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THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society. OF THE UXITED STATES. Hekst IS. IIyde, President. Jamf.s W. Alexandek, Viee-Pres't. JANUARI' 1, 1892. ASSETS $136,198,518 Liabilities 1MMO5,5:?7 SURPLUS . . . $2,22,O81 INCOME $39,054,i44 ïïew Business ) t,o. 11K i written in 1891. SS,11,1 Af tauce . 804.894,557 Investment Bonds, Endowment Policies. Ordinary Life Policies. Issued on the lives of both male and feruale aud payable tothe assured in 10, 15, or 20 years. Any person who will send the date of his birth will be given an illustratiou precisely adapted to his own age and circumstances. W, R. PRIGE, Agent, Ann Arbok, Mich. rob i sniiiiin BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep consintly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep n supply ot oskk'i: GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.' Best Wldto Whest Floxir, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, y led, &c, fcc, &c, A.t Wholesale and Uetail. A general stock o! SE0OERI2S AND PROVISIONS ronstantly on hnnd, whieh wil] be sold on as reasonable tenns as at any other houst; in the city. jayCash paid for Bntter, Eeg;s, and Country Produce generallv. E#""Goods DeUvered to anv part ot the city wilh out extra chante. Rinsey & Senbolt i) il i i ihe LarReft Gul! Mine. WlAMUM B8? e tarpest SH ver Mines. Has Extensi ve Grazine Eanges. Fine Timber Belt. Wide Agrioultural Valleys. Js larper tban New Eoffland, New Vork, Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Delaware cdlubined. The Grent Northern Hailwayis the direct line from St. Paul and Minneapolls to Great Falla, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Hntte and other Montana pointe. Apply to your home airent for tickets over the öreat Northern. I do not wisb to blow i rito I FND them, but merely whtsper thut the Ked Kiver Valloy otters flne induceinents for home seekers, MK s aleo the entire regrion alone the Great Northern Railway through Minnesota, North DaYOIIR kllta uufi Montana. For Maps, GuldeBooks, etc., apply to F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. FARS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In some states the I yup YOIINfr ratio is two and of' rlt ivunu ten three to one in vnilNin „ favor of the men. Tuu"ü WOMEN, ! The best route f rom MEN St. Paul, MinneapIVItlN rr. olis, Duluth and ARE OUT UU West Superior to 't-'1-'' the Northwestern -i-MFRF' urcTi and Paciüe States is inent vvcoi. via the Great Normow thern Hailway . nu w . Farms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to suit purchasers. No failuro of crops ín twelve years of seltiement Large yields of wheat and other pen Staples. Fine stock región. ntl Good schools and churches. Healthful climate. Great Markets within easyreaeh. Farms RIVFR P;lid for from the l'ioceeds ol in i kil one crOp# Higlu'St prices paid for produots. The (nat Nortlu-ï-n Hailway h&s three lines VALLEY throiiKli tlu' 'Valli'.v. Adórese W. w. Braden, Land Commissiont'r, St. l'iiul, Mini!., for ]artlculnjre. ABOÜT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publtoatlons aenl free, and letters askmir Information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotaa and Montana anawered by v. i Whttney, (. P. & T. a., Great Nortiern Railway, St. Paul. Tiokets b allpointsin the West. Lowesi ratea lo the Pacific Coast. i I i í I (8 ■mHfllHHB11"1'"11 1;'"y:"!:! th" WÊ ytaKtí ctacb are playedB A mili T MAnPH "! 'I''' telephone and ■ H IUILI mMULBoavis Family QuiltiiiK ■ iu a nminM H .Maclilne are modern neIN 3 HOURS. Bci'ssitii-s. MygulItlnuMii■ ■ chine ia a new und valúaH ble attactamCDt for all HewlnKniiioliliies. Oue lady (not6or 9) can make a auilt in 3 faours; quílt cnildren's oloaks; dressnlnK, etc. Senil 86. OO and I wlll scml yon ii machine by flrst express, Aents wanted everywhore. Kor circulara nnd full inforraation atlilrcss HKNBT T. DAV1S, 30 W. Kandolph 8t., Chicago Seton Hall College. CATHOUC. South Orange New Jersey. ünsurpaBsed for healthfulness of location elegance of buildings, general equlpment and excellence of instruction. FOUNDED 1856. Send for prospectus and book of photogTaphic viewg, REV. WM. F. MARSHALL, President.


Ann Arbor Argus
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