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Cloaks. Ho OU U-Ever; Gtrant New, Prices an object to any one who values a dollar. Styles such as to attract especial attention of all buyers of desirable cloaks. Tan Diagonal Jackets Worth $6.00, at $4.98. Heavy Diagonal Cheviot Jacksts, Worth $8.00, at $6.00. A vnr'utv of New Styles, worth $9.' $10.00, ui $8.00 and $8.50. At $10.00 and $12.00, a selection of goods worth up to $16.00. THE FAJVIOUS '8UBB" PLÜSH SACQUES, b'or whigh we have Sole Agency. Best imitation of Seal Skin in the Market Price Jhem. Cbildren'a and Miases' Garments in a f uil line of exceptionally tine styles, at Low Prices. E.F.ILI 2O MAIN. REPORT OF THE CONDITION -OFTHE FÏHST ÜIAL SUL -OFANN ARBOR, MICH., At Aun Avbor. 111 the State oi' Michigan, at the close of business September 80th, 1892. RBSOtTRCES. f,oiinp :i"(l UsoountS $311,186 41 Overdrafts, :; . U. S. liniuis to uro ciroulatlon,. . 25,000 tm Other stock, bonds and morcases, 9,200 00 Due frorn approved reservo agente, 50,511 58 Premium putd 4,r(Ki ui Due f rom State Bank and Bankora, . Bills in transit Uil r(i Real estáte, furniture and flxtnres,.. 39,: 50 80 Current expenses and taxes pald l Cheoks and other oaah Items 1565 18 Bills of other National Banks 8,91 00 Fructioiml nrrenoy (Includlng nickel) 180 ::i Specie 'inelmliiijr tnild Truasury notes) 12,860 n Legsl-tender note 4,425 00 Kedemptlon rund wlth IJ s. Treasiirer (5 per oent of drculation). 1,124 ?0 Total 1485,628 26 [4IABILITIE8. Capital stook pald in, ïino.dOO 00 Surplus IiiihI, 2n,(KXI 0(1 Uther pndirided pn.llis 84,278 90 Nailon) Uank notes outstandlng, 23,500 w unpald 18 00 Individual DopOKlca BUjjject In chrt-lt, 209,986 ss Donianii oertilloaU-s of depoelt, 98,1 Total 85,628 26 STATU OF uii-UKJANM , County 01 Wahienaw, f H ■ I.PirtneyW ninrksorv, Oashierof the above nameU liaul sar that the 1 statemnnt is ti ue ki 1 hu b8l of my knot anil lietiuf. S. W. CLAKK8ON, Cashler. Snli-ii-ril il i'mi Bworn to before me, tliis sixib dn) ui üctoier, 1M)2. DKN8.MOHECHAMBH, Notan Publlo. OOBUKCT- . rut : I'il IIJH BaOH, i JOKN M. WHEELKR, - Directora. ■ t LBMBNTÖ, ( Mo'lce to Credltors. OTATE OP YIICHKJAN, COUNÏY O '1 Va.sbii-nw hh. Notiii in hereby givei 1)h' by an ordfr of the Iiliate Court for the Cottntv uf W iibf" Huw niucie on the thinï la? of OcUb"-. A ï- 1H62, tix months trom that Knie wure aw! Foi 'n-ditoss to present their iliuiii np-KilwJ !'■■ - Khiieof Margaret 8. O. Story, lnii r siii'} "ii m Ie cased, nd tbatall credítor ■jf siit diceawl ktc ruired to present theiz Haim Ui wiH Trol ' the Probate Office in the eit) 'i An A 't"r. i'"ï cxmnination and allowanc, on -vi u hie tf ihlnl day of April, aexf. .m' ri pmrli i taiiDH will be henrd befóle mï ■ v';i t, ou rhir,! ay of J.utuary, und on tlie thir-l il) oí Aprii xi. at ten o'clock in the -i ol ,n '. -i ■ h v. Datwl. Aon Atún O:t. 3, A. D. 1892. i. U.l.AUD UAÍJBITT, Judettof Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News