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Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. Wbst'8 Nkbve and BraisThepjt mekt, a guaranteed speeiflc for Hyateria nZ' ztness. Convulstons, ïïts, Nervous Neuralïu" Headjche, Kervous Prostration caused by thó use o) alcohol or tobáceo. Wakefulness MentS Depression, Sofiening of the Brain rêsulUnJ in insamty and leading to misery, decav ann deatb. Premature OM Age, Bárrennos 5. oi Power in either sex, Involuntary Loskp and bperruatorrhcea caused by over-exertinn of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulrcn Each box cootains one month'a treatmpn tlM a box, or six boxes for $3.(10, sent by prepaid on receipt ot' priee. ' WEGUARiNTEESIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order rcceivp,i by us tor six boxes, accompaniod with SS 00 ,, will Beria the'purcnaser our written ■uurantn tff refund the money if the treatment does Tt gffect a cure. Guáranteos istraed only hv SteSOoh ' DrUgiri8ts' Sole As.Z $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any cas of Liver Uomplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indigestión, Conetipation or CostiveneasT i caunot cure with West's Vegetable LiverPilk when the direct ions are strictly complied witjh' They are purely Vegetable, and never fail tA givesatisfaetion. Sugar Coated. Largebor contaming 30 Pilis, 25 cents. Beware of Zn terfeits and imitatlons. The genuine man?, factured only by THE JOHN C. WESTfmi PANY, CH1ÖAGO, 1LL. For sale by all d?u, giSt6. ulKWALL PAPlRi WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRECES THE L.OWEST AT OSCAR 0. SOUG, THE DJSCORATOR, MRS. C. H. JONES, 4UKBI0IABU lESSilIl! Fourth St. Opposlte Coart House ■fraping and Cuttinj a Speciallj! Mme. Kellog-g-'s French ïailor System i.sed Perfect work guaraateed. Instrueti.!, in outtinifby the Kellog t'rench Taylor s.-tem given. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West AnK Street. inuïjuainuGGiïiiiB, In the rear oi' Edward Duffy's grocery str Hack to all trains, day and niKht. Orders for trains, parties, weddings and funerala promptly attended to. Telephone, II Ano Arbor Mich. F. C. Scott, dealer in Kelley Island and White Lime, Hair, Ualcined Piaster, Louisville and Portland Cements. Oflice and Ware Booms in the Finnegan Block, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. Note.- We are the only flrm that handles the genuine Kelley Island Lime in this city. KÖLBIËjii Pupil of Sauret. Atter tbree years' atudy at the "Stern Conservatory," Berlin. Germany, uuder eminent teachers in Solo, Ensemble, and Theory; als under professors of the "Berlin High School" is now prepared to take pupils at his rooms ia the Ann Arbor Organ Company's Building; Cor. Main and Liberty SU., t3S Terras made known on applieatiou. .1 PRIVATE DISEASES -DISEASES OF THE SKIN Specially and Skillf ully Treated Vo Patent Medicine Fraiid, ( ? ;lf ,ft.r I!.eaa' NoCompunyorlnstituteFake, 4 A ''?"" ''and Ho Electrlcal Humbug, „ nd . „ Over twenty years active Hospital and Sanit .■; lum experience. ThouBands of happy, grateful, cures, extending into every State in tha Union. t" If you are interested, investiga t. Yuu will surely be pleasfd and maybe surprised. Wrim fuliy. Iuquire frnely. A valnable trestise on Diseases of a Private Naturn, conildertial au-! free. SEND FOR IT. Address or cali un DR. O. J. R HANNA. JACKSON. MICü at i.,, 'Htll il ■'.!■ . ' Ot '"■ Jjtïr' .'. I I' i ■! " 'i -.vr . .; yk, .;■ . , . : ■■ , ■ . '.,■ - II MtlQCUt' i I i.. ..... ,.. i '.: ' öeorpc i ■ ;-. A:n :■.' ■ ■ livortifi toyonl'oro ottoljur. Tl ■ ' ! ' makOH i, pi'f-Oïi ir.n ïï.-joj :i ho'-:''1'. v . i ' ■ Postal Noie. Tliebe8tthinBforiwnts. Thoi:i: In bein BOld daily. OanTnssiníí ourfli ï'ree. A'jdi'u-ri UTHO. statueït;: oikick. Uoom No. 10. SU Dcurborn St.. Chleaj;o. [IL LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSIT CO. The Süii lila hl Inteuded sailings of steamers f rom Detroit for Sault Ste Marie, Dulutti and other Lake Superior Ports : -Moudays, 8 p. M. ; Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:: p. m.; central time. lor Oleveland.Erie and Bufl'alo, Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 5 p. M., central time, niaKing raihoad connections for all points East and South. Hail connectious at Duluth for ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Northern Paciiic and Great Northern itiülway Poits, Pacific Coast, eto. Baggage checked through to destinntion. roi For tickets and Information, apply to J. T. WHIT1KG, Gen'l ARent, Dock and Ornee. :: West Atwater St , near GriBWOld, Dbtroit, Mica. pa nm oheap HM M? WA %f '20.000 ACRES of üistL Hl O ÏSB class MICHIGAN '"" í drTí 'L B landsnear ïailroads, in Alcona, ■ ■ Alpena and Montmorency count!es; soil, rich clay and gravel loams; B hardwood timber; well watered by sprmgj and living streams; near churches, schools and lively towns. Prioe, 3 to 5 per acre. Easy terms. Perfect titles. ., ... . T. 8. SPRAGUE, 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News