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The Inland League

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"Isa ni'w oiyiini, ition ' to ' further social enjoynient. s well a li'er' Ths !are inrrease in onr rturtent es well as in our resident population ; manda that aridüional onportunities of this kind be offrfred to the , lio. During tiie comins; seasonthe League will inruiüh a series of entertuininents, including Lecturas, Musicales, Socials, etc., as shown in the list below. This series wil) be given in tweiity-eix eveningp, beginning October 17th. Aseason ticket, adtnitting to the entire courne, may be oblained for $1 25; single adrnission tickets, 10 cents. The feries wil! be given on Monday eveningH, in the Church of Christ, South University Ave. A more complete program showing exact dates of all eutertainmente will he ready for distribution on October 15th. Season tickets are on sale at Calkins' Drug Store, 34 South State Street; the Ann Arbor Organ Company, 51 South Main Street; Moore & Wetmore's Book Store, 6 South Main Street; Randall's Art Store, 30 East Hurou Street; The Register Publishing Co., 19, 21 and 23 East Huron Street, and the Post Office News Stand; also by tbe Leaue's Coramitteemen in various depirtments and classes in the University." The following is a list of f-ntertainments for ihis seafKn: LECll'RKS. President James B. Augi-ll, The Bering Sea Questinn Hon. Ira J. Chase, Governor ol Iniiiana. Mexico Rev. Charle-i A itriiít's, of Union Tlieolügical Seminary, Subject to be anuounced. [Only Sason Tickets will adinit to the Lecture by Rev. Charles A. Briggs.] Prof. H, C. Adams How a United States Census is Managed J. H. Garrison, Editor (hristian Evanuelist, St. Louis, Mo , bubje.ct to be annouuced. Prof. E. L. Walter, Montaigne Mrs. E. Flower Will s, Elocutionist, of Boston, Readings Fleming Carrow. M. D., Medicine Amoug the Cblnese Prof. W. F. Black, of Chicago, The Inside Track of Life Prof. W. W. Beman, The University of Chicago Taka Kawnda, Tokio, Japan, The status of Woman in Japan Prof. R. C. Davis, Great Librarles of the World E.V. Zollars, President Hiram College, LI le's Ideal Judge N. W. Cheever, Reminisceuces O' the U. of M. During the War. G. Frauk Allmendinger, Speculative Dealing in Grain Prof. F. N. Scott, A Summer of Art Study in Munich Prof. B. A. Hinsdale, Garrield as Student aud Teacher H. L. Obetz, M. D„ Ancient Surgery Prof. M. E. Cooley, Aerial Navlgation Prof. H. L. Willett, Bethany College, West Va.. Savonarola E. T. Williams, of China. AQuarier ol a Century in China Prof. A. A. Stanley, The Simplicity of Classical Music Prof. I. N. Dtmmon, Tennyson Rev. J. Mills Gels-on, The Reformers n the Continent E. F. Mills, The Queen of Fabrica Rev. A. 8. Carinan, Some Illusions of Vision M USICALEa. Soup Recital, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fease, Assisted by Mr. Gareissen. Musical Eveniug, l'nik-r the directlon of Mr. Mell Gillesple, Director of the Aun Arbor Banjo and tíulUt Club. Orchestral Conceri . ludor the dtrection of L. H. clement, Director ot' the Chequamegon Orchestia. Eveningof Song. Parttcipatcd in by Mrs. Edwards, Miss Coie, Miss Cramer, aaslsted by Miss Olarken, Harpist. PianotKeoital, By Mr.Juhus V. Seyler, Asslstod by Mr. E. N. Jiilbie. SOCIALS. Soclftls.- Threo Social Evenings: 1. The Author's Banquet. 2. A Scotch Kveuing. with Nativo Scotch Songs, by Gourlay Brothers, of Detroit. 3. Parody, "The New Lochinvar.1'


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