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WV6IC r ciO i fQüicHest fTb ONLY YEAST n)aK03 - vbicb M Preveots kM ad Cures Dyspcpsia ÏTruths bs Sick. 1 4 Forthose DEATHLY B1LIOU8 E SPELLS depend on Sulphur L ters ; it never f ails to cnre. p DO YOU SUFFER with that I m t!red and all-gone feeling? If so use E J Sulphur Bitters; it will cure yon. a Don't be without a 1 TRY f J tle. You wil! not rogret it u. p 3 The lof a fair face is a ï' J Secret I M skin. Sulphnr Bitters Br ï "TT1 makes both. Qt if '■"■"'""" "■■■■■'■ " ' f asufEerfrom RHEUMATISM, use a W ijbottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never f fail3 to cure. j ; , w Areyoq CONSTIPATED? If soTg J Sulphur Bitters is j us t what you need p Poor, -weak, and weary mothers L J RAISE PUNY, P1NDL1NC children. L 3 Sulphur Bitters will make them 1 j strong, hearty, and healthy. ■-■ , "A Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see its impnrities bursting F Jthroughtheskin in I B __ 1 g, 1 Kely on Sulphur PIMPLES, T Bitters and health BLOTCHE8 E J will f ollow. I AND SORES. l 'Send 3 2-cent Btamps to A. P. Ordway & Co Boston, Mass., f or best medical work published CARTERS! j PIJAS, & Eick Headache and rel Ir ■ : '- Jent to a bilioue state oí tho syc.tua, cuoü o9 Dizzincss, Nauseo, Drowsiaa&s. - eating. Pain in the Side. Ac. Y.'Jile tbe!ï rceafi rem&rkable Bucceaa tas buen sfcown ia cuiii g, HcidEChG, vet Caxtor's Littla Livr FlüS'BrS equally ahiabloin Constipation, curingGudpiO Tenting thiaanlioyÍGíComplaint,Tvbiíe"th.y;l-2 correct all disordors üf tliOBtoiUitcli-BtirauU' se. LhQ üver and reguluto thebowela. Sveiiiftiieyonl; C'ored pi ri noan #?i , vwz- 'Aclthey wonld bealmostpricelessto thoso wtia (ufrer f rom this distreesing complaint; but iortuEately their goodness does notend here,and thosa Who once try them will find theso littla pilla valu■ ftblein somany waysthat Ihoy will not bo wiïJicg to do without thein. But af ter p-Usick haii ACHE 1 Ie the bane of bo many Uves tht here fa -whera emakeourgreatboast. OurpUlacureitwhila ethers do not. Cartela Little Liver Pilis are very small and very easy to take. One or two piUs mako a dose. They are Btriotly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by thoir gentle action pleaae all who Osetheni. InTialsat25cents; flvefor$l. Scld by druggiats everywliere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIGE EEPOET OP THE CONDITION OKTHK FARMERS' i WM MIE - AT- v ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 17, 1892. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $273,101 49 Stocks. Bonda and Mortgages, etc 96,096 07 Overdrafta 7,0X7 00 Dnefrom banks in reserve citics 53,687 7-2 Due from Waalnenaw Co 4,1152!) Bülsin tranfit. 4,962 CO Furniture and flxtures ,000 00 Currc-m expenses and i;ixespaid 29i 48' Interest paid 3,343 17 Check and cash items 265 29 Nickels and penniea 182 29 Gold ooin _,. 5,14500 Silvercoin 1,882 35 U. 8. an National Bank Noti 8 19.45a 00 Total .474,560 24 UAISILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Snrphmfund 10,0000 Undivided proflts 16,567 B5 Individualldeposits S170,f35 58 Oeitiflcates of-doposit 16(i,101 31! Savin;s deposits 61,265 65 8!)8,00259 Total $474,560 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I-. Couniy of Vaahtenaw, (Bo' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the above nam til bank, do bolomnly swear that the above statement is irue to the beBt of my knowledge nd belief. F. H. Belser, Oashier. Subscribed and sworn to heforc me this "3rd day of May, 1S92, WjLLiAM W. Whedon. Notary Public Correct- Atu-M . Jhas. E. Greene, "i Jdniits E. Beal, Directors. D. F. Sciiaireu, J


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News