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- ê Commissioners' Notice. STJÍTEOF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 01 WnahMnmr, The undenigned huving wen nppohited by the Probate Cinrt for said .'oniiij, Ooromiesionen to receixre, examine oud idjual all elainis umi demanda ol all person iguust the ctate ol Emihuu l'iyer, ateofaaid oouoty.deeeftsed, hereby ijive notice thai llx mouths Irom dale ure orderof said Probate Oourt,ior creditors to present their olaüaj igaiiistthe estáte ofsmd deceased. au.l that they ïill meet at the office of E. I!. Pond, in lie city of Auu Arbor iu said county, on he 'Jnd day of Decembir, and on the 2nd iny ofl Muren next, at ten o'clock A. M. i each Dl v,i,i ,i;n8, to receive, examine and idjust S!lul 'iaimx. Da ted, sit. I, lS'i'. E POND, HIWARtl TRKADWHLL, Il.LIAM CAMl'BEI.L, Coiniuissioners. Commissioners" Notice. 3TATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY o of Washtenaw. The under-isned lmving een ippolnted ly the Probate Court for 8ai3 tounty, oommiuionera to receive, and idjusi all chuma and demands of all persons is.unst the tM,,i, „i Benotli l'ryer, late of said :otuty, deoeased, hereby (rive once that ix üonths fruin d ,j ordet of said Probttt Court tor creditors to present ihein Il he estáte ol ihcy .ïill meel at the office of L !;. Pond in tbecity )i Ann Arbor in said county, op the seeond day i December and on the second u:y of March u'U, at ten o'clock a. m. ol caoh of said daya to eceivé, examine il adjustsaid claima. Daled Sept. .■id 1S!2 E. I! POND, I llWAUI) THEADWFLL, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, CommiBsioders. Estáte of Margaret S. D. Story. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV oi Waahtenaw, ss. At n session of the Probate Court for tüe County o( Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate UtBce in the city of Anu Arbor, on Saturday, the thirl day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Margnret S. ü. Story, cl eceased. Onreading imd nUng the petition, duly verified, of M.irtha 1). Teuney, prayinjt thut a certain instrument now on 'il.' in Ihis eourt.purportm; to be the last will and testament of lud tleceascd inay be ailmitteJ to probate aud thut mlminiatratlon iih ill annezed of said eM;it( inay gmnUd to hetsc-lf, thore being no executor in Baid win named, ór sume otlier suuab'e pérson. Thereuponit is ordered, that Uonday, tbe thlrd áay of );ítíiber next, at tn o'clock in tinforenoon, be awsiirtied for the iKiuinarof Baid petiüon, and that the deviseea, Era1 ;tud heii-u-!iiw' o tecea'aed, and 11 panona interested in tul estáte, tve required to apnear at sesslon ol1 said conrt ih-n to le holden m the Probate office in tho city of Ann Arbor, and i e, if ny there be, why the prajrer of tha petitioner ihoiüd not be ranted: And it i f nrthe ordered Ihat Bait.1 petilioiu'r ive liollce to Ihe pt'rsons intereated in i:iid eatate.of tbe pendeney oï ïaid petiiion, and the hearing thereoi, by causing acopyofthis order to be publUhed in'ihc Ann Ahuok Afirs,a neWHpuper printeii ;tnd ciitulated n siiidoounty, three BucoeaBlve weeks prevloui to iatd day of hearing. J. II.I.AHI) BABBITT, LAtruecopy.] Judge ol' Probate. Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Kate Cullinane. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTI of Wasbtenaw, 88. Atagesslonol theProlate Court for the County of Washtenaw, hollen at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Vroor, on Monday, the 22nd aj ol lugruet, In he year one thouetind eiht lumdrod uuti dnety-two. Present J. Willard liabbitt, .Iude of l'mlate. in t lic matter-ol theestate of KateCuUinane, leoeaeed. (in readingand flling 1 1 petition rtuly verlli'il ui I'ainrk 1'uoiny, pniynik' thut a certain QStrument uow on file In thls Court, purportag to be the last 'iil and testament ol sald Leceased maj be admltted to prohate and thut idmlutstratton of sald ostate may lc min ted o John Cullinane and hlmself, the ejecutora q sald wlll named, or to -tune other sultable erson. