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GRANDMA says it is 20 since she made such good bread as this. She says GlLLETTS JVIAGBC YEA8T Is likethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without t again ; and we ali hope so, too. Cali for t at your Grocer's. It is always good and always ready. ! Will cure ; : The worst cases ; Í Of Skin ; Disease : From a [ Common Pimple ; On the Face To that awful Disease ; Scrofula. : Try a bottle To-day Send 3 2-cent rtamps to A. P. Ordvray & Co., Boetcm, Mase., for best medical work publiahed I Dl II C CURE Bek Headaehe and relieve all the tronbtes inctflent to a bilious etato of the systmu, such as Dixzinesa Nausea, Drowsinese, Distress aftel' eating, Pain In the Sido, ha. While thairmosft yusarkable buccbss bas been shown in ourlog SÏCK tasaflaehe, yet Carter's Uttle Livor Pilla ara fiqually valuablo in Constipat ion, cu ring and pro Tenting thisannoyingcomplaint while thcyelso corre tall diBordora of theatomachtimulate tli Krer and regúlate the bowela. EvenUtheyonlj RlAD ' Aelie thcy would be almoitprlceleeato thoss wha I infer from this distressing complaint; butf ortutately theirgoodnoefl does notend here.and thoes whoenco try them will flnd these littlo pillavaluble In so man y ways that they will not bo vrillUog todo without them. ButafteraUelokheatl ACHE lis the bane of bo many Uves that bere Sb wbera ' wemake our great boast. OurpiUacuroitwhila ethers do not. Carter"B Little LlTer Puls are very small and very easy to take. One or t wo pilla make adose. They are Btrlotly vegetable and do not gripa or purgc, but by Uieir gentle action please all who OBe them. In vialaat 25 cents ; fivoforjl. BOld fcy druggiits overy wljoro, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE EEPOET 01 THE OONDITION OF THE mwii' i mcsunis' mie - AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 17, 1892. RESOURCES. Loans and diseounts $27301 4? Stocks. BondB and Mortgages, etc ii,ff)6 Oi Overirafts W?M Dne from banks in reserve cities M,tsoi u Due from Washteuaw Co -- 4,1152 Buis in tranelt - - Furniture and fixtures „ "2 ,J CnrrLHt expenses and laiespaid '"' Interest paid '2t? ÍA Check and cash items o o Nickel Rnd pernits -l.liï, ■3oldcoin ".ltóOO Pilvercoin _ 1,S8 J5 tJ.S.andNiitional Bi"ik NoUs 1,452 00 Total... - ...-- ---- -74,56024 UABILITIES. Capital Btocl' PRid in ■ Í f0,000 00 Sorplusfrüd 10,000 eo TTndiviied proflts 16,567 65 IndivWualldeposits 8170,B,35 58 Oertlicates of deposit 166.101 36 Baviügs depos'its 61,265 6S 898,002 69 Total $474,560 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( County of 'Washtenaw. ( Bs; I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of tbe above nam6l bank, do ulf.niuly swear that the above ta u-ment is true to the best of my knowledge nd belief. F. H. Belsek, Oashier, Subscribed and sworn to bcfore me this 28rd day f May, 1S92. Willum W. Whedon, Notar y Public Correct- Attest . Chas. E. Gbekne, 1 ■Tünius E. Beal, Directors. D. F. SchaiSeh, J


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News