysthatthey witl noí he -iijiïjg todo without them. Bot&LCeraJl LfiLit ,yj ACÏÜ (1b tbc of bo many lives thov '_-"'■- '-r'.' Tremakeourcrcatboast. OnrpIIUti 1 Others do not. Carter'a Little Llver Pille are ví ■ o:im1í Tery easy to t&ke. One or two pill" 1 - ■ ■ .iors. They are Btrictly vegetable ml lo act ,- I 1 pnrge, butby their geatle action plfcise . ■ nsetliem. Invialsat25cer.te: live .'. 1 ' -■" bj droggists everywViv, 07 nat ■■.■ 'CARTER MEDICINE CO., New . , .' . StóALLPILL.SMALLDOSE. SííÁÍ.LrV.;): EEPOET 01 THE OONDITION OF THE FARMERS' S 1ÉUIH3' BASK - AT- ANK ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the cloee of liuaineas, May 17, 1892. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $273,101 49 Stocks. Bonds uixl Mortgages, etc. .... 96,0i)6 07 OverJrafts 7 ,0:17 09 Doe f roru bnnks in reserve cities 53,687 72 Duefroin WüRhteauw Co 4,115 20 Bíllsin iranfit 4,082 CO Furniture and üxtures 3,000 00 Currcnt expenses and laxes paid 2,29)48 Interest paid 3,343 17 t Checks and cash iteras _ 26529 Nickels nd pennies 18229 3old coin ñ,14500 Pilvcrcoin 1,882 85 TT. 8 an National Bank NoUs 19,452 00 Total $474,560 24 lilABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 f0 TJndivided proflM 115,557 65 Individualtdepnsits S 170,635 58 Oeitiflcates of duposit 1K6.I01 3(i ëavings deposits... ai,35 65 898,0025!) Total $474,660 24 ' STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) Counly of Vashtenaw, (ssI, Frederick II. Helser, Cashier of the above narncd bank, do ñoleninly awear that the aboye Btatement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Oashier. Snbseribed and sworn to befnru me this 23rd dy of Muj, 189Ï. WllAdAll W. Whedon, Notary Public Correct- Adest. Chas. E. Gbeenk, f JüNItJS E. Beal, Directors. D. F. SCHAIREK, (


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News