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tbe Btb day of September next. ut ten o'olook n the forenoon, be assiaed for the hearni' ol sald petition, and fluit the dovisees, effateeB tin'l helrd tt luw of said leceased, and all other persons Intereeted n eaiil estáte, are re(iulred to appear ut a aession of suii Court, then to be holden ut the Probate Olliee, in thcc'ity of Ann Arlmr. and show cause, If any there be, why tha praj he petitioner should not be (rranted. Atidit is lurther Ordered that said petitioner jrlvo notice to tbe nersons interested in said estáte, ot he pendency of eald petition, and the hearing .hereof, by causinp? a copy of this order to be published I in the Ann Ahbob Ahous, a newsiaper printed and circulated in said county, ;hree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD UABB1TT, [Atrueeopy.] Judge of Probate. WuxtAM G. Doty, Probate Heelster. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY OF O Notice is hereby eiven, that by an order of the Probate Court for tbe County of Washtenaw, made on the Ï9th day of Au'(rust A. D. 1S02. six months froul thut date were allowed for creditors to present their claims againat the estáte of Clirlstoplicr U. Millman, lateof iid county, deeeased, and that all cruditors of said deceased are required to present their claims tosaid Probate Court, atthe Probate Oflice in the city of Anu Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or bcfore the ft iliy oí Staren next, and that such clftinu wlll be heard before said Court on the 2!Mh day of XoveinbtT and on the tirst day of March next, at ten o'clock m the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, August 2, A. D. 1P92. J. '.VII. LAKT) BABBITT, Judge of lro":tt. Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNT1' of . In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Tate, -ed. Kotice is hereby given tbut In pursuanee of an order grauted to the underglgned Administrator of the esüite of said leceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County Of Wushtenaw, on the %Mh duy of .Inly, A. D. 1382, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at tbe hite residence of said deceased on the preinises below leHcriled in Bridgewater, in the County of Washtenaw, iu said State, on Tuesday, the thirtcenth day of September, A. D., 189Ï, at ten o'cloek ín the forenoon of that day (subject to all liieiinibranees by mortgageorotherwisi1 e.visting at the time of the death of said deoeasedi, thefollowingdescribed Real Estáte, to-wlt: TheEast half of the South-East quarter of Sectlon twonty threi'irïii umi iheWest liulf of the South West quarter of SeeUon twenty-four (4) all in the townshlpof Itncijrewater, Washtenaw County, Michigan. BOLOMON TATE, Dated Jul.v Z6, 1892. Admlnistrator. Commissioners1 Notice, STATE OF MIC1IHJA.N, COUNTV OF Washtenaw, The undersigued havlnc been appointudby the Probate Court t"r -:ña Countr, Comiuissionerato receive, exnmiüe and adjust : 11 olaima and demanda ol all persons agalnst the estáte of Willlan) W. Brown, late ol said County, deceased, hereky fivo notice that six munilis from are allowed, by order of soid Probate Court, for creditoi -. t present their olaim tate of küi! I, and that tht-y will meet al the SherifTs Ohïce, ín tli" ( oort ouae in the ' Ij of Ann Arbor, in aid Couuty. ori the 22nd ay of Novemberand on thi1 B3rd .ny of Febmary uext, at ten o'clock a. m. i i .i h oi Balddays, to reoelve, examine aml adju.i s;iid nlaiuis, UfiUd Aun Arbor, Aiiuum 2Lnd, il UTA VI BREHM FKÉDA.HOWLKTT, Commissioners,


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