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AnOrdlnance Relatlveto Nulsances and to Prohlblt the Bgrnlng of Refuse Matter During: Certain Hours within the City Llmlts. r''i'i ■('('("'■""" f;"""fii t lhc 010 -dim -!''■" The Common Council of the city oí Anu Ar borordalns, Sectlon i. [ Bhallbe onlawfu] Foranypersou to set Hre to or bnrti leaves, rubbfsh o ptner refuse matter in any street, yard, vacan lot or otheropen apace ftr place h ithin thecitj llmi i. .uu-r the hour of twelve o'olook noou o .... lny or bvfore the hour of six o'cloekii t... t.iVlliiDlI. . Hun 2. Any person violating the pro ï-.uu mi seotion one of ibis ordiuanco aha] u eouvictlou thereof be puuished by a fine 0 ot more thtm ken dollurs aud costs, or hv in. risonment in the commou jall of the Countj t Waíhtenaw fox a period of not more thai en days or both sueh line and linprisonment n the dieerettou of the court. Sectlon 3. Thia ordinance hall take effecl md be ni forcé after ten days ftom legal jnibctition. )8Passed in the Common Coundl, Ootober 4th, W. J. MILLEH, City Clerk. Approved Oetober 6th, 1892. WM.G.DOTY, Mayor. THE INFIEMARY AT THE 1IIÏU COLLEGE Now Open Eaoh day, exceptin:,' Saturday, from 2 to 4 p. m. Patients wishing fllliugs inserted or treatinent will please apply in the waiting room to Dr. J. A. Watling or Dr. L. P. Hall. Those patients wishing artificial teeth or regulating done will please apply promptly at 2 p. m. to Dr. W. II. Dorrance or Dr. A. W. Hardle. Estáte ot James M. Halleck. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a seasion of the Probate Court for the county of V iiMlitunaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the rity of Anü Axbor, n Monday, the third dav of October In the yenr one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two Present, J. Willard liubbitt, JudKeof Hr'cbate In themsitter of tiieesiiue of Jiines M. Hallock deeeased. Kichard Waldron, the administrator of aaid estai, comes into nourt aud represente that Ik now preparad to render his flnal account as &uch üjuiinistrittur. TliereupOD It ia ordered, tht Tneslay, the Brst day of November next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Deassit;ned for examining and ailowing such account, and that the heira i lw 01 said deceased, and all other peront interestd in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be bolden at the Probate Office in thecityof Ann Arbor, in snid County, and show canse, ïf any there lx. why the Kuiö account should not b allowed. And it is furtherordered that said Administrator gire notie e to the persons intrestcd in said estáte ol the pendeac of smd account and the hearing thereof, I.; cHUíiuff a cupy of thisordor tobo pttblished in theAlfN Abbok Abgus, anewBpapei printei and cucúlaiiog in unid county, ttuee sitcwsive Wí'vhs previou.s to aaiü day o' hearing. J. ILl.AKD KAIIBITT, (A truecopy) .ludgeul l'robatp Wn.i.iAM (í.Dotv, Probate Betrist er. Estáte of Mary Eagan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY o] Wasbtenaw, bs. Ai a umuu nf the Probate Conrl for the ol Washíenaw, holden atthf. l'robate Oiticc In Ilie city ot Ann Arbor, on Tfauraday, the eixth day of October in the year one tbonsand i ight bnndred and ninetywo. Present, J. WilUrd Habbitt,.Tudgr of Probate. In the matter of the fc.M:ite ol IHury Bagan i deceased. william w. Eugau, ezecutor of the lastwill and testament Of Ba d deceam d, comes i ut o cour i umi represente that he in non pre pared to render hiü uut as t uch executor. Tbertupon ii is oröered tlmt Tuesday, ihe first diiy of November Bozt, at ten o'oïockin theforenoon, De asslifzied ii examiniogand allowiug"uch account, Aud tuut the devisees, 19 gatee nnrl hei re ut luw ol Raid deceaaeÖ umi all othpr persons mterewted ill said ostate art? requireti to itfipear ai .1 BQB8Í0H of said court, Uk-d lo be bolden :it tlie Probate Office in the city of Add Arbor, in taid coumy, and show cause, ií anv bc, whj ilie Bftid account nboold Dot illt-wed. And it in iurtber ordeied ti'Ht said exemvur ifive potiee 10 ibepecAoneintöreated int ■ 1 ■ . the pendeuej if haid Mccouul ;tnl We hearing l lietool bv causib a eopy of Lbu order to b pablisheil in the Ann Akbok Akük, a newepaper printeil dttd clrcalaflug in lald county, tlirec succewive uree%. previons to said dav "f hearing; J. WI1.LMÍI) lïABIilT'l', lA tru OOpy.J ÜUii'e ui PrnbT Wtlliatw (i . t'o rY. Vrobute Hogtater. hstate of Donald Mclntyre. OTATifi ÜP MICHIGAN. CÜÜNTV O o) Wasbéenaw. sa. At a uesaiou of tbe Fwbai Court for tbe Counti 01 WaaiftciiaM, bnldon1 nu Probate Offioailu ih- City ot Ann Arhor, 01 Thursday, the s: xi li üa v fi ( t.'iubt'r, 1:1 tli fur our i ii'uiiaiui fihi huudred and niuety-two. freranl-. J.WUlard ttabbitt, Jndirèvf Probüta. I lu themítttt'i ui tnè eatatf.ol Dona ld Melufcyn . deci ;ied. Edvard D. Kioue, exeetitor of the lant will und tept:mient of said dece8fd, eumet iijt rourt and repruöeut, that he l now prepired to reud'-r hin tiual account a teach execmtor. Tlioreupon it is ordered, thot Monday, tht 31stdrty oi October ïnstmit, ai ten o';loclt m f.he fortuooi), t)e Mtigned lr examfnlug and allowinp suchaocount, aad that thedevMea. )eate ind lawof atiM de-'e;ised anJ :t!lutuer personn nuereated in eaiü estáte, are requi red to AppMT BV a ttensluu ol'said Court, th-;ir tto ie nolden at the Pro hale OlÜce, in the city of Aun Arbor, ín SHid'oao'y, and phow cmt, it KD) the't be, wb v the i-;iid üc count shuulil uut l)t-u]]owed. And il c furthtr ordcr-jO, Umi saiu extreutor give aotfee to the persona Intarested iu wild Cftbate of ibe pendency oi said Licount, andthe tteftiinii tbeceoí, bTCHuaing a Copy ot tbtt order (.0 tic puhlisbed íd the Ann Akiíoií ArGls, a uewnpHpfr pnnteil dnd clrcUiating in said County, three succeaaiTe woeks prévious to stiid dar of heiirii). J. WILLARD IVAKIïITT, [A true coy] Jadge offrobate. wiixiAM G.lSoTy, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
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