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SHILOH'S C0NSUMPT10N CURE. The success of this Great Conqh Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggisls are authorized to sell it orí a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free mto evevy home in the UnUed States and Canada. Il you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If yonr chiid hns tbc Croup, orWhooping Cough, use il promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that i: sidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask yonr ürug;;ist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cis., 50 ets. and $1.00. If your I.ungs are sore or Back lame, Mse Shiloh's Porous I'rice 25 ets. tl ARM FOR SALE.- A ono hundred and twenty acre farm for salo oheap, looated aboit two milft8 from city liniits on one of tlii tu -1 roads loading trom Ann Arbor. Rnouire .). T. JacobB. 43 & Estáte of Charles Stollsteimer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ni Washtenaw, bs. Al a session of the l'rolateCourt ïor the County of Wasbtenaw, hollenat the Probate Office in the Cityof Ann ,;„.r, on Thur8day;the27thdayof Ootober, in thousand elgbi hundred anJ i u'O. Present J. Willard liabhitt, Judge of ProIn tbe matterof the estáte oL Charles Stolldoceased. On reading and flling the petltion duly veriled of Joseph T. 8baw, exeeutor, praylBffthat be 'iiuiy be lloeosed to geil the Keal Estáte ; Batd Snceased díed s"ized. ïhereupon It is ordered, thatTuesday. the Snd áay PJf Novembt-r aext, al ten o'elock ni pie foréínoon, be ttsslgned the h of Bald petltion. aod tha1 the devieoe, leñatees and belrs at law óf s.ii'l deceased, and al] other persona Interegted in eald estáte, are requlred tq appear ai a session of said Court, then to be hoíden at the Probate OfBoe, In the City ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why theprayer ol t he petitloner should not he granted. Anditis further ordered that sald petltloner prive notice to the Dereona lntereated n saiil estáte, "I the pendenoy ofrsald peütlon, and the bearlng thereof , by oausmg a oopy of thisorder to be nublisliod'in the Ann Abbob ABOU8, a newspaper printed and circiilated in saiil oounty, three suece.ssive weeks previous to said day of hearing. } WItLAKD „A„mTT. [ true copy.l Judge of Probate. Wil. mam CJ. Duty, Probate Heelster. GOOpYEAH'S DRUG STORE 4 5 -iL I w EVEKVliODVS VOTING, so they say, for Goodyear & ('o., nd the returns wltl show thatwebave ncunelocted for anothcr yonr to Fumista ihc state hospital with drugs, medi. cines, etc., betause vji uü the bett jood and scll tlu-m as oheapor cheaper than auyone. If we can scll themwecan picase you. Try os when m oeed i anyttalng iu ourllne. Gosiygu'i h Store. Sidewalk Notice. Citt ( i.f.kk's Office, 1 HS City of Aun Arbor. ƒ The lloard ot Public Works haring: oaused to be oertifled to thls eouncll a statement of the oonstruotiOD of sldewalks mljacent to private property at the expenso of the Street Fund. Theretore it is orderocl that lie Hret Monday of Novembei next. at scren o'clock p. ín., tv appofnted as the time and the Councü Chamberasthe ulace whero this ('ouiiuil wil] meet to review the sa id cerliBcate. Notice of whieh meeting Is hereby ven to all persons intereBted in the sume. It is fnrther ordcred thar, the City Cleik cause this order to be published in the next issue of the A nu Arbor Arffus, and due prooi' of guoh publication to be flled in this office. Pased in the (,'ommon Council of the oity of Ann Arbor, this 17th day of Oetober, A. I. J892 W. J. MILLRK, City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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